Toire no Pieta explores how humans react to death. The story follows Hiroshi a 28 year old window washer who has just received word that he is dying. The movie follows him as he watches what those around him resort to to provide some solace to the pain of one’s impending death. Through these experiences, Hiroshi becomes acquainted with Mai, a loud brash high school girl who feels like there is nothing to live for. Through their limited interactions they end up both leaving quite an impact on each other.
I found this movie very poetic and subtle. I did enjoy watching it. It is a lovely human drama exploring how we impact each other. The tone is very subdued. I disagree that this drama is a romance. I found this movie pretty touching. Though I think it is worth the time to watch it, I don’t think it can compete with the more acclaimed movies in this category e.g. If Cats Disappeared from the World (2016), Departures (2008).
I found this movie very poetic and subtle. I did enjoy watching it. It is a lovely human drama exploring how we impact each other. The tone is very subdued. I disagree that this drama is a romance. I found this movie pretty touching. Though I think it is worth the time to watch it, I don’t think it can compete with the more acclaimed movies in this category e.g. If Cats Disappeared from the World (2016), Departures (2008).
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