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  • Data înscrierii: mai 13, 2016
apr 18, 2018

Welcome Home

The first part of this episode follows our characters leaving and setting out from Blossom House.  
          Prince/Senior Yu readily accepts Ge'er's wish to bring Yan Xue home without any questions.  This desire may be rooted in the fact that he could be concerned for her safety as it is revealed that Ge'er has never left the villa, other than this trip to explore the courtesan houses for answers to her questions.  She agrees to his request that they depart tomorrow because he has received word that Zhan Feng wishes to annul the engagement immediately.  Ge'er would like him to annul it in person.

       Then the Prince goes to visit Yan Xue.  Because Yan Xue does not speak loudly and the prince must ask him to come forward so he can read his lips, I again submit that Senior Yu is faking his disabilities to survive the palace.  Moving on, this seems to be a scene where the two men size each other up, and Yan Xue seems to be aware of--and amused by--this or he could just be amused by everything.  Senior Yu seems to be slightly disconcerted by this, perhaps because he can't get a clear read on him.  Either way, their is tension.  
       As she leaves the Blossom House, Ge'er has a major realization: she sees now that she was allowed into the Blossom House because of Yan Xue.  He knew he would be selecting her as his partner, and so the Madame let her in.  It had nothing to do with her wit or skill.  She concludes that she cannot trust the people here.

      After saying goodbye, Ge'er rejects the offer to ride with Yan Xue and chooses to ride with the prince.  Yan Xue's face is rather flat (his smile is gone), but it returns as he stands outside of her carriage.  The Mistress of Blade City, whom I will refer to as Miss D (short for Diao) is so offended by them ignoring Yan Xue that Ge'er invites him into her carriage.  She then comments on the obvious tension between both men, which they both reject.

     Miss D and Master Lei (of the Thundersect) decide to invite themselves along in order to figure out why her holder brothers and his father's second wife all are so hungry for Yan Xue and seem to want him dead (something which has been going on for 2 years it seems....hmm....doesn't that coincide with Zhan Feng bringing home that courtesan??).  Miss D agrees out of her respect to her obvious feelings for Yan Xue, which Master Lei enjoys teasing her about. On a separate note, Miss Feng is given a seal belonging to the prince, along with a promise that this incident will be looked into.

The Middle Part of this Episode Follows The Journey back to Flame Villa and the Arrival of the Group
       On a lunch break, an interesting scene occurs.  Ge'er hand feeds Senior Yu tasty snacks and only has eyes for him.  While this action is very innocent coming from her, others could misinterpret their affections.  Yan Xue, who sits several feet from them, watches this all with an amused smile on his face.  Not once does she look his way or offer him anything.  Meanwhile, from the side, Miss D watches this and believes that Yan Xue is being treated rudely.  Master Lei watches Miss D and is clearly finding Miss D's anger to be funny, while Senior Yu hardly spares Ge'er a glance, instead watching Yan Xue.  

     The team arrives in Pan City where they are stopped by members of the flame villa.  At first they will not let them enter because they only see Miss F and Master Lei.  When Ge'er shows her face, the leader of the group, Master Ji(?)  seems to calm down.  Although they normally do not allow sudden guests in, or strangers, he lets them in, perhaps because Yan Xue admits to them that he and her father are 'old friends'.

      A monologue then reveals that the Flame Sect is perhaps the most central and powerful sect having come to power 19 years ago after obliterating the now defunct Dark Water Palace Sect.....the plot thickens...

       Prior to getting out of the carriage, Ge'er asks Senior Yu how she looks.  He says she looks wonderful.  But Yan Xue, with a serene smile, says she looks awful and that he will never lie to her, while the prince is using flattery on her.  She does not believe him, such is her faith in Senior Yu.  They then are greeted by her father, who shocks everyone by not only confirming that Yan Xue is indeed an old friend, but that Ge'er is to address him as 'Uncle'. He is then given the Pearl Quarters, rooms that have been vacant for decades, having only been occupied by a man who 'trained beneath the descendants of gods' and is responsible for planting the pear trees there....(methinks that this Yan Xue)

     Alone with her father, we see that he is very prone to doting on his daughter and is willing to force Zhan to marry her but she rejects this, wanting him to be willing.  She then goes to see Zhan Feng, a.k.a. ghost prince a.k.a. the emperor of china showing off some martial arts.  He passionately kisses her--and then smirks and says that she has learned nothing while at the brothels.  NATURALLY she slaps him and then asks him why he is like this, and that they can go back to the way things were but he essentially tells her to f*** off and that he is annulling the engagement.

The End of the Episode
      Zhen Feng returns to his rooms where we also meet Yang Mi (the courtesan).  His fellow sect brother explains that Feng could inherit the villa, have everything, if he would marry Ge'er who is a great catch but he rejects this and states that he is going to be with the woman he really loves and then is all romantic with Yang Mi, disgusting his sect brother.

    Elsewhere, Miss D and Master Lei are shown to a room.  She is shocked that they will be sharing but he could care less.  He points out that she should just enjoy the show, and we see that Master Lei is more perceptive than he looks, and is perhaps smarter than he lets on, as he points out that the Flame Leader has but three desciples: Zhan Feng, Yu Zi Huan and Ji Jing Lei (who showed them their room).  He has one daughter, and one god son, Yi Lang, all of whom were present in the grand hall except for Zhan Feng.  He is insinuating that a lot of drama will unfold because of Zhan Feng.  


    Ge'er wonders if she is being disliked because she is not a frail woman like Ying Li.  Her loyal servants, De Yi and Xun Yi are adamant that is not the issue.  They also yell at her for sneaking out without a word.  The two woman devise a plot to bully Yang Mi, but Yang Mi graciously handles the bullying, and they are even able to deflect Master Lei's criticism of them (which also makes him interested in the servant)....

     Finally, Ge'er visits Yan Xue.  He admits to her that he investigated her secretly in order to gain entry to the flame villa because people are after his life.  She does not believe this to be the reason.  He also tells her that he cannot help her with Zhan Feng because he is the kind of man who, once his mind is made up, does not waver....

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apr 18, 2018

'everything in the pugilist world happens for a reason'


Miss Feng, a beautiful courtesan at Blossoms House, is purchased for the entire month by a wealth customer, the young man in the wheel chair.  With this much money, she could possibly leave the Red Light District.  Incidentally, she learns that he is not interested in Miss Feng but rather in her maid, Liu Ru Gu 'Ge'er' a.k.a. our female lead.

Proving she is discreet, Miss Feng does not object to this arrangement although she is clearly baffled.  

Ge'er and wheelchair guy clearly know each other well.  He has come to check in on her and agrees to keep her plans--whatever they are--a secret.

Assassins close in on a carriage galloping across a field.  In spite of their training and their skills, they are no match for the stranger dressed in white inside.  The stranger decimates his foes without breaking a sweat.  Here, we catch a brief glimpse of our beautiful male lead...

'Shifu' as he is referred to arrives at Blossoms House and seems amused, rather than bothered, by the fact that he was tracked down and attacked.  This is the famous Yin Xue who has brought the entire city--and Blossoms House--to its knees as everyone scurries to gain access to a ticket to this show because he is planning on selecting a lifetime partner--essentially a marriage partner is what it sounds like--from the audience.

Our female lead borrows a music pamplhet from wheelchair guy who we learn by now is actually one of the ten royal princes--Jingyuan.  Miss Feng immediately suspects this after she overhears this (and it is not at all clear, audience, if this was a deliberate manipulation or not i.e. she was set up) and begs the Prince to help her father who was exiled by the crown prince Jingxian.  She explains that her father was forced to become involved in the fight for the crown and then wrongly framed by the crown prince.  Jingyuan asks his servant to look into this.


Young Master Lie Jing Hong, heir to the Thunderclap Sect, arrives in the hopes of securing a ticket to tonight's show.  He is brash, arrogant, and seems the direct and stubborn type who cannot hide his feelings.  'Subtle' is not a word I would use to describe him.  But he is adaptable, and when he learns that he can't get a ticket the legal way (sold out) he attempts to do it the next best way, by cornering and blackmailing our female lead (he steals the royal family music book from her and only returns it once she promises to get him inside).

Our female lead seems more irritate than upset and has no problem giving him what he wants.  In fact, they seem to strike up some kind of friendship and he promises her a favor in return for her help (she, on a side note, presents the pamphlet to Youqin, a zither player and urges him to return it on time).  

From Ge'er's conversations with Master Lie, we learn that Yin Xue is more than a big deal.  EVERYONE has lost their stuff over this beauty's arrival (yes, female lead does not know that 'she' is a 'he').  Yin Xue is a Master Zither player and ranked the number one beauty.  But Ge'er isn't interested in any of this.  This will be revealed later as to why.

In the midst of all the exictement and prepartions for Yin Xue, there is a rather nefarious woman in black referred to as 'Second Madame' running around giving orders to what look like the assasssins who attempted to take out Yin Xue.  

The show arrives.  Various other sects are shown and introduced.  Here we meet the members of Blade City, which include Wu Xia (the leader of this little group) who explains they were only sent to observe as Supreme master sent them to investigate.  Included in this group is the lovely ghost princess from eternal love, playing a very different character--someone who is a snappy dresser, confident, a feminist, and probably capable of holding her own in a fight.

