The series revolves around a couple or a male and female lead who both experienced hardship in the romance department and as a result of that they have a hard time facing what lies ahead of them and letting go before they can move forward. I found the series to be Bubbly/Romantic comedy/drama. I manage to get through this series rather quickly as I found it not that great. I skipped through a lot because it was a bit too comical for me in terms of romance comedy. He did have a drama side to it in terms of some of the characters emotions and things that they experienced and we’re dealing with and those pipes were really good because it allowed me to see how they got to where they were and the actors there an amazing job for training those feelings. Sadly for me, I just didn’t find it enjoyable. It’s like watching a middle aged person acting like a teen. Not cute. The story was not awful though.
Rewatch value 1
Romantic value 3
Drama value 4
Comedy value 6
Rewatch value 1
Romantic value 3
Drama value 4
Comedy value 6
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