
  • Ultima Oară Online: ian 26, 2023
  • Sex: Femeie
  • Locație: USA
  • Contribution Points: 2 LV1
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  • Data înscrierii: mai 13, 2016
mai 17, 2017

episode 3 spoilers ahead

Spoilers Ahead!

'A Woman No One Looks For'

1.Ga (sun) Yeong's mother wanders through the rain, screaming her daughters name. As she does, there are flashbacks to a young woman running, bound, through the rain and pursued by a faceless person (is she someone that the mother knows?). Officer Park tries to calm her down, and that is when Ga Yeong appears and says she was at a friends house. Her mother slaps her so hard she falls to the ground.

2.The next day So Yoon visits her family and talks about the necklace she found last episode. Her parents bought one for her and her sister (I think Hyo Jin was her sister). She finds it strange that there are only ash containers for her parents. She follows up on it and learns there is no death certificate for herself or her sister. She is able to get officer Park to follow up on this and find out if her sister survived.

3.Meanwhile, Yoo Na visits the police station and reports that the corpse must be that of Hyo Jin because of the items listed publicly as found with the corpse. She recognized the bracelet and explains she has one and that Hyo Jin made it thus it must be her. However, her credibility is low and the police dismiss it. (Also, Ba Yoo, the autistic boy, broke into the roof top storage unit and takes the time capsule....)

4.Officer Park begins to investigate Hyo Jin because Yoo Na's report is the only lead they have on the corpse. He visits the home of Hyo Jin to speak to So Yoon but she doesn't answer. Instead he encounters her neighbor and we learn that she is also a fortune teller. She explains that the last time she saw Hyo Jin she had just purchased a bunch of gold fish. This must mean she had no intention of leaving. Shortly after, when they broke into her apartment after she was missing, the horrible smell of dead fish filled the apartment. Next he visits the storage unit because it was broken into, although nothing of value was taken. he finds a photo of Hyo Jin and takes it with him.

5.Over a family dinner we learn that Gi Hyun was a very sensitive child growing up and in his early teens did not like his new stepmother, but that changed. Yoo Na tells her father the truth, in spite of her mother's well constructed lie, that she saw Hyo Jin and that is her corpse. She is sent to her room and her father confronts the mother and suggests she be placed in a mental institution (I think he is more concerned about his public image since he is planning on running for office). Her mother adamantly refuses to do this and insists it is because of puberty. However, now the father is interested in learning the identity of the corpse and tells the Police Chief to notify him once it is confirmed. (Also, during this confrontation, they essentially talk about the affair he had because the mother blames it on that and the father admits she played her part as well...)

-I Think her brother is strangely calm throughout all of this. If this was a case of who did it, he seems almost TOO perfect.--

6.Meanwhile, Yoo Na asks her brother to hire Ga Yeong. Ga Yeong returns to school with a hideous hair cut (her mother chopped it off as punishment). The girls giggle over several photos of a transvestite (man dressing up as a woman) and it seems to be someone they know. Elsewhere, Gi Hyun calls out So Yoon and asks him to keep an eye on this teen because he is concerned about his sister being bullied. Shortly after this, Ga Yeong watches a young girl flirt with Nam. She pushes her down the stairs (So Yoon sees this) and Nam stares at Ga Yeong while he calls for an ambulance (is he the man in the car? are they dating?)

-I think it is weird that So Yoon does not report this or confront her-

7.Not long after, Nam makes dinner for Jo Hee (pharmacist/Ji Sook's sister) and here she learns from Nam that Gi Hyun will be the head of the school. She reveals her sister must be extremely angry because she always wanted that position and now she has lost it to her stepson. She also shares that although her sister appears innocent she is very greedy. Nam gifts her with a necklace because it is their anniversary (I bet he is two-timing her with that student...)

8.Meanwhile, So Yoon and Yoo Na do a glass art class together. She learns from Yoo Na that Teacher Hyo Jin told her there was a monster in the village and that it would kill her soon (this is why she believes the corpse is the teachers). Her mother overhears this on the stairs and looks...not happy, to say the least. Still, she doesn't reveal she knows. At this class So Yoon gets a call her sister survived, and this is how Yoo Na and her mother learn about her family.

9.Officer Park continues to question the people who knew Hyo Jin and goes to her place of work. Her supervisor is very vague and dismissive but the other girl working there searches the computer and tells her she worked there for 6 months and quit (really fired) for not coming in for a week. The supervisor becomes irritated and states that she called her and she never returned her calls. She states it wasn't a crime and that young people are constantly quitting jobs thus she figured it was irresponsible of her and never looked into it.

10.The dental records of Hyo Jin are checked to be compared to that of the corpse....which is good because the assembly man met with the police chief and is able to get him to agree to rule it an accident if no new info surfaces by the end of the week (so shady)

11.Ga Yeong is interviewed and hired. For reasons not known, Gi Hyun is ordered to make Teacher Nam full time (is it because he is dating the assemblyman's sister in law? maybe that is why he is with her..for his career)

12.Elsewhere, we learn (due to Officer Park's nagging) that the serial killer leaves something behind in the bodies of his/her victims and that the body they found did not have anything in it. Elsewhere, Ga Yeong shows Yoo Na the photo of the transvestite and insists that is the murder. She whispers the reason in her ear (we don't get to hear it) and this leads Yoo Na to state the corpse is Hyo Jin's, which upsets Ga Yeong.

13.That evening, after doing glass art with So Yoon (and the painting Hyo Jin painted? I think she was pregnant) and meets up at a shed with Ga Yeong. Ba Woo was supposed to arrive but he doesn't come. Yoo Na goes inside while Ga Yeong is the look out. Inside are women's clothes and wigs (this must be where the guy changes his clothes). Unfortunately, Yoo Na left her phone behind. The episode ends with Yoo Na finding dozens of photos of Hyo Jin and the guy looming over her, in women's clothes...also, the body is confirmed to be Hyo Jin from dental records!

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mai 17, 2017

Episode 2 Spoilers Ahead!

Spoilers Ahead!

1.First, we see the events just prior to the moments of last episode's end. The audience learns, during a conversation between Seo Chang Gwon and Yoon Ji Sook that her brother manages the families China branch of the factory. She also has other family members (sister, etc.) but she is extremely vague when her husbands asks about them. (The impression is that she gives very wishy washy answers, as if to change the subject or to avoid talking about her family in a non suspicious way.)

2.After her parents go to sleep, Yoo Na sneaks out of the house having received a message from a stranger planning a meet up. We then go back to the scene ending last episode, and Yoo Na is at So Yoon's door, filthy, calling for Teacher Hye Jin before collapsing.

3.So Yoon takes her to a hospital, Yoo Na's parents and brother arrive, and she relates a story of seeing a car on the side of the road, and someone grabs her from behind, and then the next thing she knows she is in the hospital. Her mother, by the way, explains that her daughter must have been out so late because she was looking for a PC room (they confiscated her computer because she is on it so late at night). So Yoon does not believe her and cautions Office Park.

4.Gi Hyun drives So Yoon home and explains that he and his little sister have two different mothers (what happened to his mother? It would also explain why their grandmother dislikes his sister so much). He also states he did not know Hye Jin when So Yoon asks. When she arrives at her house, he asks her 'you live here?' and she replies 'yes did you know who lived here?' and he states no (I find this suspicious)

5.Later, we learn from Officer Park and his superior, now investigating the report given by Yoo Na at her father's order (which annoys them both, how the Captain essentially is the assemblyman's lackey) that 11 people have run away this year. No one has been listed as missing (so Hye Jin is listed as, perhaps, someone who just left town even though her manner of leaving was rather suspicious--she left all her belongings behind)

6.Teacher Nam admits when So Yoon asks if he knew Hye Jin that they were 'acquaintances'. Later, Ba Woo's father goes to the pharmacy where Kang Jo Hee works and explains that his son, who is autistic, has been acting oddly since last night (he too return homed late, and dirty). Jo Hee visits and the only information she is able to learn is he asks her 'Is Hyo Jin dead? Why is she dead?'. Meanwhile, Yoo Na's grandmother scolds her and her mother, which causes Yoo Na to lash out, leading her mother to not only scold her but ask her to stop making things hard for her.

