A Tale of Thousand Stars
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So, I just finished watching the last episode of "a tale of thousand stars" and it left me with so many emotions that i decided to write a review in order to pour them all out.For everyone who is still contemplating wether you should give this drama a try or not, i want to help you by saying "YES, you should definitly watch it". Without giving too much away, everything in this show is just so spot on. The story, the characters, the soundtrack, the cinematography, ... You can practically feel, how much work and thought were put into every single scene.
Everything makes sense. There's a read thread going through each episode, starting from the very first one to the finale. It never loses focus on the original plotpoint, still giving the characters and the storyline room for development.
What i personally loved most about the show, is the complexity of the different characters and their relationships towards each other. Their actions and feelings are not just black and white, right and wrong. There is so much going on on the inside and they were written so cleverly, that despite their complexity, they are still relatable and the viewer can empathize with them.
Last but surely not least, let's talk about he incredible chemistry between the two male protagonists. Every time Tian and Phupha interact with each other - heck, every time they even just look at each other - you can feel the tension and electricity going on between them. There are literal sparks flying around them. I salute to Earth and Mix for their fantastic performance.
In conclusion, I can nothing but recommend this show, It truly moved my heart and i am sure it will move yours as well.
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Gets better with every episode
You just gotta trust the process, believe me. What started as a try-not-to-cringe-challenge turned out to be one of the best dramas for LGBTQIA+ representation I`ve ever seen. There were many times, especially during the first couple of episodes, where i was about to drop the show. But man am I glad I didn`t.There were so many important matters raised, and the way the characters solved their issues through communication and mutual understanding was very well done.
I loved that every character had their own problems and insecurities, adding depth to their personalities and their storylines. You wouldn`t believe it at the start of the show, but the characters end up being super relatable and authentic. The actors and actresses did a great job portraying their characters, making their actions and emotions feel natural and believable.
Besides the romantic relationship, the platonic friendships really did it for me. The pure care, love and support they were continuously giving each other were so beautiful, they really touched my heart.
It`s not perfect, and it sure has it`s flaws. But it`s totally worth a shot.
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