Short and Sweet
The drama is a light-hearted romance with a love for desserts. The story revolves around two university freshmen, Jung Chong Nam and Lee Yeon Nam, who share a major and a passion for sweet treats. Their journey begins with friendship and slowly develops into romance, set against the backdrop of a campus life full of youthful energy and new experiences.
Relatable Characters: The characters, especially the leads played by Kim Hyang Gi and Kim Min Gyu, are charming and relatable. Their interactions feel genuine, showcasing the awkwardness and sweetness of young love.
Unique Theme: Centering the story around desserts adds a whimsical and comforting touch, making it visually delightful and appealing to food lovers.
Brevity: With just two episodes on tvN (or ten shorter episodes on Naver TV Cast), it’s a quick watch that doesn’t require a significant time investment, making it perfect for those looking for something light and sweet.
Limited Depth: The short runtime limits character and plot development. Complex conflicts or deeper explorations of relationships are absent, which might leave some viewers wanting more.
Predictability: The storyline follows a typical “friends-to-lovers” trope without significant surprises, which could feel formulaic for seasoned drama watchers.
The drama doesn’t aim to be groundbreaking but delivers what it promises: a sugary sweet narrative paired with delectable visuals. While it lacks depth and complexity, its charm lies in its simplicity and the warm chemistry between the leads. It’s a perfect watch for those seeking a short, cheerful escape.
Relatable Characters: The characters, especially the leads played by Kim Hyang Gi and Kim Min Gyu, are charming and relatable. Their interactions feel genuine, showcasing the awkwardness and sweetness of young love.
Unique Theme: Centering the story around desserts adds a whimsical and comforting touch, making it visually delightful and appealing to food lovers.
Brevity: With just two episodes on tvN (or ten shorter episodes on Naver TV Cast), it’s a quick watch that doesn’t require a significant time investment, making it perfect for those looking for something light and sweet.
Limited Depth: The short runtime limits character and plot development. Complex conflicts or deeper explorations of relationships are absent, which might leave some viewers wanting more.
Predictability: The storyline follows a typical “friends-to-lovers” trope without significant surprises, which could feel formulaic for seasoned drama watchers.
The drama doesn’t aim to be groundbreaking but delivers what it promises: a sugary sweet narrative paired with delectable visuals. While it lacks depth and complexity, its charm lies in its simplicity and the warm chemistry between the leads. It’s a perfect watch for those seeking a short, cheerful escape.
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