Flash Back

7.Jo Hee and Hye Jin are playing tennis together. Hye Jin tells her friend that 1)Something will happen soon and 2)she buried a time capsule with all the children and in it are some big secrets


8.Meanwhile, Yoo Na, still curious about Hye Jin, asks the landlord what he knows about her. He explains that he has only had the contract for the building for a year (what happened to the previous landlord?) and he can only confirm that Hye Jin was the previous occupant. He never met her.

9.Meanwhile, the police pull footage from the stoplight near where Yoo Na dropped her bike. It shows no proof or evidence of what happened. They speculate she lied to hide something; probably something she does not want her parents to know...

10.Meanwhile, Jo Hee meets with Ji Sook who is working on her art. Jo hee gives the impression of someone not so nice (I can't explain it) and tells Ji Sook about the time capsule and insists that the body belongs to Hye Jin but Ji Sook maintains she is uninterested in knowing about this and that there is no proof it is Hye Jin. However, Jo Hee emphasizes there was a 'big secret' in it...

11.Elsewhere, Yoo na is on the roof of her school about to smoke cigarettes when Sun Yeong (a high school student who, for reasons unknown, has a photo of Ji Sook and I think So Yoon's father; I can't be certain if he is the man in the photo) and she bullies Yoo Na, stating she was at the lake and saw her rolling around and laughing in the corpse pit with Ba Woo. A flashback reveals they indeed were laughing and there but it was because they fell. Ba Woo was carrying a shovel. What were they looking for? Time Capsule? Teacher Nam shows up and intervenes on Yoo Na's behalf before delivering a curt threat and it seems that Sun Yeong likes him...

12.The police share the footage with the family in addition to testimony from the doctor (although the captain is annoyed about this latter part) showing that there was no evidence that someone grabbed her. She must be lying, and they think she is hiding something. The congressman ignores this and says 'she's safe, no one is out there hurting people' and dismisses it. This really upsets the officers as the Captain dismisses the entire case. They think it is suspicious/a cover up.

13.Later, the assemblyman meets up with a business partner to reassure him about the investment for the tourist resort. He explains that he essentially plans to have the body reported as an accidental death because it is plausible in order to placate the public. Although the other man finds this a bit reprehensible the assemblyman convinces him that they need this investment. True to his words, the headlines report is as 'highly likely an accident' which further angers Officer Park. (He has already confirmed that the DNA matches no one in the town and believes it is a cover up. The investigation is still on going. His superior finally shared, although he isn't supposed to, that he doesn't think the corpse is related to the serial killer because the serial killer always leaves a mark on the body and this body does not have any kind of mark...)

14. Then, Ji Sook asks to meet with So Yoon and asks her to help her in keeping her daughter's mouth 'closed'. She explains that her daughter, ever since she was small, could predict death. She tells her that a boy went missing when she was a pre-schooler, and for days she asked 'why is the boy swimming with clothes'. He was later found in the lake, clothes on, dead. She explains to her that her daughter told her that the night she left, she thought she saw Hye Jin headed towards So Yoon's home, and that is why she went there (so it is Hye Jin's body?)

15.The episode ends with Yoo Na being cornered by Sun Yeong. She again gives her trouble and tells her she owes her because the night she lied she caused her to miss a party. She tells her that she wants a job at her father's company. Yoo Na states she can't do that. Then Sun Yeong tells her she knows who killed the dead girl, that she was there with that person by the lake the night she saw them. She will tell her if she gets her the job. That night, it is raining, and it looks like a car is following Sun Yeong. At first she is afraid, but she recognizes the person inside (we don't see his face). She gets in, and he puts his hand on her thigh....(very serial killer vibe. is it Wednesday?)

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mai 10, 2017

episode 18 spoilers ahead

spoilers ahead

1.Chou Nu is prepare to fight with her pitch fork. Qu Yuan fights with a sword. Lord Cheng watches creepily from the trees. The 'ghost' appears and flies through the air and claws these guys apart before chasing them off. The ghost knows Mo Chou. It is Lan Niang (I CALLED IT)

2.They go to the cave, and learn that the family of Lan Niang has been surviving in the wilderness, apart from the village, with the first 'ghost', a man who could not live in Quan County. This old man saved her and her family. They choose to live away from the nobles because of the cost to rent land from nobles, and then you must give them almost all of your food. Chou Mou defends Qu Yuan,who is trying to change things. Ultimately, they return, and Qu Yuan feels like he has been taken down a notch--he thought he was taking care of everyone but people must survive this way.

3.Again, his attendant warns him to be wary since again he was attacked but Qu Yuan won't stop! He is going to report directly to the emperor--to the point of dragging him out of the bed of his consort. He arrives with a 'ghost' to prove to the king they exist--he brings in the old man from the mountain, (OMG he even scares the emperor!). He explains he is a 60 year old man appearing like this/ He is very direct with the king and accuses him of not knowing the pain of his people. He explains essentially the situation with the old man.

4.Meanwhile, the queen dowager receives a report on the current situation. The reporter explains it is bad for the nobles, the state of chu does not belong to commoners. She reasons that it may be good for the state if the lives of the commoners are improved (most of this untranslated) but she accuses him of pretending to act poor in front of her. However, Qu Yuan is destabilizing the balance with the nobles. At last, the queen dowager is going to start plotting...

5.When Qu Yuan mentions that some people have even fled Chu because of the conditions, that seems to capture the emperor's attention. (I wish this was translated).

6.The emperor counters that the land belongs to the nobles. Qu Yuan reminds him that he once said all the people in Chu are his people. How can he only care about nobles? The site of the old man eating like a dog is enough to arouse his disgust. The emperor accuses him of forcing him but he states it his conscience. He agrees to whatever it is that he suggested (I wish this argument was translated)

7.Essentially the emperor is worried that the nobles will revolt. That is a pretty big concern, especially since this is, you know, the warring states period....

8.Elsewhere, Xia'er continues to mourn and miss Cang Yun while Cai Wei tells her to get over it...

9.The emperor visits with the Queen Mother and argues with her over the future of their state. He blames the nobles, but she points out these families work for him. (valid point).

10.Xia'er believes she has found Cang Yun (how the heck is she able to get around so easily? her parents are so liberal!) Meanwhile, Qu Yuan returns back and he admits to some success. The Mo family helps the Niang family get back to 'normal' with fresh clothes and hair cuts. Even their old house is fixed up. Lord Jing and his guys are mad about this newest edict.

11.Cang Yun appears! He is being beat for gambling and paying them back. Qu Yuan pays the debt. He recognizes him, but the man denies it and walks off. (Qu Yuan is partly responsible for this. Cang Yun worked real hard to improve his life). Finally he admits it. Reports that Xia'er misses him. Cang Yun is extremely scathing in his criticism of him, essentially stating their differences and that he has all the power while he has none. YES! he takes some responsibility!

Comments; Okay fine so we needed the awful last episode to build more plot, okay, but they could have done it better.

