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Eulachacha Waikiki korean drama review
Eulachacha Waikiki
1 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
by saturnically
feb 22, 2019
20 of 20 episoade văzute
Per total 10
Poveste 10.0
Acționând / Cast 10.0
Muzică 9.0
Valoarea Revizionării 10.0
This drama is, hands down, one of the most beautiful dramas I have ever watched. When I said I wanted comedy, this was what I was looking for. It's ridiculously funny, and the way the characters screw themselves over is funny.
Story: (10) There was not one boring moment in this drama. Each and every moment made me laugh so hard. The storyline was also hilarious.
Acting/Cast: (10) I think the cast worked together very well. Their chemistry looked very real, and they all looked very close. Because of how seemingly close they seemed, the acting was also very entertaining to watch.
Music: (9) I don't really focus on music but there wasn't a moment where I felt that the music wasn't fitting.
Rewatch Value: (10) A fat ten, I think I will rewatch this drama a lot from now on. I have just finished this drama today, but I am already aching to rewatch it. Since there isn't much drama and much things for me to get salty over, I enjoy this drama.
Overall: (10) Overall, a 10. I think this drama is so fun, and if you're in a bad mood, it will definitely cheer you right up. It will make you laugh so hard that you'll start to cry. I hope everyone can enjoy this drama like I did!
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