
  • Ultima Oară Online: acuma 16 oră
  • Sex: Masculin
  • Locație:
  • Contribution Points: 0 LV0
  • Zi de naştere: August 06
  • Roluri:
  • Data înscrierii: august 27, 2014

Liste Recente

Yo what up. I'm nate

I have no life so i will probably be on here a lot. Please feel free to add me, and message me. I love to meet and talk to new people.

(all tokusatsu is a 9.5  on my listbecause it is funny to me so don't think too much about that.)

I really like kpop

 animeand Tokusatsu

I love watching movies, and stuff because growing up I didn't have a lot of friends. Tv kinda became my friend. I still kinda hate myself and my life sucks, but thanks to tv and music I am still here.  Thanks for checking out my profile.


64d 14h 59m
2,413 episodul, 118 serial
11d 21h 24m
190 film

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