Master Lei makes something of a scene as he storms the stage once Yin Xue appears, revealing his gender to a surprised but still disinterested Ge'er, and tries to  buy him, only to be outbid by Dao Lie Xieng (ghost princess) who seems pretty desperate to have him.  She and Master Lie get into an argument as he accuses her of being a crass woman, and she follows that up with 'why can't women bid on men' to which Master Lei illustrates his intelligence by repeating the same insult.

Alas, Yin Xue surprises everyone present by admitting that he isn't sure if the woman he wants will have him, and then proposes to Ge'er.  The people present, who know of Ge'er's identity as the daughter of the leader of the Flame sect, wonder if Yin Xue, who came seemingly from nowhere, who belongs to no sect, offended the other families who seem to want him quite badly, and who is clearly skilled as he won the Red Light District over on his zither playing alone.  In short, he is a mysterious, beautiful man.

(Yin Xue clearly planned all of this, making me wonder what plots are up his sleeve because who he is now seems to conflict with the very serious man in the beginning--he seems to be a very charismatic, skilled liar and something of a trickster/manipulative type).

Alone, Ge'er rejects Yin Xue and wants to know why he wants her. Is it because he knows who she is?  He reveals that he knows her real name, and who her father is.  But he reveals, audience, so much more, because he reveals the real reason why she came to the Blossom House.  He tells her about a young man whom she grew up with, a man who eventually proposed to her (and he knew very private details).  A man who, for the past two years, has been cheating on her with a courtesan named Yang Yi, and who, in spite of his infidelity, she still loves.

Yin Xue essentially promises to teach her the art of seduction--he says he can teach her how to win back his heart.  He explains to her that she came her hoping to understand that, and what would make a man fall for a courtesan but she has no answers.  He claims to have no interest in her specficially or her family.  He also kind of dangles a carrot in front of her and asks her 'don't you want to know how I know these secrets and scandals that your father tried very hard to bury?' and then he innocently adds that with her entire sect around her, how could he possibly pose a threat?


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Boss & Me Episode 1
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feb 15, 2018

Give it a shot--


Let me preface this with the following: I tend to dislike dramas that do not take place in the historical period because they are filled with cringe worthy fluff (in my opinion) but my best friend likes them and recommended this one.  I was skeptical because I can count on one hand all the modern dramas that I have liked, and they usually are not your typical drama.  That said, I liked this.  For the readers who haven't stopped reading  by now, here is a brief summary:

First, I will start with the characters:
The main characters are Shan Shan, an overall positive and highly motivated young woman who believes in the age old adage 'if you do your best everything will work out' so she is 1)optimistic and also 2)thoughtful and considerate.  But she isn't perfect.  She enters a well respected company in spite of coming from a third rate university which has her concluding that the HR guy accidentally accepted her because he was tired and wasn't paying attention.  She enters the bottom level department (but important office) responsible for crunching budgets out for everything the company needs. It is a lot of data collection and entry--meaning not very interesting.  Everyone in her office isn't overtly mean but they wonder how she was hired with such a common and otherwise uninteresting background (they came from better schools, yadayada).  

But back to her overall character: Shan Shan is a likable character because while she is cute, she is imperfect.  She makes a lot of errors in the office  but she is very receptive to criticism and feed back.  She tries hard.  She struggles with self confidence and trying to make it in a city, with trying to live up to the expectations of her family (she comes from a village in the middle of nowhere and everyone is so proud of her because she got into this company).

Boss Feng, or 'the big boss' is someone I still don't know a lot about.  He is the serious type, concerned with productivity, but he isn't mean. Just very serious and flat affect.  He is concerned with presentation and with doing his job well but also dislikes it when others do not take responsibility for their mistakes. He is very smart and is balancing his work life with his private life (i.e. unwinding and hoping no one sees him playing basketball because his image is very important, but not in a shallow way more in a 'this might make others see me as too approachable/unprofessional' he uses others perception of him in his business handling I assume because it makes his job easier if they view him as an impersonal untouchable kind of person rather than someone more human)


1. The story opens up to a young woman in bed and she receives a phone call that she is needed in the gynecology department and a cab is outside. She gets in the cab and a second later, as she wakes up, is confused as to who she knows who could be in the hospital. She arrives and we learn she is Shan Shan, and she meets 'the big boss' and his brother. It seems she possess a rare blood type and the bosses sister needs it.  She asks him how he has this information even though she is happy to give the blood (she asks in a really nice non confrontational way cementing to the audience that she is sort of a laid back friendly ditzy sort).  He says he has access to the info as the boss and she accepts it.

2.Afterwards, she goes home, life goes on, and we eventually learn that the boss's grandfather started a tradition of hiring people with this rare blood type for the event his grandaughter might need life saving blood. He has continued it (hence, this is why she was hired). Shan Shan picks up on it when she realizes she never attended the required new employee training, meaning it seems like she was just hired to be around.  Even the boss denies it when she asks him, and she doesn't q question him to his face but has doubts and was going to resign but her friends convince her that she should just let it go, and use this as an opportunity.

3. Boss man's sister sends her lunches everyday, making her the source of a lot of gossip. Shan Shan continues to cross paths with the boss, in actually reasonable ways, and while their interactions are minimal, he VERY slowly begins to notice her as 'interesting'.  Meanwhile she is oblivious to this.

That is essentially episode 1.  I encourage you to give it a shot.  Other dramas that I liked (modern) include My Love From Another Star, Secret Garden, Autumn's Concerto, and It Started With a Kiss (the one with Ariel Lin).  I like it because none of the characters are annoying, and it is tough to do the ditzy cute girl without it being so sweet you want to cringe.  Or cringeworthy.  They keep it fairly grounded in reality (or at least as much as a soap opera is able to).   The only big plot hole is why they would hire someone for this rare blood because he has enough money to get it easily. I get a strong vibe that this is going to be a nice guy kind of romance (meaning not a jerk) and a clash between two different personalities and classes.

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Demon Girl Episode 2
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ian 11, 2018

True Love Begins With Dance Lessons

-Again, the show starts with a narrator: he explains how to identify a demon.  Demons have long golden nails, they can transform and when they do so they have wings and long ears.  Demons have gold tears (my favorite) and pink blood.  Their eyes also change color (red) when they transform.  Other than the super speed they gain from flying/'attack' flying, they are no different in terms of physical strength from humans. They are not immortal, they have to eat and sleep like everyone else.  In the winter they hibernate and at death they turn into water, and from that water a baby is born.  The infant has no memory of when they were a demon (I understood it as they become human).  

Setting: 1900: 8 Countries Invade Bejiing (we are witnessing, I think, the Battle of Peking where foreigners arrived to quell the Boxer Rebellion--a rebellion by Chinese nationalists or Imperialists bent on removing Western culture).  Understandably, the show clearly shows the foreigners as the bad guys perhaps because 1)this is China and 2)a lot of foreigners (and even more locals) looted the city)

1. A beautiful noble woman is fleeing the city with her husband (who has that awful haircut!!) and two daughters.  Her name is Xio Die, and all around her she is horrified to see her countrymen laying dead or dying in the street as the British fight to take the city.  She gives her eldest daughter, Xiao Nian, a kiss and then pushes her out the door.  'Our luxurious married life as husband and wife ends!' she tells her confused husband before promising to meet him in the next life and the doors close, leaving Xio Die with a lot of Engllish soldiers.  She transforms into a demon and starts taking out soldiers left and right.  Meanwhile, a man who was pretending to be dead watches this in shock.  Ultimately it seems like Xiao Die is shot to death and dies.  Outside the city her husband vows to wait for her.

Fast forward to 1915 Shanghai which is essentially the era in which the city was called the 'Paris of the East' (I love history).  Which means we have about forty years before the city is completely under communist control although the city is incorporated into the People's Republic of China.

2.  A beautiful cabaret dancer is about to leave her dressing room when suddenly she sees wings on her back--but they disappear so fast she thinks she imagined it.  On stage she dances and is the star of the show.  This is a dance club, the kind normally frequented by men.  Our male lead, Superintendent & General Ming and Captain, arrives.  He is meeting a gangster, Lord Wu.  Wu attempts to bribe him so that he looks the other way and ignores the banned items he imports into the city.  The look of contempt on Ming's face is priceless.  He is clearly disgusted.  But he then laughs and says he is not interested in gold.  He looks at the dancer and is clearly spellbound.  Lord Wu picks up on this and has his men drag her down to the meeting.  The girl protests and Ming is, quite literally, pardon my language, eye f***ing her.  We all know what he wants.

