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Our Skyy 2: My School President thai drama review
Our Skyy 2: My School President
13 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
by jreviews
mai 18, 2023
2 of 2 episoade văzute
Completat 5
Per total 7.5
Poveste 4.0
Acționând / Cast 8.5
Muzică 9.0
Valoarea Revizionării 8.0
Această recenzie poate conține spoilere

Fourth and Gemini can save even the stupidest of ideas

When I saw the teaser for the Our Skyy episodes of My School President, I almost cried. Yes, that might have been a big over-reaction, but let me explain.

I absolutely adore My School President. It is one of my favorite BLs ever. It’s not perfect at all, but it has a very special place in my heart. And that is mainly because of Fourth and Gemini. They were amazing in the show, had fantastic chemistry and are just so cute that you cannot help but smile at whatever they do. So yes, I’m very emotionally attached to both Gemini and Fourth as well as Tinn and Gun. I spent hours, imagining what the Our Skyy episodes would be about. Maybe a time skip to them in college? Maybe they’re preparing for another music contest? Maybe the band is getting more successful and Tinn is feeling insecure about all of Gun’s fans? Those are only a few ideas I had. And then I saw the teaser, and I wanted to scream. Making this into a role reversal storyline was, in my opinion, a really stupid thing to do. We got attached to the characters of Tinn and Gun, and were eager to see a continuation of their story. But what we got is the same story, apparently set in a parallel universe, where the roles are reversed. What a let-down. And despite my urge to cry and scream at my wishes not being fulfilled, I was excited for the episodes to air. Because I already knew I would be smiling like an idiot as I watch Gemini and Fourth work their magic yet again.

I was right.

I still don’t like the concept of this role reversal. Not even slightly. It’s not interesting, it doesn’t add anything meaningful to the original story or the characters. It feels like a fanfic someone wrote, because they wanted it to be GunTinn instead of TinnGun. It’s dumb and useless and I freaking loved every second of it. And that is one hundred percent because of Fourth and Gemini. It felt really weird seeing them in the opposite role, but they still nailed it. They brought their natural cuteness, chemistry and comedy to these two episodes, and turned a stupid concept into a super enjoyable spin-off. Would I have preferred a meaningful continuation of the original story? Absolutely. Am I going to rewatch these two episodes 100 times? Absolutely.

If you liked My School President, you’re probably going to like this, even if at first you think you might not. I liked how Tiw and Por were given more screen time here. They’re really cute together. The whole cast is doing as great of a job as they did in the original series, making this a very enjoyable experience despite the silly concept. It also makes you appreciate how well they cast the actors in their original roles, because this definitely feels off in all the right ways. None of these guys are perfect actors yet (some a bit weaker than others), but for this kind of series it’s definitely more than good enough. The music is still great too. And on top of all this, these two episodes were refreshingly self-aware. It felt almost like a parody of the original show (and other BLs/tropes) in certain moments, and that only added to my enjoyment. Gun talking about how maybe in a different universe, he was more courageous, was a bit too on the nose for me, but I still appreciated the humour of it all. It hurt a little how some of TinnGun’s iconic lines were given to other couples/characters, but at the same time, I enjoyed them doing that. The dance sequence was too long and felt incredibly awkward due to the choreography. It would've felt much more sincere had they just sticked to regular slow-dancing.

I would rate this a 10 if I didn’t hate the idea behind it so much. Not an objective 10, but a very subjective 10, because I can’t stop smiling at Fourth and Gemini. They’re absolute pros at cuteness overload. However, I can’t rate this a 10, not only because I disliked the concept, but also because within the two episodes, certain things didn’t make a lot of narrative sense. For example, the whole conflict between Tinn and Gun in episode two, felt extremely stupid, considering nothing severe had actually happened between them. Gun being unable to tell Tinn he likes him didn’t warrant such a reaction in my opinion. Then again, they only had two episodes and needed to push the story forward somehow, so I’ll excuse this at least to a certain degree.

If you’re looking for a more objective review than that, maybe read some others, because I’m heavily biased when it comes to these two.

All of this being said, I want to pose one question: What the hell was going on in that writer’s room for Our Skyy 2?
Either they were drunk, high, or purposefully trying to make this series as fanfic-y as possible. And I don’t mean that in a bad way, I love fanfiction! It’s just that they chose to execute most of it like a badly written fanfic. At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Bad Buddy episodes were about Pat and Pran flying to Mars, where they get sucked into a wormhole that sends them to yet another parallel universe, where everything is gender-swapped and the BL turns into a GL. And maybe in the episodes about A Tale of Thousand Stars, Tian is revealed to be the long lost prince of a magical mountain realm of elves, and he needs to claim his position as royalty with Phupha acting as his bodyguard. And Gun and Cher are probably gonna accidentally swap bodies while sneezing at the same time, thus making the boss the babe and the babe the boss. Anything is possible at this point.

EDIT: I saw the teaser for the A Boss And A Babe episodes, and I wasn’t far off!
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