
  • Ultima Oară Online: Acuma 2 zile
  • Sex: Femeie
  • Locație: Toronto, Canada and New York, USA
  • Contribution Points: 0 LV0
  • Zi de naştere: January 07
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  • Data înscrierii: ianuarie 2, 2023


Toronto, Canada and New York, USA


Toronto, Canada and New York, USA
War of Y thai drama review
War of Y
0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
by dodoubleg1785
iun 2, 2023
20 of 20 episoade văzute
Per total 8.5
Poveste 8.5
Acționând / Cast 9.0
Muzică 8.5
Valoarea Revizionării 7.0
Această recenzie poate conține spoilere

Mixed feelings

This is a really tough review to write because I have such conflicting feelings about this series that I don't know if I can really explain why. I hated almost every character at one point or another, even if they had redeeming moments/story arcs and yet I couldn't stop watching. I wanted to sympathize with the main couples and then they did horrible things that made me dislike them for their choices.

Some of the acting was amazing while other performances were not as such. A lot of times I was wondering if the actor was just having a hard time portraying an actor on screen because they are essentially playing a person who is then playing another person. But overall, the stories were involved enough to distract away from that most of the time.

Speaking of the stories... Here's my takeaway from the different arcs.

Ep 1-5: Managers Suck. I was wondering the entire time if I'm supposed to feel bad for Pan and it's not until the end that you realize that his brattiness toward his manager is completely justified and that he was indeed the victim. But it sure made him annoying at times. However, this was one of the occasions where the acting was very good in my opinion. I'd seen this couple in Secret Crush On You and in that series, I really disliked Seng's character. I saw a little bit of it here but that was when he was putting on a face for investors. Seng's acting in this with all his different sides and emotions was really well played.

Ep 6-10: Managers Suck the Sequel. Honestly, the entire time I wanted to strangle Toon and Pla or at least have them do it to each other. I get that Gus was pretending to like Bew and all but even when he apparently is legit in love with him, it felt so fake to me, I was waiting for the next "behind the scene" with one of the managers to show that it was still an act. And after all the horrible stuff that he and the 2 managers did to Bew, why was Bew the only one made to feel like he had crossed the line in the end and be the one to apologize? Such bullshit.

Ep 11-15: This is why "reality TV" is so ridiculous. With the right editing and careful nudges, it is no longer "real" but a show within a show.

Ep 16-20: From the very beginning, I feel like half of the characters did a complete 180 out of nowhere. P, who up to now has been a nice, supporting person is suddenly a demanding producer and Achi who was this over confident serious actor and was good at everything could barely make it through a scene. I feel like there are completely different stories going on which would be fine if they weren't supposed to be the same people as before. And yet, somehow, I'm very intrigued and impressed by how Talay is played up "the bad guy." Within just 5 episodes, I wanted to cheer him, curse him and everything in between. He was made out to be this caring seasoned actor who was looking out for the new guys until he needed them to make a series. I mean, I get it.. there's a lot riding on the series and making things work and I understand why he had to be as hard on them as he was, but I swear there were times I thought the character was bi-polar. And yet, it still worked... don't ask me how.

I think the best I could say is that it is worth a watch but be prepared for a roller coaster of emotions and also be prepared that not all of them get a happy or even satisfying ending.
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