3.The girl insists she be allowed to return, and is indignant (and rightly so) that Lord Wu would try to offer her to this guy.  She turns to go, and gets a gun pointed at her neck in return.  Finally Ming decides to interfere and insists that Lord Wu doesn't know him very well.  As a rich heir to the richest family in China (is he bragging?) he can have any girl he wants.  He should let the girl go (he oddly doesn't sound as arrogant as this sounds; more like he is simply stating fact)(I like that the girl is clearly unfazed by this).  Lord Wu illustrates his oafish behavior towards women as the girl insults his authority (I thought that stupid) and he is about to shoot her but Ming pulls the gun up and the bullet goes into the ceiling (I don't think she is as scared as she should have been).  Lord Wu then points a gun at him and our hero mocks him for displaying such obvious insecurity and calls in his own guns, all 20 of them, and tells him that one day Lord Wu's (basically) trigger happy behavior will get him killed and he won't pity him when it happens.  He then leaves with the girl who acts annoyingly misssish and basically says that she isn't easy and he can't have her. He laughs and says he was just doing that to keep her safe. He gives her his coat and leaves.  

4.The girl returns home...and it turns out this is Cheng!  Her father wants to know why she is late and why the heck she is dressed like this.  Her sister explains its a new fashion and he believes her!  He tells her to come early next time (this father is strangely naive).  We learn she dances in order to earn money.  Jobs are hard to come by these days.  Cheng can't git Ming out of her head and begins to have erotic dreams about him in which they are having hot make out sessions.  

5.The next day Cheng tries to find the man to return the coat but he does not return to the club.  Later, her sister complains about how all of her classmates are attending a party hosted by the wealthy socialite Mrs. Du.  Unfortunately, she has never been invited because she is too poor.  Her sister promises to get her into the event.  They borrow clothes from the dance hall and her sister gets in by...pretending to look for an invite and then spraying perfume in the eyes of the guy at the gate.  For reasons unknown, he does not chase after them.  Once inside, Xin awkwardly starts introducing herself to people who all look at her disdainfully (won't lie it shows she does not know the social etiquette of the upper classes).  Her female classmates then surround her and begin to bully her.  Cheng jumps in to defend her and says you know what, my sister will get the best dance partner her.  Just watch.  She then takes her onto the floor and begins to dance, and she shows she is an excellent danger (let's ignore the fact that her style of dancing is entirely scandalous for a proper woman of this time period she looks good).  At the end the crowd is dazzled and many men surround Xin to request a dance.  THEN Cheng approaches the angry girls and says 'something smells like vinegar.  it's too sour I need some air' BURNED!

6.Outside, Cheng has an internal monologue about how she hates how fake high society is.  She then runs into...MING!  He is trying to politely reject a very direct girl who tells him she loves him and will stalk him (this feels like a parody of every show that features an impudent stalker girl).  Cheng comes to the rescue and says they are lovers.  He catches on and kisses her to prove it, and she kisses shim right back!  The girl leaves, and then he apologizes for kissing her and she says it is not a problem since he saved her.  He then admits he recognizes her from the club.  They have a little laugh, part ways, but neither can really leave...they each turn and return back to each other....

7.Ming reveals he can't dance and she offers to teach him.  She shows that she is something of a free spirit, and just starts to teach him, and doesn't care that he steps on her feet.  Ming is clearly mesmerized by her.  (I like her a lot too she is not annoying it's refreshing nor is she stupid).  They begin to meet up regularly so she can teach him to dance but it is clearly an excuse to see one another.  Many days later, her sister wants to know why it had to be Ming, why did she fall in love with him and her sister basically says you can't help who you like.

8.Finally her father confronts her for her dancing.  He tells her that he is appalled at her behavior and that the most important thing is purity.  He grounds her, and it's actually really cute he is very upset that she ignores him and he clearly is upset that he has to punish her but believes it is his duty.  Cheng, however, is young and a girl in love.  She sneaks out her window to go meet up with Ming whom she confides in about how she is fighting with her father, how she wants to help out the family and wishes he would understand her.  Ming encourages her to yell out loud her troubles and maybe heaven will hear.  Cheng does so, and Ming realizes that he is in love with her and believes she is his destiny...

Aside from the overt propaganda, which feels like they are saying to their audience 'we like Shangahai see we are even supportive of teachers' perhaps because of what China did to the people in Shanghai later...still the show is good.

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Demon Girl Episode 1
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ian 11, 2018

I just KNEW Qin Cheng was a demon....

-'Demon Girl' opens with a brief narration on the current status of human perception of the invisible world (ghosts, demons, gods, etc).  The Narrator acknowledges that this belief in the unknown has been replaced by science and while unexplained incidents continue to mystify this community, it is only a small handful of people who secretly investigate and seek to understand the occult.

Setting: The first half of the 20th century, indeterminate time (perhaps in order to avoid political stuff) .

1.Two men are seen strolling down a quaint market street discussing the mystical female creature and how one can never understand them or knows how to please them.  One of the men is clearly the male lead (or the villain) as he possesses that abnormal androgynous male beauty seen only in dramas.  SUDDENLY a woman screams for help, because her purse has been stolen.  Mr. Beautiful not only chases him down, but in typical drama fashion, he illustrates he gained decades of experience training in top dojos by leaping into the air and delivering a well-timed kick to our small time crook, instantly rendering him stunned.  For reasons that I can only assume or meant to illustrate that he has a big heart and is open minded, he gives our crook a stern talking to, retrieves the purse, and lets him go (presumably so that he may spread tales of his kindness or find someone else to rob).

2.The Western looking woman thanks him profusely and offers a reward.  Our hero (because he is clearly the hero) laughs at this and refuses to accept the reward, but his buddy reminds him, you should ask him about what the ladies like.  She says women love perfume, and reccomends to him a shop famous for a perfume that 'can get a woman to do whatever you want' as she will be in a great mood ( our hero a closet pervert?)Even more interesting, he reveals he is an officer of the law, so he was just doing his job (which makes his request even  more suspicous).

3.  The magical perfume is called Qiao but is no longer made.  Still she give him the information to find the maker, and the perfumer says it is too difficult to make the perfume.  But our hero cheerfully asks if he could tell him how to make it.  Our hero shows he is adept in the sciences as he works hard to create his gift, and after many failures, succeeds. He delivers the perfume to his beloved Qin Cheng, a picture of respectful feminine innocence, so much so that the directors hammer this into our heads by going so far as to weave daisy's into her hair.  She accepts his gift graciously but refuses to kiss him when he asks, demonstrating that she is both virtuous and proper, but has a close enough relationship with him that she finds this request amusing (note that they are surrounded by people, because a proper girl does not see a man she isn't married to in private).

4.Qin Cheng returns home, in a rollicking good mood, where she sees her father who is an adorable, big glasses wearing, somewhat weak looking guy.  He expresses fatherly concern for their youngest, her sister Qin Xin who says she goes to school each day but apparently she has not been as the school contacted him for her absences (typical adolescent action--play hooky and somehow not connect the dots that the school will indeed call your parents).  Her father admits he is afraid to confront her because Qin Xin is a very headstrong and stubborn girl (surprisingly, she is not the main character because this describes most female leads) who once she is fixated on something will not budge--hence he is worried she is wrapped up in something (the drugs....just kidding) and will run away from home.  Qin Cheng shows she is not only a virtuous woman but a caring sister when she tells her father she will find out what is wrong with her, hence we see Qin cheng isn't just caring, she is responsible and willing to confront the people she cares about when worried.

5.Qin Cheng follows her sister on the way to school and sees her go into a circus like place where she performs menial labor.  She asks her what the meaning of this all is, and is nice enough to listen to her explanation instead of yelling at her.  Qin Xin, through a flashback, reveals that she has fallen in love with an aspiring actor.  She saw him street acting and was so moved (when he delivers his lines the scenes change and he is suddenly wearing an ancient costume and dressed like someone from a Wuxia hence, she was thoroughly captivated) that she approached him and gained his trust and expressed a desire to help him.  She stated that they are only friends  and he does not know she is doing this (actually he does, he vaguely told her he could not accept help from her but it seemed a little suspicious).  Her sister is EXTREMELY skeptical, and rightly so, but trusts her sister's choice and is supportive, but also points out that it is not right for a guy to come between her and her education, and it is wrong for a man to take money from her, even if he tries to reject it.  Apparently with her support he got into acting school and she has been helping with his school fees.  She invites her and father to see him perform.

6. The next day, this guy takes her out to a fancy place to treat her (red flag; if you have no money you shouldn't be eating fancy) with his first pay check.  All he can afford is a bowl of soup, and they share it.  Then, at the performance, he proclaims in front of everyone that he loves Qin Xin, that she is the love of his life, that he will take care of her.  Their father rolls his eyes at this flamboyant proclamation but it seems like Qin Cheng is willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, for her sister.  The guy even calls her dad father, and insists that he will take care of because now they are boyfriend and girlfriend.

7.Meanwhile, in the late evening, we go to a hospital where a woman who gives the impression of Maleficent based on how dark her expression and overall affect, meets with her underling.  It seems their hospital is being robbed.  Her late father, who was a collector of rare and expensive artifacts, acquired a very rare and expensive piece which she believes could be used to their advantage.  It also seems like she is good friends with Captain Ming (Qin Cheng's boyfriend). This lady goes to where the robbers are and shows she is the exact opposite of Qin Cheng, she physically harms the men, kicks them, stabs them with her heel, and shows she is one who thou shall not f**** with.  She gives them three choices: 1.She will call the police 2.she will bury them alive or 3.they do something for her, and she will consider them even.  The terrified men pick 3, though it seems more like she assumed that was their choice.  She injects them with poison, tells them after the task is done they can have the antidote, and using her artifact makes them wear a goofy hat.

