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Are You the One chinese drama review
Are You the One
0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
by LeeNYC
oct 29, 2024
40 of 40 episoade văzute
Per total 9.0
Poveste 9.0
Acționând / Cast 9.0
Muzică 6.5
Valoarea Revizionării 9.5

Storyline gets better & better ~ FL Not “sweet/dumb/klutzy” etc! Yaaah!

Not familiar with the main leads, the synopsis intrigued me to watch this series. I enjoyed the storyline right away, as I love strong, independent FLs over the so-called “sweet/dumb/innocent/klutzy” types.
As the story progressed, I found myself alternately getting trusfrated or laughing as the characters drew me in. A few veteran actors also worked as great finishing touches to keep my attention glued enough~ to binge-watch.
All three couples were entertaining enough and different, so their stories weren’t boring for me.
Other than the Main Leads, played by Zhang Wan Yi and Wang Chu Ran, the character who I liked the most is the young Empress played by Yuan Yu Xuan! She’s absolutely adorable, more sensible than me?, and down-to-earth.
Shoutout to the entire cast! They were awesome!
I would definitely recommend!
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