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mai 10, 2017

ep 17 spoilers ahead

spoilers ahead

1.While Tian Ji acknowledges that the Queen has her reasons for doing this, this is an important chance to forge an alliance within the harem and gain access to the king. Elsewhere, the king tells his mother an extravagant celebration will be ordered to celebrate her birthday; all of Chu wil celebrate. Again he mentions Sister Bazi (the girl her married the foreign king of Qin) however his mother reminds him that is the fate of royal woman (tell Bazi that; she is pretty angry about the whole thing)

2.Meanwhile, Bazi and the king of Qin play chess together (I really dislike his facial hair). Li Ji storms in, drinks their wine, spills it on himself, and reports some bad news: Zhan and Yan have crowned kings; soon Song will (essentially a number of clans are rebelling and declaring their own is the warring period). As a result of this meeting, his brother receives permission to draft more soldiers. Qin's military success has made every state their enemy (not to mention their desire to expand). Zhang Yi believes they should not force people into the military because they will make poor soldiers. Thus, he offers rewards to those who agree to fight and those who die will be rewarded. Every family must give one person, and somehow they must keep it secret.

3.Meanwhile, Master Liu continues to extort grain from the farmers, who are bordering on starving. They .earn Qu Yuan is returning. It seems the superstitions of the commoners have them very afraid. They give up food to a spirit these lords fear, and the following day the shrine is a mess (it killed the puppers!) they believe demons are responsible.

4.Elsewhere, we go to Qu Yuan, Chou Nu, and Yi'er During this kite scene, you could cut the sexual tension with a knife. I swear, I am pretty sure if that kid wasn't there, those two would, (*cough*) anyways, you get the idea. While fetching his kite in the woods, Yi'er investigates and finds an old man with white hair eating raw animal meat. He insists it is a ghost (I wouldn't explore I would run away from the shaking bush I think given the time period, he would to). The three return and Qu Yuan turns this into an episode of Criminal Minds as he examines the remains....animal remains....(given how strict China is about the mention/portrayal of ghosts it is interesting to see it)

5.After returning home, they relate what they saw. Father Mo explains...via flashback....that a family fleeing some thugs were about to be beaten to death when from the trees (like a tiger)(this scene is funny)a white haired demon with claws appeared and got rid of them. One thug fell to his death...the other went mad....(how do they know this happened). To further persuade Qu Yuan, he speaks of this ghost demon breaking into peoples homes and devouring live animals...It seemed it ate the entire Lan Niang family (the ones being bullied)....and he warns Qu Yuan to stay the night to avoid this terrible calamity.....(I think he stayed just to sleep in the same room as Chou Nu...)

6. Meanwhile, Xia'er searches the gambling houses for Cang Yun (she should have a servant with her, at least. These are not places a lady should be, if we are shooting for historical accuracy). Poor Xia'er. I wish Cang Yun hadn't run off like that.

7.Meanwhile, Father Mo relates that every magistrate has tried to gt rid of this ghost. However, during his investigations, Qu Yuan discovers a hand print. They locate someone who once worked for Lord Jing but he is ruled out. Chou Nu thinks they should just ignore this case. Qu Yuan thinks they should take the initiative, lure it out, and capture it.

8.Master Liu is summoned by Qu Yuan. They get him to donate food to lure the 'ghost' out. He is reminded by his biddies to be patient (they should just give up this plotting). They believe he will die. (I have no idea why Chou Nu is there; Father Mo is arguably the most liberal father on the planet to let his daughter out to hunt a ghost with a bunch of men, none of who are her husband. Historical inaccuracy, I think).Unfortunately, they make noise, scaring him off, and they wait until he has at least a full minute head start before chasing it down (really?!) Chou Nu uses a pitch fork and they learn it bleeds, meaning it must be human. they follow the blood (Is this the Li Niang family?) They wind up in a cemetery

and there is some necessary screaming.....and Qu Yuan gets blood thrown in his face (I am not even going to ask why he did this......everyone think she is the ghost.......this makes no sense.....and now some men appear (working for Lord Cheng, etc.) to kill them....


I did not like this episode because it felt a lot like filler. other than little bits of into (for instance, that more states are declaring independent/crowning kings/rebelling) not a whole lot happened.

I wish the show could afford to invest in more side actors. I think I was spoiled by Eternal Love, where there were so many side characters written in that were well acted.

It should be noted that everything in this plot is being filmed to establish emotion. For instance, these two are filmed side by side, like two young lovers. Together. No obstacles. We know that won't last.

Also, the other plot line, with the harem, is being slowly built, and the plot line with Qin. Eventually, these plot lines are going to cross paths, and it can't be good for our lovers :D

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mai 9, 2017

episode 1 spoilers ahead

Spoilers Ahead!

1.In the opening scene, Tong Xue has a nightmare in which she is a high school student and enters a room where an attractive man orders her to strip. This man, we learn, is Mo Shao Quian, or Master Mo/Master. She awakens and heads out, and the maid there reminds her to return before Master returns in the evening because he will be angry if she spends too much time out of the home. Meanwhile, Master follows her in his car all the way to a cemetary where she lays flowers at the grave of her parents (in another flashback, we see her parents died in a car accident, and she saw the whole thing happen). 'Someone' supports her, we know he is male, and it isn't Master based on her memories. Master sees everything and then calls her. She says she is at the mall with a friend. Now she has to rush to the mall. Her girlfriend buys her a skirt, then crashes with Master Mo who seems to be extremely kind and polite and helpful (little does the world know, he is a psycho). He allows a photographer to capture them on camera because he wants the world to think her friend is his secret lover.

2.She admits to her friend that her boyfriend doesn't like people at home. But she can't dump him. When she arrives home, the maid tells her that he went upstairs and is not happy she isn't home. She immediately changes (flashback: he seems to like to hear her admit she is his a lot). She enters wearing his shirt and brings his slippers. She puts his slippers on and we learn he has been training her for two years (he seems to be a hurt/comfort kind of guy). He tells her that her parents would be ashamed if they saw her, reminds her they are dead, and tells her to remember her place: that she is there to serve him and he pays for her i.e. you are my whore. He tries to intimidate her. He accuses her of being a fake.He reminds her to be professional and calls her father greedy--she defends him. It seems she was forced to sell herself to him. She runs off.

3.He gives her a gift and she thanks him without opening it. Its a ring. (Big time hurt/comfort relationship. He is very abusive and then tries to get back in her good graces with gifts and sweet words but she's known him long enough that this doesn't work. )

4.Elsewhere, Yue Ying and Tong argue with the manager over a project. Manager Kim admits he has no choice but to fire her because a major investor threatened to no longer invest in the company. Guess who? yes, it was Master Mo. She threatens to leave him. We learn he is at there grave, and it seems he has had a plant to torment her (revenge?) It seems tong Wan Ba was corrupted, her father, betrayed his father. His investigator has found the source.....

5. Master Mo has a powerful persona non grata and it seems he is more than a little shady and willing to engage in questionable practices. He uses his money and influence to get just about what ever he wants. He easily gets rid of the reporter. Meanwhile, Tong vists her uncle and cousins (her only living family). She gives them some money each time she visits (so she is sleeping with this guy to help take care of her family, who took her in when her father died?)

6.It seems her relationship with her Aunt is awkward. I think she is using her for money. But her uncle explains it is because for 6 months after they brought her home, she did not speak a word and her aunt did not know what to do with her.