8.Qin Xin, meanwhile, decides to do something fun and different with her hair now that her boyfriend is fast becoming a celebrity.  She cuts it short (it's very cute, like that just above the shoulders cut that is popular in a lot of manga) and returns to show her love, only to see him making out with a sexy woman AND essentially mocking her (Qin Xin) for being stupid (Now I cannot say I was surprised BUT the show did do a good job of not making it overtly obvious that he was going to do this, meaning there was a chance that he might have been a nice guy or at least learn how to do.  She runs out sobbing, and he chases her.  She asks him to tell her that he was acting, and she must have mistaken things.  He tells her that they should just end this, because as an actor he needs a patron if he will reach the top, and while he does in fact love her, he loves acting more.  So the relationship ends.  (Oh, just before this fight, she had given him an expensive suit...)

9.Qin Xin returns him, heartbroken.  Her older sister shows that she has claws as well, when it comes to INJUSTICE and those who would hurt and use her sister.  She goes to where the guy is having his debut, with reporters everywhere, and publicly humiliates him by telling all the reporters how awful he is for using her sister and getting her to use up her entire savings to buy a one-of-a-kind suit.  She throws dirty water on him and leaves, and an angry crowd proceeds to be beat him.  JUSTICE (perhaps to emphasize the irony when she becomes a demon?)

10.On her way home, Qin Cheng is cornered by the very men hospital director lady sent out.  They actually rip her clothes, and it is very obvious that their goal seems to be rape (evil).  This triggers Qin Cheng's demon blood, as she sprouts wings and attacks them to protect herself, which seems to kill them (it may have been the poison).  Horrified at her actions, she runs away and passes out somewhere.  Elsewhere, hospital lady seems smug as she concludes that she knew Qin Cheng was a demon (how the hell would she know that?)

11.The following morning, Captain Ming, or leading lady's boyfriend, inspects the dead bodies.  They still need an autoposy but remark on how it seems more like an animal attack.  He discovers Qin Cheng not far away, unconscious, and burning up with fever.  He panics and takes her home, she recovers, she explains what she was doing prior to returning home but after that can remember nothing (SMART).  He wants to take her to a doctor but she panics and says she is fine, really (SMART).  He respects this choice and tells her to rest.

Why is Qin Cheng a demon?  Why does this hospital lady wish to expose her?  Will Qin Xin discover a new love?

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Ice Fantasy Episode 6
0 people found this review helpful
dec 31, 2017

Everyone but the fire tribe is inept.

This series, I think, is going to be highly episodic because of the number of side stories that illustrate bigger themes.
Short Summary:
1.tuo (healer tribe prince) escapes from the city with the help of Li Luo and Ka Suo.  He shares that the reason he wants out of the marriage isn't bachelor vibes but because he is in love with another woman--someone he has only seen once.  
2.Yu Shen, the baby sister of his bride to be, arrives to collect him and we learn that she is in fact the object of his affection....Yu Shen rejects him coldly
3.They are brought before the healer chief who yells at his son.  Yan Da arrives (Fire Princess) and chaos ensues.  Yu Shen runs off with Tuo to show him what has become of her sister--she has been poisonoed and looks like an old woman
4.Yan Da arrives and explains that she knows about the poison and will provide the antidote in exchange for the crystal (she is prioritizing that over Ka Suo) plus the crystal is the antidote
5.Yu Shen sniffs out some answers (literally)and discovers Shi is the one who poisoned her sister.  She wants him dead but tuo intervenes.  He is a diplomat.
6.Yan Da force feeds Shi heart burning fruit which will put him in awful pain if he ever betrays her.  Incidentally, Shi can now use magic.
7. Using his own nose and a lock of hair, Ka Suo tracks down Shi
8.After a reunion, they catch up with Yu Shen, Tao in tow, and are unable to deal with the traps set by the rat demon.  Yu Shen is injured protecting Tao.  The girls take refuge in a cave without telling the men....
Long Summary:

We open up to Tuo (Healer Tribe Prince) being snuck out of the city.  They manage to achieve this by making up a story that there was a sulfur attack and his face is melted.  Outside the city Ka Suo and Li Luo learn that the reason he is fleeing the marriage is because he fell in love at first site with a woman and wants to find her.  Li Luo (unsurprisingly) thinks this is a dumb reason to abandon your tribe but Ka Suo is supportive and states that he deserves freedom (ah, me thinks this is personal for Ka Suo).  For thanks, Tuo gives them a special jade that will grant them the much  needed entrance to the herb temple

The Li healer, Yu Shen, and baby sister of Tuo's marriage partner, shows up and states that she basically isn't a fool and know they have Tuo.  Tuo recognizes her voice and reveals that this is the woman he is in love with. Apparently  many moons ago he spied her training while collecting  herbs and fell in love (he sounds like some guy in a Greek myth spying on Diana training).  We then have a flashback of his love at first sight moment.  

Yu Shen spurns his love and instead accuses him of breaking her sisters heart.  She essentially rejects and hates him.  Then the healer chief arrives looking great with a really bad wig.  He drags his son home and Tuo, clearly dejected over having been rejected, seems ready to give in.  Li Luo seems to judge him heavily for giving up so easily, and that is when Fire Princess Yan Da shows up LIKE A BOSS with Shi in tow.  Unfortunately, Ka Suo does not recognize his brother, now called Yun Fei.

Chaos ensues.  Shi causes a fight and Yan Da immediately rushes to his side (love is in the air?)  Instead of focusing on Ka Suo, Yan Da instead leaves to find the crystal because she recalls that with it Ka Suo would be powerless.  Yu Shen runs off with Tuo (Healer Prince) in order to prevent a diplomatic disaster.  He takes her to her big sister who has been poisoned--she has been made to age into an old woman.  Tuo tells Yu Shen that they need drugs from the divine tribes.  And I wonder who can provide them.....?  Yan Da!

Yan Da explains that she has been poisoned with a special rare flower that will kill her sister in three days.  Yu Shen demands the antidote.  But Tuo is more level headed and asks her pollitely.    Yan Da agrees--in exchange for the crystal which can also be used to cure the poison.  Yu Shen wants to find the poisooner--she uses her nose (healers have sensitive noses) and discovers that Shi is the poisoner.  

Tuo believes that fire princess is correct.  That the crstal can be used.  Yu Shen wants to kill Shi but Tuo intervenes.  He is about diplomacy.  He also seems to be smarter than he acts.  And here I thought he was a moron!  I think he is one of those characters who just seems worthless but is actually really smart when he tries.  

Shi is incredibly flat and unemotional throughout all of this.  Yan Da forces him to eat something and promises to train him but she needs to test his loyalty.  She says that as long as he witnesses the bride drinking the soup she will get the crystal.  He apparently gave him something called 'heart burning crystal'.  If he betrays her then he will be in incredible pain (how the HELL did the ice tribe  manage to be in charge when the fire tribe is just light years smarter than them??)

Apparently Shi can do magic now.

Meanwhile, Yu Shen's sister is dying.  Her hair starts to fall out.  Yu Shen seems convinced that the healer chief has the crystal but his father says he doesn't have it and that there is a long story behind it.  It seems 18 years ago the rat demon went after their tribe and caused an awful plague.  People were dying left and right.  Left with no choice, Healer Chief Huang Mao went to confront him using the ancient relic.  So it seems he has it.  Yu Shen immediately leaves to go after the demon.  Tuo wishes to go with her, but his father forbids him since he knows no martial arts.  Yu Shen tells him to stay with his fiancee.  

Li Luo and Ka Suo overhear all of this.  They speculate on the rat demon's location.  Incidentally, at this same time, Ka Suo learns that Shi planted some of his hair on him during the fight before (Somehow i just don't get their relationship. i mean people are dying left and right and they only seem to care about finding one another. is this a BL story?)

Ka Suo discovers the source of the scent--a grown up Shi!  Reunion!  They embrace one another and Shi looks enough like a chic that I think this could qualify as BL.  But I digress.

In a scene that  makes no sense, Li Luo and Ka Suo catch up to Yu Shen.  Readers, Yu Shen is riding fast on horseback.  They are pulling a cart because they have the dopey Tuo with them.  COME ON.  We all know that makes no sense.  

They arrive at the 'spot' a foggy spot in the woods with not a lot growing.  He seems  more interested in gathering he an idiot?  Before he can pick it the plant dies.  And a shadow fogt shows up.  Yu Shen alas is in charge of the bumbling Tao who just gets in the way.  And she is hurt saving him.  They are clearly over their heads.  

They get to a water source, which allows Ka Suo to use his magic and construct a protective ice shield.  (Li Luo just seems to look angry all the time).  

Back in healer land, the guards are looking for Tuo (they are just as inept as the ice tribe it seems).  Yu Shen meanwhile is not doing well.  A wandering stranger tells them to leave to avoid the rat demon, but also gives them a welcome gift.  They decide to trust this stranger who will bring them to the cave (REALLY???)  they decide to hide there without telling anyone.  

