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Alienoid 1 korean drama review
Alienoid 1
1 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
by KowTX
apr 23, 2023
Per total 5.5
Poveste 4.5
Acționând / Cast 8.5
Muzică 7.0
Valoarea Revizionării 2.0

You shouldn't watch at night, you will sleep midway

A litte disappointing, I was expecting something more trash movie vibes with all the crazy historical aliens and androids theme. The movie try to be serious in the first half, but the drama isn't really good, actually, it's very easy to get upset or annoyed with all the key characters who either are too shallow or extremely annoying.

In my opinion the fight scenes in the second half are where the soul of this movie rests, I mean, a historical korean movie where a female lead from the future shoot to death alienoids along with an overpower shaman from the Goryeo Dynasty??? This movie is the perfect setup for a bloody and violent story like Versus (2000) and Bullet Train (2022) that doesn't take itself seriously.
Unfortunately Choi Dong Hoon doesn't seem to notice it and try to follow the example of "Along with the Gods" that succeds to deliver a good drama while conciliating some epics battles, but Alienoid stays in the middle of these 3 movies...

P.S: It took me 3 days to finish it and I slept watching on the first day.
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