7.Uh-oh. Master Mo arrives, looking for Tong Xue, an extremely kind, satisfied smile oon his face. He greets her uncle (it feels like he recognizes him...)They invite him to dinner, and her aunt teases her for not reminding them about the b.f.....Tong Xue goes along with the act and cuddles up next to Master Mo who expresses gentle concern. She tries to leave with him but her aunt insists he stay. (oddly, his uncle says that to a businessman you need to 'stick to your words' hmmm?) He gives them the ring that he originally intended to give to Tong Xue to her aunt. She takes it.(I don't really watch anime but I googled it and he reminds me of Gin Ichimaru from Bleach)

8.He takes her to the metro cafe, and this triggers her. He seems to really want to make her hate him. Apparently the thought of going inside terrifies her. Only when she begs the driver, Mr. Ma, does he relent and go home. (Apparently this bedroom is were he essentially raped her although you could argue it was consensual because she was there for money but she cried the entire time.) He reminds her of that night and regrets he can't seem to make her like him.....(is that sarcasm) it must be because he reminds her that she is just here to repay a debt and doesn't even compare to the housekeepers. (In romance novel fashion this is when the guy wants revenge, falls for the girl, and is cruel to make her hate him but still falls in love with her, I bet)

9.He wants to know if there is another man in her heart. She says no (but in her mind, there clearly is). She won't reveal who this unknown guy is, apparently he knows about her hobby of folding paper cranes because he gave her once (mystery guy). (don't let him know!)She is planning to disappear soon.

10.His Uncle Chen calls to report that his father in law is interrupting his projects (so he is married?). She goes to work (the maid notifies him that she has left for work) and his sister calls to announce President Mu dismissed his Uncle and is trying to replace men. Unfortunately, Uncle Chen let his temper show and was dismissed. He is also threatening to kill himself. Chang He, he announces, has destroyed lives of many people and he announces it all on t.v. He accuses President Mu of selling his daughter in a marriage to Master Mo and of causing the untimely death of Mo's father. Mo now has to go de-esculate the situation (F.Y.I. Mo is the general manager)

11.Master Mo says he will help him and (this feels like Lethal Weapon) he tells him to jump. He tells him how dangerous this is. He calls him a coward.And he saves him. Master Mo visits the president, his father in law, and asks him while the hospital projects are postponed. He appears to be unconcerned about Chen. He admits he should have discussed the firing of chen first but covers it up lightly. Mo lectures chen for his lack of control--they've waited 10 years. Chen points out that his father's business was growing well and that Mu took advantage of his death to take over--they are trying to get back what they lost and now Mo must do it alone (this reads like a romance novel)

12.At the board meeting, it seems that Mo has dirt on every single member. He is using them to show that Supervisor Chen should not be forced out because of their behavior. He personally vouches for him. (all these guys look so shady!). They say they have to fire him because of his near suicide.

--this feels like a daytime soap/telonovella, especially in terms of his treatment of her and verbal abuse

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mai 9, 2017

episode 16 review

Spoilers Ahead

Qiu Lu: the queen's personal servant

1.The queen wakes the king up personally every morning (they seem to have a solid partnership). Qiu Lu, her personal servant, reports that Tian Ji knelt for more than an hour but expresses concern that they should guard against her. Tian Ji meanwhile expresses frustration with her attendant who ignores her orders to expand her mind. She tries to passive aggressively learn her plans but isn't very successful. 100 days since Qin'er died, Yin burns incense for him. Tian Ji arrives to visit her, entering without permission, and greets her. Tian Ji want to know if she is afraid she will break palace rules, but Yin answers that the rules are dead :/ Tian Ji returns and basically reports that Yin is not someone whom they can look to for help. So the only person is Nan Hou (the Queen). She visits her and extends an olive branch. The queen essentially tells her not to play any games with her because she has seen it all (but it seems to be a successful meeting)

2. Xia'er explains a little bit about the powerful families (her father sent the jade, Jing sent the best food, qu sent the best poem). We learn that he fails people every year. But the emperor happened to walk by for the last poem, Ode to Orchid, and wants to pass him. (I thought he had it set up) Qu Yuan is very critical of the poem believing that poem is about himself (OMG HE PISSES ME OFF) and fails him (MY PITY HAS GONE OUT THE WINDOW) He returns in defeat.

3.He blames Qu Yuan (the king liked his poem) but Qu Yuan made things harder. This is because Qu Yuan does not understand human nature. He blames his life being ruined by Qu Yuan (I don't blame him the emperor really did like it). Anyways, a feast is held to send Qu Yuan off but Tian Ji is not invited. At the festival (most of this is unsubbed). Lord Zhao uses this as an opportunity to set up a marriage with Qu Yuan, and he cannot get out of it because the emperor himself agrees to it (YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW)(HE WAS SO COCKY--)

4.Chou Nu arrives to see Qu Yuan and waits for him while he is at the palace (awww). The empress takes this opportunity to mention Tian Ji and have her summoned (oh...Consort Zheng is about to be showed up). Lord Zheng tries to insinuate she smells to keep her from being summoned. Meanwhile, Xia'er goes to confront Qu Yuan (I would to). The emperor explains that he is very naive and that this union is a mind blowing accomplishment since their families are so powerful (I really, really need this guy to grow up).

5.Chou Nu observes him walking off with a beautiful woman, Xia'er. Naturally thi will make her insecure. He follows her to Cang Yun's home and tells him that this is where Cang Yun lives. He states what does this have to do with me. It seems he left without saying goodbye and she tells him this is his fault for making things hard. Her criticism is spot on: are you the only ne in the world who is worthy. She says she won't marry him and storms off. Chou Nu overhears and he stops her before she can also storm off to explain what is going on. (I do feel bad for Xia'er).

6.Elsewhere he explains the engagement dilemma to Chou Nu. He confesses he can't marry her because he loves her. She wants to know what he will do about it, and he says he will go home and immediately tell them who he will marry. Even though it is apparent she likes him she hasn't said those three words. They return to Quan county. Tian Ji practices her dancing for the empress and we know what she will plant: she will use her to exercise control 100% in the harem. She will dance at Queen Mother's birthday. This is her chance.

Comments: We finally begin to see all the little seeds for the harem subplot begin to expand. Up to now, everything has been set up. But finally Tian Ji has arrived and is getting an ally in the queen. And hopefully Qu Yuan realizes how his actions can really hurt people.

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mai 9, 2017

ep 15 review spoilers ahead

Spoilers Ahead

1.Lord Jing essentially rejects Qu Yuan's argument (mainly because he has ulterior motives) and counters that a serf has no freedom and is a thing that can be sold. In this regard, the man that Yu'er killed, his life is inherently more valuable, and a nobles even more so. Qu Yuan shamelessly continues and insists that the law of Chu is wrong and that he and and his family should not kneel before such laws.

2.Lord Jing maintains that he is insulting the emperor since he sets the law and Qu Yuan addresses the king: will he allow Chu to ignore equality. His father tries to get him to stop and insists that he has not taught him well.Some ministers support Qu Yuan others maintain he is guilty. In a historic moment, the law is changed, and a servant's life has the same value as a commoner (think of it this way:

3.In the next scene, the king and Qu Yuan walk. Here he explains that a poem has three phases (history) The king clearly holds him in high regard. On the other hand, this may have just been the only way to avoid executing him. The king reminds him that he is his eyes and ears. He reminds him that next time he may not be able to say him; Qu Yuan insists he was not wrong and the king uses that same logic to remind him that he should have arrested him and dealt with him appropriately (if everyone took the law into their hands there would be chaos).

4. Meanwhile, Lord Zhao realizes he underestimated Qu Yuan and that he picked the best match for his daughter. He tasks his wife to prepare her for marriage. Unfortunately, she isn't home and they suspect she ran off to see Cang Yun (this is a big deal; however her mother is worried her daughter is stubborn enough to hurt herself). WHOA she is alone with a man?. That can't be. She is doing her best to support him, together with Cai Wei, to study. He tries to rape her, and she slaps him. He explains that this way if they are together then her father cannot object, she explains not like this, (man I wish the rest of this was translated....)