The show could benefit from better direction.  They are also using a very dated form of pushing plot forward--but then this came out around the same time as Eternal Love and Eternal Love was just so well done---I think it was just bad timing.  IF this show had come out a couple years ago I think it would have had higher reviews.

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Ice Fantasy Episode 5
0 people found this review helpful
dec 31, 2017

Short Summary:1.Ka Suo walks into a trap…

Short Summary:
1.Ka Suo walks into a trap and instead of liberating Shi, he is captured.  Luckily Li Luo saves him.
2.Shi 'escapes' but really has magically grown up.  He serves Fire Princess who is very interested in him and finds him attractive,
3.Li Luo and Shi make up and make the healing tribe their focus, hoping to run into Shi.
4.Yan Da makes Shi wait on her and hopes to attract him but fails.  Shi observes everything.  They plan on going to the healing tribe next.
5.Mr. Healer Chief states that the leaf crystal has been lost over the millenia
6.The audience meets Yu Shen of the healing tribe--she is a special class of healer with a death aura so she specializes in poison
7.After we learn that the healing tribe prince has no desire for marriage he runs off and yan do plots to ruin the wedding
8.Shi arrives in disguise and delivers what looks like poison to Miss Yue (the bride) while Li Luo and Ka Suo, along with the runaway groom, figure out how to see the tribe chief...

Long Summary
We open to Ka Suo confrontong Fire Princess yan Da and demanding his brother.  As Li Luo said, it was a trap.  He is imprisoned in fire, but somehow Li Luo shows up (how did she escape?) to rescue him.

Yan Da discovers the magically grown up body of Shi (he somehow hit puberty) and Li Luo (who seems to have been hired again) and Ka Suo wonder where he went.  They theorize he went to the Healer Tribe, a place they have to go to anyways to get a piece of the crystal (so Sailor Moon).

So Shi is now super hot.  Yan Da admires his sleeping beauty (who wouldn't?) she is looking for a little boy and does not realize that it is Shi!  Shi pretends to be stupid and insists that a little boy tried to steal his clothes (this scene is so silly).  She seems intent on exerting both her sex appeal and authority while questioning him--she seems to like him--and is even putting up with these word games and insists that he be her slave.  Shi maintains he knows nothing and plans to hide his identity to protect his brother (they are so close it is kind of creepy).

MEANWHILE Ka Suo has a deep moment playing the flute and Li Luo is adorable as she tries to avoid disturbing his peace but fails.  He asks her to stay by his side, so she does but wants to know why.  And now we get an explanation about how she escaped and him firing her: she admits she was disobedient and is unfit.  He  frees her from being a guardian but seems really forlorn (!).  Since he is so sad, she offers to stay with him as a friend (I think he wants to be more than friends...)

She offers to reconcile with him (I guess he doesn't know how to apologize) and they drink wine (he has never had any before, not like this).  I think she sees him as something like a lost puppy.  

The adult Shi looks not so great with his hair style.  He looks too much like a girl for me.  Anyways, Yan Da Fire Princess is having a bath and summons Shi inside (I guess this big sis is going to teach him a thing or two!)  and for reasons that make zero sense, Shi seems disinterested in the female body which must mean he is either gay or asexual because even as a woman I think she is lovely!  whats wrong with him????   he could control her with his body!  yan da insists that he look at her praise her beauty but he pisses her off by saying he has seen someone more beautiful than her.  kind of like aprhodite this makes her mad.  he says his mom is more beautiful.

I think that shi is REALLY odd.

Meanwhile, Li Luo explains she got there because of her 'Turnip' or unicorn horse.  They arrive at the healing tribe (this show feels like a video game).  The healing tribe is so good they can heal gods.  At the same time, the healing tribe leaders receive princess Yan Da and states her desire to have the leaf ice crystal.  But the healing chief tells her that the crystal has been lost since many thousands of years ago and is sort of a myth among their people.  She suspects that he is trying to remain neutral.  She then switches gears and says that she would like to witness a wedding.  

There is an attack during this wedding and a beauty--Yu Shen--is defending the woman to be married.  She is  Li Healer, a person born with a deathly aura that can only harm others, thus they specialize in martial arts and poison.  They are forced to keep their distance from others because it is dangerous to be near them.  

MEANWHILE a male hottie is introduced.  He is overseeing some grandpas talking about medicine.  He is Huong Tuo.  And they are playing....a card game? About medicine?  It seems that Huong Tuo is a bit unconventional?

And they gamble with rare herbs?  Interesting.  OH this is the groom.  Who does not want to marry.  His papa is the healing tribe chief.  His father lectures him for only caring about herbs and nothing about getting married (err...curse the theme of of men not caring about sex!  all the men in China must be perverts for them to constantly have this theme in t.v. i mean the women are always strong and the men always disinterested in sex--in a country struggling with women's rights big time and population)  

Yon Da talks to her dad and learns that the healing tribe can only maintain peace through marriage.  Her mission is to ruin the marriage, cause chaos, and I guess force them to hand over this crystal.  She summons Shi next (this lady is beautiful) and gives him wine(to arouse him?)

In a show of extreme immaturity, the healing tribe heir runs off.  Meanwhile, Ka Suo and Li Luo are unable to locate Shi.  They do run into the healing prince as he tries to flee.  She uses her....gunblade? (Is this FF8?)  to stop him --

Guards show up, and Li Luo throws Ka Suo on a bed, orders him to strip, and they pretend like they are husband and wife about to have sex while the prince hides under the bed.  It fails, the prince comes out and he agrees to return with the guards.  He thanks them for attempting to help them.  And then attacks the pressure points of the guards before they escape.  

Wanted posters are up of Li Luo and the prince.  Now they reveal that they want to see the head of the tribe, and the prince is confident that he can help them.  Meanwhile, the woman to be married, Yue, is very upset.  She is convinced she is undesirable.  Yu Shen tells her big sister that everything will be fine.  (Everyone really is quite pretty in this drama).

Miss Yue, the bride, is supposed to take tranquilizing soup to ease her pain.  She drinks what clearly looks like poison (based off off the music too) and it seems like Shi brought it to her so...

This gets a 7.5 because it was one of those episodes clearly setting up for bigger events.  And because I thought that the healer tribe prince was really annoying.

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Ice Fantasy Episode 4
0 people found this review helpful
dec 31, 2017

Into the Mortal Reallm

ALright, here we go:
Short Recap:
1.The Lotus Concubine is taken away by Fire King and the King and Queen are left imprisoned, after finally sharing that they do not know anything about the location of the leaf which the Fire King Wants
2.Remaining Ice Tribe Members are told that aiding Ka Suo or Shi will be considered treason.  They are also told that the King and Queen are dead.
3.Ka Suo and Shi barely escape with their lives but the general dies in the process.
4.In the mortal realm Ka Suo and Shi disguise themselves as mortals, and Ka Suo looks for a healer for Shi.  He manages to raise money selling ice shelters to pay for healing services from the Healing Tribe, but this turns out to be a scam.  He uses his magic to suppress this people.
5.Ka Suo loses his magic because we learn harming humans and even using magic in the human realm causes you to lose magic.  He and Shi are cornered by the Fire Princess in the woods, but are rescued by Li Luo. Shi is captured.
6.Ka Suo seems to be smitten when he learns Li Luo's identity. It seems like love at first site for him.  But this may not be the case as once a red-dreaming spell is used to provoke his rage, he imprisons Li Luo and fires her in order to rescue Shi.
7.Meanwhile, Shi seems to have a weird heart attack, is engulfed by flame and bursts out of his prison...

So we open up to the imprisoned Lotus, Ice King, and Queen.  The Fire King appears with what appear to be Ka Suo and and Shi and demands to know the location of the special leaf, and then he will spare them.  Both the Lotus and the Queen beg the emperor to tell him but he refuses as he has to put the ice tribe first.

The Ice Queen insists she will take the blame and the fire king temporarily releases her.  she shares that in truth no one knows where the pieces are, beyond the fact that they are in the mortal realm.  she is sent back in and li jian (lotus) is taken away. the emepror doesn't seem to be angry with the queen.

ka Suo and shi and the general make it to the bridge, which is unlocked by the general (apparently it was sealed) and as one commentor said, it is like a video game as they run across the bridge .  fire princes yon Da almost dies because of her brothers actions but he seems to not care.  

Ka suo and shi survive; the general is discovered by li luo (never really explains how she got there) and he dies.  meanwhile, the fire king has his children tell the handful of surviving ice nationer's (like all 20 of them) that the king and queen are dead and shows fake remains.  he then issues an edict: that since he is the ruler of the three realms and wants peace, it is his duty to protect the realms and that Ka Suo and shi are looking for the special leaf and will try to ruin the peace. anyone who aids them will be committing treason and killed at once.

the crowd is not happy and protests. the fire prince and princess start knocking people off one by one (this is like genocide!)

---we still don't know what happened to mermaid princess and ice queen grandma--
I THINK that the fire king hopes to gent inside the panties of Lotus. Who knows what Lotus really thinks, she is a cunning lady.

