
  • Ultima Oară Online: sep 27, 2016
  • Sex: Femeie
  • Locație:
  • Contribution Points: 0 LV0
  • Zi de naştere: March 12
  • Roluri:
  • Data înscrierii: iunie 20, 2016
public list
Planning To Watch

just some dramas/movies that are on my "To Watch" list !! these aren't in order, btw, and i may start watching some that aren't on this list…

19 titles
public list
Currently Watching

these are some dramas that I'm watching atm !!

16 titles
public list
Other Dramas I've Seen

just some others that aren't on my favorites list !! these are also in no order !!

8 titles
public list
Favorite Dramas

this is in no order !!

8 titles
public list
Favorite Actors
6 people
public list
Favorite Movies

my favorite movies !!

3 titles