5.Lord Qu tells his son he should be grateful the Zhao family is still willing to marry their daughter to him but he continues to refuse (I sincerely don't understand why he does not take her as a concubine). His brother tells him again to marry them both (the voice of reason). He urges him to acknowledge that their father has reasons as well (he is so naive...) however Yuan does not want to be a chess piece (I can't wait for him to be the cynical one playing the game....He is lucky he hasn't had to get his hands dirty because people protect him.

6.Meanwhile, Chou Nu is hanging out with the dolls of her and Qu Yuan, everyone teases her. She and Qing'er discuss Yuan. Qing'er teases her a bit before reporting to her that he is safe and managed to change the law.

7.Cai Wei and Xia'er return (is she still a virgin?) and she lies, stating she went to buy make up (typical teenager excuse. like, we were at the mall, not with a guy). Her mother confronts her and makes it clear that she knows abut Cang Yun. She tries to impress upon her that Qu Yuan is the best thing since sliced bread and she should jump on this gravy train. Xia'er tells her mother not to worry (is that a rejection or an agreement? Her mother is unusually passive or perhaps she is just very concerned)

8. She has her servant send a note to Qu Yuan. They meet for the first time. He sizes her up rudely and attempts to act like a jerk to drive her off (oh boy). He admits he won't treat her poorly but will marry others if he has to marry her because he loves another, and she admits she loves another, making him very happy. They plan to work together to dissolve the engagement (this is strangely refreshing). He admits he has hit a wall but they promise to not marry one another. He acknowledges she is different because every girl wants him. She asks him to favor a little in order to improve him in the eyes of her father he (Qu Yuan really is a hypocrite).

9.Elsewhere, Concubine Zheng visits princess Yin (alas, most of this is unsubbed). Zheng essentially states they are sisters and Yin agrees with her (Yin needs to get better and get some revenge). Xiao Quiao, her attendant, gifts her with a jade bracelet, a gift from the empress dowager....after she leaves she gets rid of the bracelet and gives it to her servant. She believes that she is her biggest enemy and she came there to test her. Zheng knows she underestimated her because she wasn't moved by the gift.

10.Meanwhile, Cang Yun is studying in his tree house and Xia'er visits him again. She tells him that the judge at his exam is Qu Yuan and he should rest easy because this should smooth the way. He blows up because his poetry was the one thing he was good at and now he feels like there is no moral integrity. Cai Wei throws in his face that he has lived without moral integrity, gambling and drinking (ahem, and nearly raping her, but she doesn't know about that). She makes it clear to him that even if he fails she will be with him. He apologizes.

11. Tian Ji plays a flute, hoping to get the emperor's attention. It gets the queen's attention. She learns she is the girl from Qi. She basically tells her that whatever her plans are, she shouldn't play music this late and then sends her back. The empress allows her to kneel for an hour, as she requests. The empress decides she wishes to cultivate Tian Ji (I suppose because Yin is supposedly crazy and Zheng is causing problems) (her upstart servant is growing on me)--I misread I thought she wanted to lure the emperor here she wanted to lure the queen.

Comments: This bit about the law isn't exactly subtle and is a little over dramatic for my liking. In addition to this, I am becoming bored with Xia'er and Qu Yuan insisting again and again that they don't want to marry each other. I am satisfied that the plot moved forward in that 1)Xia'er and Qu Yuan meet 2)Xia'er did not fall in love with him 3)Qu Yuan really shows signs of being a hypocrite

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mai 8, 2017

episode 4 reviews

1.Zhuying visits the editor to complain about the first team meeting, in which Bai scolded everyone and kicked out Zhen'er. The editor re frames it: did he really bully you or are you angry at yourself (perhaps maybe that their work isn't so great?)

2.Charlie supports Bai's criticisms. He assess him disliking how comfortable they are with the way things are and resistant to change (I wish my job had a coffee bar that was so awesome.) Other than her flatmate, does she have any friends?

3.In a phone call with a friend Bai reveals that he struggles with understanding his relationship with Zhen'er--are they friends are is he someone she forgot about? He also discusses the trainee whom he can't help but notice because she has the same name as his childhood friend..

4.Zheng'er considers quitting her job luckily her flatmate yells some sense into her. She tells her to tell him the truth but she can't. Her friend is frustrated with her complaining but not doing anything about her situation. This is well done--Zheng'er immediately shuts down when her friend tells her some more assertive options. She keeps asking people what they think instead of coming up with ideas herself. And acts like a sad butterfly. (OMG this is exactly how people with low self esteem can act).

5.Bai sends another email (he thinks she is in Denmark. he is going to be mad to find out she lied to him). And her friend is struggling with her friends incessant worries because this was all her idea to begin with but she won't stop lying! so true so true---

CAUGHT IN A LIE: Her friend lies about texting him. More lies. She feels guilty. But she can't exactly tell her friend about her problems because she is unable to address her own..this friendship is going towards rocky waters

6.Charlie is so optimistic and always trying to get her to be more positive....she submits a resignation letter....she is just running away from her problems. ....she gets stuck in a revolving door...she finally confronts him and apologizes for her mistakes but explains to him she did not want to be transferred her and had no choice and he isn't acknowledging her hard work. She accuses him of bullying (which triggers a childhood memory of his love....)

The episode ends with him saying: are you Li Huizen

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mai 8, 2017

episode 3 spoilers ahead

spoilers ahead

--I hope they don't straighten her hair. Curly hair is so pretty--

1.The look on Zhen'er's face as Bai walks in is priceless. So is her desire to hide from him.Charlie can't help but notice she is crawling around to hide. She explains she is afraid of strangers (LOL). He asks her to pay him back for the handkerchief (these two are so cute in their own little world I love it since they are ignoring Bai whom everyone is fawning over). For reasons unknown, he tells Charlie he needs to work hard.(I will be surprised if he notices her)

2.Bai reports that in three months Immortal will be shut down (NO, this is her DREAM) He suggests that they can fix things if Immortal's sales increase. He is here to try to save the magazine. (FYI the magazine editor is sort of a stereotype of 2 dimensional). He asks for full control over the team and she agrees (silly woman).

3.Zhen'er begs to return to logistics but her former boss explains he cannot. It seems the editor in chief Vivien is very strange and he doesn't dare offend her. Zhen'er is, as we know, a push over and won't push him. This Charlie is very eccentric I like him.

4.She is asked to stay because it seems she has variety of skills gained while helping her parents with their printing business. Most of this episode she tries to avoid Bai.

5.Elsewhere, her flatmate (who I think works at a hotel) is met by her stepmother? who wants her to go home and visit her father. It seems her mom ran off to avoid responsibility. Xia does not like her even though she seems to want to be a family but she is angry that this woman wants to be her mother (I think this woman should say:I can never replace your mother but I would like to try to be a family).

6.Charlie encourages Zhen'er to be strong and essentially tells her that people fear things that turn out to be just their own imagination/worries. Meanwhile, Bia continues to text Xia (she believes her own family is Zhen'er but is upset because this guy she doesn't know is making her feel warm. what will she do?)

--never ask a friend to pretend to be you it runs the risk of your love being stolen. and since all is fair in love and war, you can't really be angry with Xia if she falls in love with him--

7.Zhen'er has an encounter with Bia and they are locked in a stock room (of course). Even though she knows they are coming soon she panics and tries to break out. He stops her and tells her to calm down (is she afraid of enclosed spaces? i think she is)Bia allows her to listen to his pod music in order to comfort her. This triggers a flashback when she did something similar during a rain storm (since he hates rain).