MEANWHILE, Ka Suo changes his hair and Shi's hair to black to blend in with the humans (so pretty!!).  In spite of his disguise, they are immediately found out because of the type of language they use--they talk like immortals.  In order to save Shi, he will have to go to the Healer Tribe (alright this feels like Final Fantasy).

Because they are so suspicious, someone starts to follow them.   This stranger says he can help them, and Ka Suo is stupid enough to trust this stranger.  Is he a dope?  The stranger asks for money, something that does not exist in his realm.  He recalls from his talks with Li Luo what money is--the man asks for a fortune, and Ka Suo promises to have it in a day (what will he do? steal? prostitute himself?)

Ka Suo tries to sell ice sculptures (yup) and explains they won't melt.  But the humans just laugh.  (These guys are adorable)   Taels are like little rocks in this world??

It feels like a giant scam, this guy.  He finds healers but can detect the scam because they don't smell like medicine.  These fools try to kill him and here he learns a lesson: that not every mortal is good.  Some are bad.  Somehow these mortals don't realize who they are dealing with.  He uses magic on them and puts the fear of god into them (I think he turned them into ice by freezing the blood in their veins).  

But his magic and strength suffers.  It is because he is in the mortal realm, JUST BECAUSE, if you use your magic to harm and if you use it to harm humans you become weak.  It also makes you easy to find.  WHY?  BECAUSE.

Fire princess tracks them down (she's my fave, such a badass) and uses her whip on them.  Her personality is kind of meh--she right now is just evil mean lady.  Guardian Li Luo shows up and saves them, and she cuts through the fire nation army--they escape but Shi is captured (in an incredibly poorly executed separation scene).

Li Luo and Ka Suo are now on the run.  Ka Suo has lost his magic and wants to save his little bro, but Li Luo is far more practical and rational.  She tells him that they cannot do this.  He actually tries to bite her to get her to release him, she screams and knocks him out.

MEANWHILE, Shi is brought back to the fire nation.  It's a pretty desolate place no wonder everyone is unhappy.  But fire princess is (rightly) confident that as long as she has Shi Ka Suo will show up.

Ka Suo awakens and can only think of his brother--is it not odd that he is not upset about his royal family or his people??  Anyways he does some magic which shows he has his magic back.  Li Luo arrives and introduces herself as the guardian he has communicating with.  

So now he has a face to the person whom he has been talking to, and it seems like he is sort of like struck by love.  And somehow I don't think she is in love.  The music they pick for this scene is bad, but the back and forth I like.  She gives him flowers because he once said that the scent gives gods energy (yes, really).  He gives her money for food.  She expresses respect that he has been doing okay in the mortal realm.  She shows him how he eats--they hunt animals and eat them--I have this feeling that if she were a man he would still be in love with her--

Li Luo tells him that they need to plan, that their forces are weak, and they need to find the six leaf crystal.  She helps him out i.e. repairs his clothes so he does not use magic, and so he learns more about how humans live.  I think she is like his savior.  Or something.  While for her this is just a normal duty, so it's kind of cute how he is clearly in love but she is like whatever.  He asks her to cal him by his first name to protect their identities--it's interesting he behaves I think sort of sensually but she seems oblivious to it.

So someone casts the re-dream spell to record events---essentially a movie in the sky--so mortals can watch what happened in the ice kingdom and get a live update.  It's like CNN.  This infuriates Ka Sao, and he wants to liberate his brother, which angers Li Luo who points out that he is being manipulated and interfering with her duty to guard him.  He orders her to withdraw, she basically says you are a moron walking into a losing fight.  But he locks her up so she can't stop him.  He fires her for disobeying him (so much for love) and goes to the fire nation fort where Shi is in a cage, dirty, looking at his flute.  

BAM! Red light comes out of him and it seems like he is having a Kali-Mal (see Temple of Doom) moment.  Ka Suo meanwhile is blowing on the leaf, and Shi grabs the flute --he loses his clothes and emits flame (is he a fire tribe guy?) and blows away the bars to his cage.


I gave it an 8 for more plot.  I am curious to see what will happen next.  Fire princess interests me alot.

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Ice Fantasy Episode 3
0 people found this review helpful
dec 31, 2017

If this seems longwinded, it's because…

If this seems longwinded, it's because I wrote it while watching the show so you get all my feels--

This Episode Can be Summed Up:
1.Shi heads to the Endless Cave to get the Devouring Sword.  He intends to sacrifice himself.
2.Ka Suo learns of Shi's mission and goes to save him.
3.The Fire King is so successful in his attack that he finally corners the royal family.  He forces the Ice King and Queen to watch as their children die and are turned into ash by him.  The Ice King swears revenge.
4.Shi fails to obtain the Devouring Sword.  Ka Suo shows up to save him.
5.The Ice King is defeated after an epic fight by the Fire King.  
6.the Fire King and his people arrive at the Endless Cave to intercept Ka Suo, whom he has vowed to slowly kill in front of the Ice king.
7.Aslan--the lion--shows up and buys Shi, the General, and Ka Suo time to escape.
8.Ka Suo, Shi, and the General arrive in the city and learn the sad truth, that their brothers and sisters are all dead.
Long Version: 

Shi and Ka Suo meet just before he sets out on his mission to claim the God Devouring Sword. The writers are clearly setting up for a rift between the two as the amount of emphasis placed on how close the two is emphasized left and right: in a poignant scene Ka Suo gifts his little brother with a rare ice flute.  He shows him a leaf.  Whoever blows on the leaf can know where the flute holder is--(HOW CAN THEY BE CASUALLY CHATTING WHEN PEOPLE ARE DYING LEfT AND right???)

Meanwhile Li Luo (Victoria) is cornered by fire nation soldiers.  She has no weapon and so she tells them that she can lead them to a secret entrance into the ice castle in return if they spare her (she is clearly buying time).

Shii enters the cave and we learn that even though the ice veil is melting the tribe is unaffected because they created sacred jewelry from wisdom prayer beads of some ancestor.  The fire nation however seems to know of this (can I say that the people in the fire nation all seem to be a million times better looking than the ice tribe, who seem to be super weak?).  We, the audience, are shown flashes of the fire king laughing manically as the two nations battle it out (can I just say that he knows how to rock a perm?).  The cheesiness is laugh out loud funny; I strongly recommend people to watch this on Viki just to see the viewer comments....

So much of this episode is difficult to really explain because alot of it is the same scenes repeated: essentially the ice nation is falling apart beneath the ice attack and they are sort of dealing with it.  

Ka Suo wishes to remain and assist his people who are dying but he has been ordered to leave immediately and find the magical 6 leaf crystal which can save the ice veil.  He is the final hope of his people.  We also learn that Shi is essentially viewed as an expendable person compared to Ka Suo (probably a combination of him being half mermaid and having no magic)

Ka Suo runs off to aid Shi when he learns of his mission so off to the Endless Cave he goes.  The Endless Cave it seems is filled with death vines (OMG sorry the Ice Tribe is just really pathetically weak)(Fire King soo hot wonder why he hates the Ice King so much).

The Ice King's remaining children/soldiers are held under a deadly enchantment by the Fire King which could cause them to turn into smoke.  The Ice King finally says (basically) come at me bro and begs him to leave his children alone.  He agrees, if they swear loyalty to him and kill the Ice King (their dad)(he's so bad).

>>>why all the hate?  I wish I knew the meaning behind this conflict>>>

the fire nation is brutal, asking them to kill their wives, they ask the hottest royal ice son, Zhu Gong, to kill his wife--she swears allegiance to the fire king and once free tries to kill the fire king but fails and this condemns them all to death------the Ice King apologizes as his children die in front of him and the Ice King swears to destroy the fire nation (the death scene was really dramatic and slow mo, like watching 300 in fact a lot of this drama seems to be influenced by it)

MEANWHILE Shi finds the sword (why the HELL did they hide it so far away? its an ice weapon so only ice people should be able to use it right?)  the Ice King finally intervenes to save his Queen (I feel bad for her!)

AS the two begin a fight that is like a dance the sounds their swords make is so painful it causes others to collapse.  The emperor of the ice nation seems to get owned.

Shi meanwhile frees the god sword which seems to have an evil spirit of its own (now I know why it was sealed).  He bargains with the sword who wants to know his greatest fear, which seems to be losing his brother (these two are so close it is almost sickening I kind of want them to hate one another).  

Huo Yi appears to have defeated the ice king and now will rule the 3 realms.  And the devouring sword wants to devour Shi's spirit. Ka Suo shows up in the nick of time and tells general Ke Tou to take his brother away.  He orders him to defy the orders of the emperor, which are to protect Ka Suo at all costs.  Ka Suo decides to be the 'sacrifice'. (this guy needs to have some faults he's too good right now).

They fail to get the devouring sword and flee for their lives.  The fire king swears to slowly kill Ka Suo in front of his defeated father.  He wants his men to capture him and send him to the Endless Cave to capture alive.
 Just as they leave the cave they are met by the best of the best of the fire tribe.  Including the king.

BUT ASLAN SHOWS UP buys them time.  And he fights bravely, but alas is slain.  And why is the fire king so hott?

