High school's love story
The story revolves around a boy named Mabuchi Kou and a girl named Yoshioka Futaba. They first meet by chance when she takes shelter from the rain, and this marks the beginning of their relationship. Though they attend the same school, they are not classmates.
One day, Kou asks Futaba to wear their traditional dress and meet him at a specific place. She arrives as promised, but he doesn't show up, setting the stage for the unfolding story.
The female lead delivers a fabulous performance, while the male lead effectively portrays a boy who has faced many ups and downs since losing his mother, leading to a generally sad and withdrawn demeanor. However, when he’s with his classmates and involved in extracurricular activities, he shows moments of happiness, although his range of expressions is somewhat limited. Despite this, he still gives a commendable performance.
I liked the story, but it was a bit slow-paced. The pacing of the drama moves gradually, and even the love rivalry was interesting.
One day, Kou asks Futaba to wear their traditional dress and meet him at a specific place. She arrives as promised, but he doesn't show up, setting the stage for the unfolding story.
The female lead delivers a fabulous performance, while the male lead effectively portrays a boy who has faced many ups and downs since losing his mother, leading to a generally sad and withdrawn demeanor. However, when he’s with his classmates and involved in extracurricular activities, he shows moments of happiness, although his range of expressions is somewhat limited. Despite this, he still gives a commendable performance.
I liked the story, but it was a bit slow-paced. The pacing of the drama moves gradually, and even the love rivalry was interesting.
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