8.He clearly does not remember her so she should calm down. He learns that her name is Li Huizen. (He still does not believe it is her).

9.aww Charlie is so supportive.

10.For reaos unknown Bai is extremely harsh with her (maybe he is struggling with the thought that this girl might be his Zhen'er? Or he is just a jerk?)

11.oh no....not the make over shouldn't be taking advice from this girl who looks like a fortune teller from 1900....don't get rid of the curls....oh they leave her a lone phew.

12.She is a good example of low self esteem in a character awww I can't wait for her confidence to bloom. At home she cries about how mean he was to her. Her flatmate comforts her (classic low self esteem you take things harder than you should and blow it out of proportion). (I sincerely hope people don't randomly snap photos of people who are pretty in china that seems a little creepy)

she's so friendly and says hi to everyone in the morning. She does NOT have an afro Charlie. They told her to organize her hair....the struggle of having curly hair....i know how you feel....

Comments: I don't think he is a jerk. I think he is doing his job so far. I think she won't change if she doesn't encounter difficult situations. Either she will quit or she will learn how to swim. It'll be tough, but I am interested in her transformation. Everything he said was true, and with the magazine in danger of crashing in 3 months, he can't afford to coddle anyone. She needs to learn how to handle tough situations. Not everyone is going to be your friend. Especially at work. Looking forward to her growth!

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mai 8, 2017

episode 2 spoilers ahead

1.Li Hui Zhen is able to convince her flatmate to go in her place to see Bai Hao Yu. She appears to have very low self esteem as she lists all the reasons why she cannot go, mainly because he will not like what he sees (low self esteem can defy all logic and reason, since she is a very pretty girl, just a little raggedy looking, and like, why would he abandon her just because of her looks? If that's the case then you don't need him!)

2.She encounters our second male lead who seems to be the bad boy type but we don't know his name. She listens in to the date thanks to her flatmate whose job is to cut ties as politely as possible. After the date she supports her friends plan of avoiding him. I can't tell if she is doing this because she cares about her or if it is because she is possessive of her.

--in a flashback we see that Hao Yu gave Hui Zhen a puzzle piece before leaving the country--

3.Unfortunately, things don't go so smoothly as Bai Hao Yu wants to drive Xia (flatmate) to the airport (she said she was leaving the country and never returning). They hastily pack to keep up with the lie (the sad thing with lies is you often have to tell more and then forget them).

4.At the airport, Xia tries to get him to avoid following her. For reasons unknown, this man is adamantly got some strong feels. He sees Hui Zhen as her screen saver but still there is no recognition (to a certain extent I can see why he might think that Xia is his childhood friend since 1)her hair is straight (his childhood friend did not have curly hair) and their features are similar. I wonder if Xia will fall for him or if she feels bad for lying to him.

--I think she is developing feelings for him. She keeps thinking about his hug--

5.He gave her an umbrella. They have a shared dislike of rain: it makes her hair frizzy/too curly (so he does know about her curly hair) and it seems his mom died because of rain. It is actually a pretty umbrella with a cool top on the inside. Now they match! I think she should be honest with him. But that is easier said than done.

6.Zhen'er passed her interview and will be accepted to the logistics department of Immortal Magazine. It is three months of training (YAY!). Meanwhile, we learn that Zhen'er is the reason why her flatmate is allowed to live alone. She is praised for her efficiency at work (Why do I feel like she is being used at work?)

7.In the editing department it is like a fashion wonderland. She essentially is used by the editing department even though she does not work there. We learn that this is where the second male lead works. She was so good she is transferred to the editing department. Second male lead's name is Charlie. And guess who arrives? Her childhood friend is the Associate editor.

Comments: I liked Dilraba in Eternal Love, and maintain that she is able to be cute without being annoying. A difficult thing to do.Anyways, it seems that our second male lead works here as well. He is in some ways just as odd as she is (she has such a goofy laugh!). Logistics=make sure the company runs smoothly. (It feels like they are just using her to do grunt work)

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mai 7, 2017

episode 14 review

Spoilers Ahead

1.We open to the king and his mother. The king knows that by law both Qu Yuan and Qu Yu must die for their actions (I assume it is because Yuan failed in his duties to uphold justice and Yu because he killed a civilian). However, the emperors emotions are clouding his judgment. In addition to this he knows that this was only brought up by the Jing family to go after the Zhao and Qu families. His mother believes the brothers (or at least Qu Yuan) should die because she believes that Yuan may upset the delicate balance of power one day. She is very pragmatic.

2.In the next scene, Lady Zhao is trying to convince her husband to dissolve the engagement because it would be bad for their daughter's future. However Lord Zhao cannot do this because it would completely ruin his image in front of the other ministers. He acknowledges that Lord Jing has succeeded in doing something he has desired for years. Xia'er interrupts this discussion (she insisted upon seeing them) and begs her parents to allow her to see Cang Yun just one more time. Her father tells her that this is impossible. She then tries to kill herself (as her mother predicted) but her father stops her. He nearly hits her but she arrogantly raises her head and dares him. But he doesn't.

3.In he next scene Qu Yuan walks through he market with Chou Nu and all the people greet him. Quan County is looking pretty good. Anyways, as they are waiting for clay figurines, Qu Yuan is kidnapped by his father and Chou Nu not only chases him down and accuses him of kidnapping. She learns the man's identity and bravely tells him to treat his son better. Qu Yuan promises to return.

4.Meanwhile, Cai Wei reports that she located Cang Yun and he is drinking the day away. Xia'er believes it is their fault. She goes to see for herself and sees him gambling and cheating and drinking.He is dragged outself and beat, and Xia'er stands up for him. He believes she was involved in his plight. She admits she would still leave with him she's frustrated that he is hopeless and he is frustrated that she doesn't seem to be grounded in reality (maybe her and Yuan are suited).

5.Chou Nu cannot stop missing Qu Yuan. Her father tells her that he has a history of being at odds with his father and that this is likely another argument. But he reminds her that she cannot be with Qu Yuan because of the difference in their status. Elsewhere Yuan'er buts heads with his father (part of the issue is his way of thinking is far too progressive for him). Lord Zhao visits and suggests a King Solomon kind of suggestion and suggests they save just one, and suggests Yuan. The Emperor is trying to figure out how to save Yuan, whom he views as an important mind for the future.

--Apparently Yu was adopted, his father a general who was close friends with Lord Qu. This means Qu Yuan is technically the only descendant to the family--

6.Meanwhile, Xia'er's new goal is to make Cang Yun a court official in order to spite her father who believes he lacks the capability.

7.Lady Qu tearfully convinces Yu'er to kill himself for the good of the family. Then, Yu meets with Yuan to share a drink. He teases him and Yuan refers that they should not apologize for killing someone who deserved it. His brother gives him advice (of course it seems like light hearted banter but we, the viewers, know this to be his farewell)....

8.Meanwhile, Yu and Yuan and his father visit the emperor during court. Yuan refutes the evidence, defending his actions while his brother tries to take full responsibility. What follows is a speech by Yuan challenging the social/class values that servants lives are essentially valueless.

Comments: I have noticed that there are a lot of people clenching their fists, as if to communicate they are exercising restraint and have a barely controlled anger. Only the young people thus far act on their feelings. Others, like Consort Zhen, are a bit outliers in that they are kind of crazy.

I also really, really like Lord Zhao's facial expressions. He looks to be perpetually experiencing indigestion.