Basically the entire ice kingdom is being destroyed.  All of Ka Suo's and Shi's buddies are being pinned up like Jesus to die, it is like full scale genocide.  Ka Suo and Shi learn that their brothers and sisters are all dead.  

The CGI scenery is beautiful but the execution of the battle scenes is fall on the floor funny.  I have an appreciation for bad stuff but others might be unable to watch (its like watching Power Rangers a little).  The drama is over the top funny but some of the plot inconsistencies might frustrate a viewer because there is little to no explanation as to WHY the Ice nation is so weak and WHY it shows so much restraint since they clearly explained that even if the Ice Veil is under threat they still have power.  There is an implication that the reason for this feud is linked to the Ice King's second wife who the Fire King seems to be in love with but it isn't fully explained and it seems they were always rivals.  

I have never watched a show where someone let their children die so easily.  The fight scene is like watching something out of DBZ or Sailor Moon.  Just very over the top dramatic.  I love it.  I gave the show a 7.5 because it is entertaining, dramatic, and interesting but it gets docked points for cheesy scenes, bad acting, predictability and forcing things to happen for the sake of plot advancement without a lot of explanation ex. the Ice King is SO WEAK.

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oct 6, 2017

Spoilers Ahead: Li'er Rescues The Lost…

Spoilers Ahead: Li'er Rescues The Lost Emperor

We open to General Meng and Li who are discussing their predicament: the emperor is missing but if they send out search parties it will alert the enemy.  So they send for the one person who can be counted upon no matter what.

If you thought it was Han, you are wrong.
Li'er returns, because, she explains, once she heard about the missing emperor she couldn't not come.  And the two men present agree that Li'er is the best person to find him.  

Literally in the next scene she has found him.  Li'er tracks down the king, they take refuge in the cave nearby, and a series of sentimental scenes follow.  Essentially the emperor is beside himself with joy that she has returned to him, and is astounded because he thought she was gone forever (most people would leave after what he did) but she said she was too worried for him.  

Li'er proceeds to explain the predicament his army is in, and he immediately reacts with anger towards his generals for hesitating to attack because he was lost (really?? he's the king! he controls everything! there is no one to fall back on if he dies!)(I also think he would be mad if they went ahead and attacked)  She lectures him for his quick temper and begs him to promise to not punish his men because they care about him after sending a messenger bird (that she had stored away somewhere) to go ahead and attack after he gives the okay

He is noncommital, which is consistent.  Instead he focuses on her and how happy he is to be with her.

Meanwhile, Prince Yan listens to his advisor as they discuss the war--Yan thinks it is weird that the emperor is attacking the always loyal Han.  But his advisor implores him to think about Zheng's personality--he can make up any reason to attack (implying he is a tyrant) and loyalty does not matter when it is a barrier to his desire to conquer the world (true).  He tells him the only way they can survive is if they kill him (also true).


Li'er and the emperor manage to get new clothes and are travelling as a regular man and wife.  They arrive at the city that will soon be attacked by Qin and manage to stay with a kind female merchant.  Over dinner she shares her heartbreaking story: that Qin has taken her whole family from her and that it is an evil country.  Li'er listens empathetically.

Zheng defends the king and gently tells her that the king wants to unite everyone.  In his typical fashion of I know what's best.  Naturally this triggers the old woman (because Zheng is arguably the most selfish guy in this narrative) who wonders if he wants a kingdom of corpses (basically).

The next day Zheng learns that Li'er is pregnant, and has been since he imprisoned her, but she kept it to herself because she didn't think he would believe her.  He is incredibly happy and promises her that he will quickly unify the nations and make a self world for her, Tian Ming, and their new son.  What a loving father.

His men show up, and his identity is revealed to the old woman who is literally stunned and shocked that he is the king of Qin.  In typical Zheng fashion, the emperor promises to give her anything to make her happy.  He still doesn't understand that some things can never be fixed, and the old woman says she wants his life and grabs a sword.  General Meng kills her to protect the king, and then the king screams, why did you kill her?  Well...he was trying to protect him...

(Honestly I think he only cares because Li'er is there).

The old woman dies in her arms, and Li'er tells him that as much as she supports his dream of peace and unity, she doesn't think all this death is worth it and he vehemently disagrees.

End episode

First, I need to go back and watch the episodes 25-36.
BUT I think Li'er and the emperor are like those two people you know who constantly break up and make up, who are toxic for each other, but love each other.  She is a weakness of his, and he doesn't know how to love someone in a healthy way so he hurts her, and she can't make peace with the fact that he is an awful person, and can't seem to really accept that he is not going to change.  Which makes her upset.  

I also think they gloss over some things that normally most people would address.  Like they make up too quickly, but that could be because they have an unhealthy relationship and are both fairly fickle people or it could be bad writing.  Who knows.  I am becoming a bit impatient with the make up-break up writing.  For him, it makes sense, but her character, I think she really needs to just let go of some things IF she wants to he happy with him because he is NEVER going to change.

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sep 13, 2017

Episode 22 Summary: Han Fei, Jing, & ALMOST sex

So in this episode, the military expedition is carried out, Jing tries to learn the secret sword technique, and the Emperor and Li'er get REALLY close--spoilers ahead 1.We open up to Li'er and Zheng arguing over the sleep conditions. Essentially she wins and gets the bed and he states he will not sleep because he can't, and will watch her. She says do what you want, falls asleep, has a nightmare, and she is surprised that he is still awake. He promises not to sleep and protect her... 2. Jing and Lan'er were successful in arriving at Tian; he must carry her because she is injured. They locate the training spot in something that is like indiana jones: they unlock a secret room, and are sealed inside until he can learn the technique. So it's learn or die. 3.In this secret room, they discover an altar. Inscribed are the names Cao No, Zhuan Zhu, Yu Rang, and Nie Zheng. The last name stands out to him. Apparently he assassinated the Han King over a century ago, but could not escape the palace, so he damaged his face and killed himself. HOWEVER grandpa said that this was all a ruse; that Nie Zheng did escape and he planted the corpse and damaged the face so they would think it was him and lived in seclusion. So he had to use the sword technique. SO HISTORICALLY we know Jing Ke tried to kill the emperor (sorry I have to spoil that) and so I guess this is what our JING is going to attempt.... 4.They pick up a sword off the altar and magically an indoor thunder storm occurs and on the wall, HOLOGRAM IMAGES of the technique appear--YES. Don't know how they got that technology. So I had to suspend reality but laughed so hard.... 5.Meanwhile, the emperor continues to display a puppy like devotion to Li'er. Just watching her sleep...and then we flashback to to Jing who is training, presumably to kill him although I don't think he has made that choice yet--it's just an interesting thing because as the emperor and Li'er become more close, Jing becomes closer to making what I expect to be his big choice to kill the emperor.... 6.Elsewhere, Ru'er/Lady Chu learns through the grapevine that Lady Jing is pregnant. Well she can't have that! She summons her and puts pressure on her to drink a 'special tea' that was from the Grand Dowager so it would be an insult to not drink it, and Jing really has no choice but to drink it. I expect a miscarriage will follow... 7.Meanwhile, since news travels fast, Lady Min talks to her servant about the events that Ru'er has caused. She explains that Lady Jing should have allowed a trusted doctor to make the diagnosis, that way she could have at least kept it secret. But she didn't, and the emperor is away so by the time he returns he probably won't pursue any investigations because Lady Jing is not Li'er. 8.Meanwhile, the emperor discusses with his favorite General Mu the reason for taking all of these troops just to get one scholar. (If you forgot, the entire point of this trip is to retrieve Han Fei) Mu believes it is a waste of resources and will make them a laughingstock. The emperor explains no, we need Han Fei because he is smart, and it will benefit Qin. Also, everyone knows that the king of Han is incompetent and relies entirely upon Han Fei. Everyone will think that Han is the laughingstock for not even challenging me and it will be a great PR campaign because it will show I am not a bloodthirsty tyrant but I can get what I want without war and won't force people to submit necessarily. 9.So in the next scene, all of the Qin soldiers are outside of Han. The king is freaking out and immediately allows Li'er in because she is a woman to negotiate. He says I will give you anything--before they ask--and she says we just want han fei. Well. ---Meanwhile, Jing and Lan'er are basically starving to death because they are trapped in this room and he STILL hasn't mastered this technique. They have run out of water and are done to the last of their food!-- 10.In the next scene they are already back in Qin--with Han Fei--at a banquet in his honor! I love it! And Lady Min is cozying up Li'er while Ru'er glowers across the room. Essentially during the banquet the emperor gives Han Fei the choice of being part of Qin and tells him that he respects him. Han Fei is very humble but directly asks him why the heck are you rushing to unite right now? The emperor states he is doing it so that the citizens have a long lasting peace. No one can say no to this. 11.Li Si tries to cozy up to the emperor and Han Fei, and then as Li Si is talking to Han Fei, Lady Han appears--as a gift to Han Fei! That's a big deal! 12.Meanwhile, Lady Min in a talk with her servant states that she does not think that Lady Chu/Ru'er had anything to do with this 13.Our story ends with the emperor chasing Li'er around her chambers like two teenagers and finally collapsing on the bed. He convinces her to let him stay the night.... Now I wonder what will happen next? Thoughts: Probably one of the best things with this show is its pacing and lack of filler. A lot of shows get bogged down showing the journey to and from a place and adding lots of little filler. But things move very fast in this show. Like they were in Han and back in one episode.

