
  • Ultima Oară Online: acuma 6 oră
  • Sex: Femeie
  • Locație: United Kingdom
  • Contribution Points: 0 LV0
  • Zi de naştere: September 15
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  • Data înscrierii: octombrie 4, 2024


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United Kingdom
Monster Next Door thai drama review
Monster Next Door
0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
by ark90elf
oct 30, 2024
12 of 12 episoade văzute
Per total 9.0
Poveste 8.0
Acționând / Cast 9.0
Muzică 8.0
Valoarea Revizionării 8.0

Enjoyable but inconsistent characterisation.

Overall I loved this series. The characters were mostly well thought out and believable however there were a few inconsistencies that slightly lowered my enjoyment of the series, most notable in the character of the 'monster'. Earlier episodes showed he was thoughtful and supportive of other's needs and very understanding. Later episodes he appeared to forget all of this and became suspicious and judgemental for a time. It was not in line with his character and was not enjoyable to watch. It very much came across as a plot driven requirement with no foundation rather than a believable character driven challenge. Also I can't be the only one that was disappointed that a certain scene from the pilot trailer never materialised in the show.

There's also a very unhealthy setup for the pet turtle featured in the series which is very irresponsible of the production team. I would hate to see anyone copy this set up for their own pets. The enclosure is far too small with nowhere near enough water for proper submersion. There is no basking spot with a heat lamp or a source of UVB light which will likely result in a softening and deforming of the shell. There was a moment where I actually thought this was going to be addressed and was a little impressed with the detail but this turned out to be wishful thinking on my part. No turtle should be kept in this environment long term. Please do not copy this setup.
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