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mai 7, 2017

episode 12 spoilers ahead

Spoilers Ahead

Recap: Xia'er is about to be dumped and our leads have finally made it clear they have feelings for each other. What will happen next?

1.Xia'er does not believe Cang Yun. She is willing to elope with him (he reveals what her father has told him, that the marriage is set).

2.Meanwhile, Yi'er seems to be recovering just find. Outside the villages bow to him and wish repay him but he is embarrassed and wants them to rise.To contain the epidemic the villagers agree to collect animal corpses and burn them. Her father believes it was the will of his departed wife.

3.There is a flashback. A woman named Su Qi and her husband are trying to escape. Guards chase them. She sent her family away and told them to live in quiet obscurity while she lived on. (Su Qi may actually be alive)

4.Consort Zhen asks for updates on Princess Yin and is happy she is not doing well. She warns her attendant to be careful. It seems the King has not been to visit her lately nor has he come to see her. It seems he would rather sleep alone. She concludes he must still be worried about Consort Yin.

5.Meanwhile, Princess Yin still seems to be ill. She is visited by the emperor who is told she has not improved. She no longer pays attention to him. Her servant sends a message to Qin, wanting her to be saved.

6.The Emperor and the Dowager worry about word getting back to Qin. In addition to this, they have not received the He Shi Bi. (A lot of this is unsubbed)

7.Zhang Yi receives the update, that the child died, that the King of Chu is furious. He views it as a chance to create issues in the harem. They will not waste their efforts in Yin and will only tell the king about the child dying.

8.The Empress (and sister to the King of Chu) tells the emperor that the king must have killed the child (she really hates him). The King of Qin will have it investigated.

9.Meanwhile, guards are kidnapping beautiful women to be taken int the palace. She allows herself to be seen and is immediately taken into the palace. It seems that the King is allowed to make the final selection (he makes my skin crawl) and he immediately takes a liking to Tian Ji. He is allowed to keep two and chooses her and another. They are tested to seduce him. (he is going to send one to chu)

10.Xia'er is all set to run away. Her maidservant catches her and she tells her.She is able to persuade her to take her. While she grabs her things, the girl, Cai Wei, is seen by the lord and lady. She has no choice but to confess the truth. Naturally, her parents are furious and want to lock her up. Her mother fears Xia'er will kill herself.

11.Cang Yun is going to be dealt with. (poor xia'er). Cai Wei again tries to dissuade her. Because of this, Xia'er tells her she should not go.......

12.Elsewhere, Chou Mu and Yuan spend time together. She learns that for reasons unknown, his father constantly tries to stop him from doing things (awww, poor guy). It seems because of this he has become adept at getting around him (some of these flashbacks are so goofy). It seems his father tried to stop him from attending school. But we also learn that he would always try to correct his mistakes. We also learn he wrote Ode to Orange when he was 15 or 16 (how old is he?) .

13.They watch birds in the sky. (I have a feeling someone is going to crush this parade). Tian Ju is sent to Chu by the King. Tiang Tong is sent as her personal maid.She is a bit of an upstart.

14.Xia'er tries to run offand her parents watch her run off. It seems that Cai Wei is part of their little plan. Men are sent after them, and Cang Yun is caught by them. She waits by the sea for him, but he cannot come. Because he is in trouble. Cang Yun is beat while begging. He is beaten very badly......

End of episode....

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mai 7, 2017

episode 11 review

Spoilers Ahead!

New People

Tong'er--student to shifu

1.Chou Nu visits a shifu in the woods seeking aid and this little rugrat sweeping again says life and death are set by fate. Meanwhile, Lord Zhao is using fate to confirm his daughter should marry into the Qu family based on their birth dates. Lord Qu is not exactly happy with this. Turns out they gave him a fake birthday! Now they are stuck! They want Yu'er to bring Yuan'er home to address this. Back in the country Chou Nu is kneeling at Shifu's while Qing'er and loyal attendant look after Qu (he looks really cute tucked in). After hours of kneeling an intimidating shifu sees her and reports he cannot do anything because he is poisoned (this part is largely unsubbed. also this guy looks pretty awesome)

2.Even though its the third day she is hopeful until the last moment. She sends everyone out.She holds his hand....and cries....begs him to stay....(I know he isn't going to die but I can't stand to see her so sad because she is usually so invulnerable....) She finds the painting on the floor (as a woman I might be creeped out were it anyone else)(I think she believes that he has loved her since long ago)

3.Yu'er arrives and is met by Qing'er and the attendant. He learn he's been poisoned and bursts in and panics. She explains the situation including what the doctor said. The doctor returns and states that he is dead! (WHAT? THERE ARE 70 more EPISODES!) Everyone is inconsolable. Just like me, because this cast needs him to finish the series! Chou Mu is hysterical. Yu'er kicks everyone out but she won't go and must be dragged out.

4.They lock her up to keep her from doing anything stupid. Elsewhere Master Liu is troubled by guilt and cannot sleep. His brother yells at him for trying to be a hero. He blames Chou Mu, because he decided to do it for her, and he runs off to kill her (NOT GOOD). Qing'er tris to stop him and she breaks in to kill her. He argues his brother came her because she was here. She urges him to kill her. The attendant tries to stop him. He doesn't kill her.

5.A phoenix appears (it isn't clear if this is real or not) and he wakes up. Could this be....the song of phoenix? He awakens and seems to see the phoenix; he goes to it and it flies away. Both Qing'er and Yu'er see it. Yuan touches Chou Mu's face and she opens her eyes....and he's alive.She hugs him....he hugs her.....(So much feels) Yu'er ruins their scene and pretends he saw nothing. He says all the Qu family members have 9 lives.

6.Yu'er gladly supports their romance (to cover up the fact that he almost killed her). All the peasants are mourning because they think the magistrate is dead while the troublemakers celebrate. Until he appears. The doctor proclaims it a miracle.

7.Lord Zhao basically tells Cang Un to end it with Xia'er and he will allow him to continue staying in his home and see that he rises (I think)

8.Cang Yun ignores Xia'er and Elsewhere Yuan begins to make mass quantities of the medicine that saved him. Chou Mu fusses over him. (she's so cute she pretends like she doesn't care) He notices that she is stuttering a bit and apologizes to him. She also explains that she thought he was trying to seduce her but he answers she was seducing him in his dreams (so flirty!) But she seems to be happy and shy now. He explains he doesn't blame her. He tells her that they are fated. (she is adorable). They hold hands...oh I have butterflies...they almost kiss......a servant interrupts to tell them that the medicine is done....(i hate it when that happens in dramas)

9.Cang Yun plays the zither and continues to avoid Xia'er (he can't even dump her?) and explains he isn't feeling well so she should go. He finally lets her in and tells her that he doesn't like her.....OUCH.....

Comments:I liked this one a lot

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mai 7, 2017

episode 10 Review

spoilers ahead

We Remember the Dearly Departed, Gone to Soon:

1.Qin'er--Prince, son of Princess of Yin, killed by Consort Zhen, 1 month old(!)-poison

2.Brother Meng--brother to Mo Chou Nu--died from complications from injuries sustained after entering the army

3.Random Assassin: Killed by Qu Yuan in self defense, his first kill

4.Prince Qin'er's wet nurse--executed


1.the king is not to be told until the matter is fully investigated. Consort Zhin visits the royal uncle who is investigating and reveals that the child was poisoned (isn't this her lover?) She behaves rather suspiciously and he asks her if she sent someone to do it and she denies it. She finally admits it and tells him that it was Yin's fault she asked for it. He isn't certain he can cover this up, but she tells him he could simply not tell him....Royal Uncle reports that he died of an illness.

