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Begin Again chinese drama review
Begin Again
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by morning star
oct 28, 2023
35 of 35 episoade văzute
Per total 10
Poveste 10.0
Acționând / Cast 10.0
Muzică 10.0
Valoarea Revizionării 9.5

Cliche but Cliche at best!

This drama is so good...!!!
Story is a bit cliche but they make the best of it!

At first, I fall in love with the FL, I think she's one of the coolest FL I ever watched! She's so sly but actually fit her role as ceo..?! I love her styling that changed from cool to warmer style during her (also) changing character! But then the more episode comes, I just found that the ML is one of the most green flag ML ever, & he deserves the love! I wasnt really into his character at the beginning, but who knows that he's just a sincere guy we all need...! He's the type of man who is just a good man trying to live his life as a noble person! No more red flag boy I'm bored, It's green flag man era! ❤️❤️❤️

Character development is good
Romance is very very good!!! Quite satisfied with the amount of romance in it!
Story filler is not too much story quite on point, I just make 2x speed for few scenes only, not much skipped scenes
ML's feeling to FL looks so sincere, I can feel my heart beats faster everytime they had romance scenes 😳

- - -
Some stupid scenes they can do better
Some bad editing, I find the revealing of some background stories feels a bit rough, they can make it more captivating but yeah, its still bearable

Dont read too much negative reviews about this drama... Believe me this story is much better than some series with the same rating! You will love it!
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