8h 26m
11 episodul, 1 serial
6h 26m
3 filme
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Completatiun 21, 2013
Completatiun 21, 2013
Completatiun 21, 2013
Completatiun 21, 2013
HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY ^>^ my name is kiki, I'm 17 and I am drama crazy. I do like anime too but i like dramas a little more ummm I have been watching dramas for that longest time now. Pretty much since i was in middle school I have been watching them. I hate these about yourself things because i never know what to write -___- buuuuuuuuuut i hope to make some friends on here so we can share stuff about our favorite dramas and recommend dramas and movies to each other. So add me as a friend :) I don't bite :p