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Massan Episode 8
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sep 8, 2017

Episode 8: Fiancee?!


President Daiseke

Yuko-president's daughter

Boss Taiyo

Asako-President's Wife

--This episode has a lot going on--

1.That night, at Sumiyoshi Brewery, Ellie and Massan are at the head of the table as a celebration is held. Massan brings out a bottle of whiskey and goes into an exciting speech about making whiskey but is interrupted sharply by the Director, and the president says he can tell more about it later. Immediately all eyes go to Ellie.

2.They want to know why she is in Japan, and Ellie introduces herself and says she came as Massan's wife and hopes to learn from them and be friends with them. They are impressed that she knows Japanese, and another man asks who Massan is, and Masaharu explains she calls him that because it is difficult to say his whole name.

3.For everyone present, Ellie is like a curious spectacle, and Ellie doesn't seem to really notice as long as people are friendly but Massan notices and is a bit uncomfortable with the attention. Then, Boss Taiyo enters. He is extremely dismissive to Massan, saying so you're that guy who went abroad and now you're back. He turns his attention to Ellie, and actually pushes Massan to the floor in his haste to reach her. He wants to know who the pretty lady is and Massan is like, that's my wife--now moments earlier Ellie heard someone say 'Aho' and asked what it meant' and Massan interpreted it as a greeting and so she greets the boss by saying Aho! and Massan is like no, don't say that!--and then Taiyou embraces her and says her perfume smells great

4.Now Ellie is caught off guard but hugs him back and thinks this is all quite funny but to Masaharu--and everyone present--it is extremely rude but also (I think) makes Ellie seem like someone with low manners/sexually promiscuous because she isn't pushing him away. Massan grabs Ellie and hugs her tight and basically glares at Taioyu

5.Now the narrator shares that this Boss guy will have a huge impact on their future but it doesn't say why. The president tells Masaharu that the boss is great, and with his help, they have been making and selling a lot of wine.

6.The Boss picks up the whiskey--and he pours it in his hand and drinks it and then says 'we are leaving' but not before saying goodbye to Ellie in English, who is polite. Then enters the president's wife, who asks to speak to Massan. He goes and leaves Ellie behind. (the president also follows).

7.Wife, president, Yuko, and Massan are sitting together and she says how can you go away, return with a wife, when you are promised to Yuko. This shocks Massan, and Ellie sneaks in and then walks in with her shoes, causing the president's wife to yell at her, causing Ellie to apologize and Massan to scrub the mats and tell her you can't wear shoes on Tatami, and she wants to know what the words (she repeats engaged in japanese' mean)

8. So Ellie is told by the present's wife that her husband is promised to marry her daughter. Yuko runs off, and then the president says to Massan: I gave you a lot of money and said 'I am leaving it all to you' I thought you knew that meant marrying my daughter--why else would I give you all that money?

9.The president tells him to apologize to his daughter since it seems like a lovematch and Massan bows and apologizes but Ellie doesn't understand why he is apologizing since he didn't do anything wrong

10. That night, they lay in bed together and Massan says that he can't wait to begin experimenting with Japanese barley and water to see what kind of whiskey he can make and Ellie repeats her support of him

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Massan Episode 7
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sep 8, 2017

Episode 7: Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire

In this episode, Ellie and Masaharu go to Osaka

1.Masaharu and Ellie pack as they are leaving for Osaka. Just before leaving, he visits his family having breakfast and tells his mother that it is unfortunate that she won't accept Ellie, but they will go to Osaka to work towards his goals

2He pulls Ellie to the door but she stops, bows to his mother, and tells her that she will do her best to learn and be all things Japanese and she hopes to return and see her again

3.His mother is so upset she leaves the room and the family is silent until his father stands and gives them his blessing. He tells his son not to return until he has succeeded and Ellie is so happy to have his blessing she hugs him, shocking his father but he laughs it off.

4.At the train, just before getting on, Sumire runs to catch them and delivers a pair of chopsticks. A gift from Masaharu's mother. She is very happy about this, and Sumire understands the meaning but Masaharu does not. On the train she explains it is homework.

5.While on the train, she accidentally calls him Massan, and she admits that it is easier to say, and asks him if it is okay, and he says that it is. In English, she teases him, and then tells him that she loves him. He looks around and then whispers in her ear, in English, that he loves her and she giggles.

6.Once in Osaka, Ellie immediately comments on how lively and energetic it is. He explains it is a merchant city, and she picks up more of the language. They stop at a temple and she learns how to pray the Japanese way.

7.They then go to Sumiyoshi Brewery and the entire way he brags about the president, and seems to hold him in high regard. At the brewery, it does indeed seem like he is a nice man. He greets Masaharu warmly and his men throw him in the air. Ellie couldn't keep up, so when she rounds the corner and the president notices her, he orders everyone to stop and slowly walks up to her and asks if she has any business here (OMG...)

8.Yoko-san, the president's daughter, is there with her mother and it is obvious she likes him. Ellie just does what she always does and smiles but calls out to Massan, who introduces her as his wife and is confused that this illicits a strong reaction in everyone: stunned, shocked silence follows.

9.Yoko runs off, and the president excuses himself, while in the distance, the director looks incredibly displeased. The president urges his wife and daughter to act natural just for today and assures them he had no idea Massan did this. The narrator then tells us that a big sh*t storm will erupt because of yoko....

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Massan Episode 6
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sep 8, 2017

Episode 6: Don't Go!

So in this episode Ellie almost returns to Scotland.

1. We open up with Masaharu's mother and Ellie alone. She tells Ellie a series of stories about her son that illustrate how much she loves him, and then she breaks down in tears and begins to beg her to let her son go, because no matter how hard Ellie tries, no matter what she does, in Japan she will always be viewed as an outsider and his mother believes that because of this they will one day regret being together

2.Ellie breaks down in tears listening to this, and in a flashback we learn that for her, this reminds her greatly of her own mother who not only said the same things, but Ellie rejected what she said and left in the middle of the night to leave with Masaharu. She whispered to her through her bedroom door, believing she was asleep, and apologized and said she can't stop loving Masaharu. But the audience sees her mother laying down, in tears, as she listens to her daughter. It is so sad because it is probably the last time they will see one another.

3.Meanwhile, Masaharu goes looking for Ellie and can't find her. So he starts asking the servants and his sisters and no one has seen her. Finally he goes to his mother, who has a serene look on her face as she prays and he yells at her, where is she, and her answer is: you should just get over her. Eventually, he learns the truth (I assume) because in the next scene he is running like a madman to catch Ellie, who is about to get in a car to go.

4. He is able to catch them, by taking a shortcut, and since he won't move she goes to talk to him and tells him that his mother loves him so much, and she understands, and that her only regret is that she left her home without her mother's approval and she doesn't want that for Masaharu.

5.His response is SO GREAT. He basically yells : Japan is a country of domineering husbands and wives are quiet and obedient and so you can't leave because I said so! (it's like really immature but at the same time just really speaks to how much he loves her because he has never talked to her like that)

6.Essentially they reaffirm their love and she decides to stay.


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Massan Episode 5
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sep 7, 2017

Episode 5: Let's Leave

-Following the ceremony, the household goes back to its regular routine, except Ellie is still an issue. In another meeting with his mother, she points out yet again that Ellie is far from ideal, and with a smile on her face, she implores her son to make Ellie a concubine

-Masaharu is so furious with this, perhaps even more so because Ellie does not have a full grasp of the language so she is grinning, think she may finally be accepted, and Masaharu angrily leaves, dragging her with him. He yells he is leaving for Osaka and his mother says she will disinherit him and he says I don't care

-Upstairs, as he packs, Ellie tells him to explain to her what is happening, and he yells at her to pack, and she yells at him to not yell at her and tells him to calm down and reminds him that he loves his family and he shouldn't leave

-In the next scene Masaharu is talking to his father at the rice paddies and tells his father he has no desire to inherit the sake distillery and will make good whiskey. in the next scene they are in the sake room and he gives his father whiskey, who grimaces, and his son explains its because of peat. he tells his father his dream again but his father just sits there and frowns and Masaharu begs him to say something, then gets up to go.

-Ellie watches from the shadows...

-his father challenges him to a judo match, and as he pushes him he tells him to win, to make whiskey, but he wins the judo match and Masaharu cries on the floor and says I don't know why I am like this or what's wrong with me and his father keeps pushing him to fight him and then finally he wins, and this is like his fathers way of saying I approve, I support you, just do your best

-Ellie is in tears but won't let her presence be known; she borrows chopsticks from Sumire and plans to learn to use them

-while practicing, his mother demonstrates how to use them, surprising her (and me) and THEN she starts to beg her in tears and says if you care about my son please go home (that is such a low shot; it will make Ellie feel like she is stealing her son and she's not)

what will Ellie do?

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