2.The Emperor closes the case but Princess Yin is not doing very well. She thinks her pet is her baby. The Queen visits her and asks her to let it go but remains hopeful she will improve. It must be kept secret from Qin (this could be a great excuse to invade)

3.Meanwhile, Xiao'er walks with Cang Yun and she encourages him to propose marriage to her father, but he's afraid that he will be rejected because he does not have a higher position (so maybe he doesn't love her as much as she thinks but he wants her to help him get a position?) she is upset that he doesn't seem upset but he reassures her. She gives him a jade stone (like a marriage token) she keeps one he keeps one. (Aww she's so romantic)(he may be fond of her but I def. think he wants to use her)

4.the peasants go to seek justice while they prepare the medicine. And it is wasted (did they find the wrong herb??)

5.He leaves to address everyone and she goes with him in spite of the danger (I am seeing a pattern of her helping him out) To prove he is not the cause, they show that he is also infected (her idea). Lord Jing's new tactic is to accuse him of bad luck but it doesn't seem to work. Yuan tells them he has found the medicine but he needs to test it. Yuan threatens the trouble causing lords and threatens to rip their mouths out if they continue to create problems (go girl!)IMPORTANT MOMENT: With the help of Mo Chou Nu, he regains control of the situation and the troublemakers leave.

6.In the next scene, Xia'er plays the song that Mr. Cang Yun brought her (his name is listed differently in the cast) when the master summons her to tell her to stay away with him but she refuses (damn!). (I bet if Cang Yun had to pick between her or a position he would pick the position). This prompts her father to hurry the engagement, he isn't afraid of losing face.

7.In spite of knowing that it may be poisonous, he wants to take her. His attendant makes it clear to him that the people came to protest because of Master Liu, not the heavens (OMG I Can't believe he didn't figure this out yet with all those smarts). Qu Yuan tells his attendant he won't be defeated so easily and that it is normal for them to hate him. He says the men of the Qu family don't know how to run away (I love it) Clearly Yuan is great enough he can inspire the concern those beneath him who want him to live. He also makes it clear that you have to take risks sometimes. He writes a letter to Chou Nu in case he does not make it ( I bet it is a confession). He proclaims that whether he lives or dies, he will be by her side.

8.He immediately spits up the medicine. Chou Mu insists that a doctor is brought in. And passes out. A doctor states he is full of poison and nothing can be done. If he doesn't awaken in 3 days, he will never awaken again :/

9.Chou Nu takes care of him, along with loyal attendant. (How can she not be in love with him, even if he is a bit of a numnut). She receives the letter. It' a poem about her, and his love. That he will see her in the next life. She tells his sleeping body she only wants this life.

10.Meanwhile, his parents are talking about how long its been since they've heard from him. Lord Zhao arrives with marriage gifts (!)(he is so desperate). Lord Qu tries to delay by insisting the kids are matched because of their birth dates. Meanwhile, the troublemakers think he is dead and are happy. Lord Liu shows hesitation (surprise) because it is still a human life. (so the most annoying is also the least ruthless)

11.Chou Nu has not left his side and blames herself for making him sick, since he was exposed to Yi'er. The attendant tells her to rest up. And that death is determined by fate but believes he will not die. She seems to realize something and leaves (where did she get a horse?) and goes to a house in the middle of the woods....

Comments: I can't believe he is so obtuse that he did not realize that Liu and those lords were behind the riot. I can't defend that. But the one liners so far are enough to interest me, that and the fact that Consort Zhen got away because she is sleeping with the Royal Uncle (most dramas, they don't show harem girls having affairs).

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mai 7, 2017

episode 9 spoilers

spoilers ahead

1.The Celebration of the New Prince is underway. The Empress is clearly losing her patience with Consort Zhen who continues to shoot little barbs at Consort Yin. The Dowager Empress is pleased to see the young prince and repeats they look very much alike. Consort Zhen gives him a bracelet--a long life lock but he bursts into tears and does not accept it, and she takes it back. Consort Zhen's attendant sneaks into the child's room and does something to the baby--who knows what--

2.Elsewhere, Master Liu, Lord Jing and Cheng attempt to step in and use a shaman to divine what is causing the epidemic. They hope to use the people's ignorance to gain power, and they attribute the blame to a new arrival in the Northeast....

3.(DID CONSORT ZHEN KILL THE BABY???) Back at the party the servant returns with the child in tears, because he is not breathing. The baby's nurse is executed, and Consort Yin faints while the Empress clearly suspects Consort Zhen (you can tell by the look on her face) this lady is crazy!

4.The three lords, meanwhile, begin to spread rumors about Qu Yuan and try to start a riot to have him driven out. Qing'er and Chou Nu try to stop them. Meanwhile, Qu Yuan is looking for causes of the epidemic when the angry mob arrives with rakes (!)

5.Qu Yuan immediately goes outside to address the crowd. They pelt rocks and cabbage at him. He is injured and begins to bleed. Qu Yuan wants evidence, but they have none. Lord Liu points to the wizard and Qu Yuan asks to see him. Liu admits he left. Meaning he has no proof. Yuan claims to be no different than them and reports he is not afraid of offending the gods, but he will find out where it came from. He tells the crowd he fears that they are being used for ulterior motives and pleads for more time to find an answer. Liu insist he will run away.

6.IMPORTANT: Chou Nu steps in and says she believes Qu Yuan and reminds the crowd that Liu is not to be trusted and has hurt them before. She uses her little brother to further empathize with them and support her belief in Qu Yuan (major point in their relationship, I think. TRUST) Qu Yuan asks for three days (that is either very brave or very dumb) and this gets the crowd to disperse. But she tells her that she will be the first to not spare him in 3 days....

7.Princess Yin almost succeeds in hanging herself (she is on her way to getting back power and revenge). The emperor is in the middle of beginning an investigation to the boys death--he has not ruled out murder--and runs to his 'Beloved's room upon learning she has tried to kill herself. She seems out of it. She keeps repeating Qin'er's name and hugs the emperor who looks worried.

8.Qu and Zhao are in a game of chest when he brings up his 18 year old daughter who is single, and his second son who is single. He explains that she is a good musician but it has kept her isolated from others. He wants her to marry his son, he essentially states because he is young and has a good future ahead of him. The Minister of War explains he would have to discuss it with his wife first. After he leaves, he meets his wife. Minister of Qu recognizes that he wants to use this union but believes it will be good for the families and for their son (I think he hopes marriage will settle him down).

9.Meanwhile, Yi'er's fever isn't looking good. Chou Mu is hopeful. Qu Yuan checks all the records. He had a pustule on his arm that bursts, and he immediately figure it out based off of this. He finds the record. He goes to see Mo Chou, and shares his findings. It is related to a dead animal, and the improper disposal of its corpse. (I think it's Rabbit Fever. Yes this exists). He just needs to find the herbs.(Apparently this was an early form of ancient biological warfare)

10. I think these three villains actually started the epidemic. They are worried that Yuan'er will solve the epidemic and gain prestige because of it. Elsewhere, Yuan and Mo Chou look for the herbs together. They find it.Again she saves him from almost falling to his death. She admits that his hard work has been imprinted on her heart, and she believes in him (awwwww)

11.Lord Cheng decides to hire some assassins so that they don't leave the mountain alive (I knew this would happen). They aren't to leave the mountain alive. He refuses to stand down and they fight. He kills someone for the first time (they manage to fend them off) and is clearly shocked). Lord Jing is upset at his actions. Lord Cheng is confident no one will find out it was him.

12.They prepare the medicine. Elsewhere, the dead child is investigated and they discover he was poisoned! Who did it?

Comments: Poor, poor baby!

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