A plucky, funny gang of friends helping out their one friend to get into a relationship, an overall comedic vibe with really meaningful romance and other similar topics as well
It's another short Korean Boys Love series with a young, attractive couple that have to face their own unique hardship.
They're both historical dramas that take place in a fictional China. The main difference is that there's more intimate bromance/BL themes. I can't imagine that one could enjoy Men With Sword, but not Love is More than a Word...unless you *weren't* watching for the BL stuff, but let's be honest.
Also deals with male prostitution and possible gang trouble. The majority of the scenes are also shot at night which adds a nice effect to the overall theme.
It's another slightly dark film about a boy getting involved with a mysterious boy he knows nothing about and does dramatic things for.
Thai high school BL with virtually all the same character-types in this movie, but it's spread out into an entire series. If you rated this movie anything higher than a 5, you'll definitely love Make It Right.