Touching, complicated and sad
This movie is just so depressing, while being both beautiful and kind of dull made. The entertainment value here is not very high so if you are looking for fluff or entertainment go somewhere else. The story however is one that needs to be told and is very well made.I really appreciated how they showed intimacy and sensual sexual scenes between two elderly men. Scenes I would say where very tastefully done showing how they care and lust for each other as well as the growth within their relationship. While at the same time reminding us that one of them is married with the many close ups to the ring on his finger as well as portrayals of his double life as a very caring husband. they do not let us forget for one second that these two men are having an affair, but they also make sure to show us what put them there.
These two men are portrayed as loving fathers and family men who put their families above themselves while hiding who they are, not only out of fear but also out of care. Something that does sound selfcontradictary but if you see this movie you will understand what I mean by that.
The movie combines all kinds of different interactions, the looks those who are out recieve, and extremely powerful dialog to show the complex reality many elderly gay med (but I would assume all parts of the spectrum) have had to deal with at one point or another... And unlike many other portrayals of LGBTQ+ issues this one leaves very little room for hope and rather leaves us in despair...
So yes this is worth watching, but just be sure you enter it on a day you can handle some pain... Also it does have some dull moments...
Bonus: this may or may not be considered a bit of a spoiler so be where:
I am in no way religious but I am going to state some dialog there that shot me like a an arrow straight in the gut... (this may not be the accurate wording but it went something along the line:
Do you know what my son told me to convert me?
I want to be able to find you when we are dead...
Once combined with some other dialog where the men mention how as young people they faced hate and had to hide by marrying women, later on in life they had to hide while raising a family... once the kids moved out they had to hide for even more reasons... As an elderly man shares how he used to get a long with his neighbors but ever since he was shown at pride they completely changed and he was forced to hide... Was just so well done, and did not feel the least like an educational movie while having a very high educational value.
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Una historia tan bella como real.
Un film que nos abre la puerta hacia lo más profundo, y a mi entender, el peor lado de nuestras sociedades, donde las personas no pueden vivir libremente, sino que somos simples marionetas que debemos seguir los supuestos socialmente predeterminados, y si bien en la película se toca el tema del amor, también vemos que este problema atraviesa muchas aristas de la vida de una persona, tal como la forma de vestir, la forma de planificar nuestro futuro, etc.Realmente ame esta película, cuenta una historia que te llega a lo más profundo del corazón, y que es tan real, que cualquiera podría sentirse identificado. Incluso en algunas partes se me salto alguna que otra lagrimilla.
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linda história
rindo que eles se conheceram porque um deles tava afim de fazer banheirão!!!!Esses dias eu estava pensando em umas coisas que conversa muito com uns dos discursos no final do filme que é sobre ser uma pessoa velha e lgbtqia+. De quanto na mídia como na vida real não parece ter muito espaço para essas pessoas que não seja em um lugar vexatório. é uma virada de chave quando você percebe que pra ter acesso a determinados direitos pessoas anteriores tiveram que abrir mão de muita coisa. o número de homens gays que construíram uma família para se encaixar em um padrão é meio assustador e só de pensar na ideia de viver uma vida inteira presa nesse padrão fico em pânico. Passar anos da sua vida com medo e vivendo na sombra de algo para ter uma galera mais nova tirando sarro de você aproveitando fragmentos de uma vida que você poderia ter tido é um desrespeito sem tamanho.
Enfim, o filme é lindo. É muito bonita toda construção da relação dos personagens que acontece durante a obra. Os momentos de felicidade são genuínos e te faz vibrar pelos dois!
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Hongkongský "festival" zabývající se ne zcela běžným tématem dvou teplých dědečků na mě za 10 určitě nezapůsobil. Celkově právě příběh byl pro mě tím nejslabším článkem, kdy ten závěr se snad hodil do doby před třiceti, padesáti lety. Téma starších pánů držet celý život hubu a krok a pouze hladově pokukovat po jiných na smrdutých veřejných záchodcích a holandách mi přijde do třetího tisícíletí lichá. Mám dojem, že se tato bývalá britská kolonie po více jak dvaceti letech čínské nadvlády stále více "rozpouští" do Číny" a nedivím se, že Británie je připravena pojmout až jeden milion Hongkongčanů, kteří se připravují zdrhnout před tuhými čínskými zákony. A téma "gay domova důchodců" pro gaye, kteří se celý život schovávali před světem pod ženskou sukni, mi nepřišel také právě moc in. Jen mezi gayi bych na stáří žít nechtěl tak, jako to nejde ani v běžném životě, kde jsou všichni součástí většinové společnosti. Heteráci si alespoň dají přes hubu a je klid, ale mezi gayi, a to jsem poznal tady, jsou i mstiví závistivci plivající kolem sebe jed, zlobu, zášť a léčící si své mindráky. Herectví bylo profi, ale postavy nepotřebovaly, aby ze sebe herci vymáčkli i duši. Zvuk a zpracování nad průměrem. Mingovi děkuji za jeho další cz titulky.
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