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Golden Blood thai drama review
Golden Blood
1 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
by The Dorama Queen
dec 12, 2022
8 of 8 episoade văzute
Per total 3.5
Poveste 4.0
Acționând / Cast 4.0
Muzică 5.0
Valoarea Revizionării 1.0
Această recenzie poate conține spoilere

TBH it's closer to bronze than gold ...

Oh boy, this was a little disappointing.....but I was kinda expecting it.

The story isn't bad...who wouldn't like to watch the forbidden love between the son of the mafia and his bodyguard? I know, right?? Sounds pretty interesting to me too! But the really missed the mark is pretty much all aspects on this one, and that hurts.

I really wanted this series to be good, but it wasn't. The chemistry wasn't there, the rare kiss scenes between SunSky were givind dead fishpallooza *UUUGHHH* The acting too was pretty rough - trust me guys, it pains me to write these words, but I have to be honest here. Sun (Boat) and Pitch (Sugus) were the best actors, but that alone wouldn't save the series. Sky's cries were very cringy lolol and that date scene OMG lolololol NOPE. I CAN'T.

The whole plot of the dad being obsessed with his "rival" and calling him mid attacks were stupid lol the guy is clearly doing EVERYTHING to kill his son (Sky) and he thinks it's a smart mafia decision to call him and laugh (very fake btw) about burning his drugs? Come on...just give him your son, it saves us time lolololol so dumb.

I'm not even going to say much about the "you have to prove that you love each other by not speaking for 6 years.....and then MAYBE you can be together" bullshit. I really HATE when they do that. It calls their audience (us btw) idiots! Why did it take him 6 years tho? Their reunion after 6 fucking years were also very lame.

Yeah. It felt like a lukewarm soup that needed way more seasoning on a very cold night. Don't really recommend this it at your own risk.
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