
  • Ultima Oară Online: Acuma 6 zi
  • Sex: Femeie
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  • Contribution Points: 1 LV1
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  • Data înscrierii: noiembrie 16, 2020
All I Want for Love Is You chinese drama review
All I Want for Love Is You
0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
by Illen1
ian 3, 2023
32 of 32 episoade văzute
Per total 6.5
Poveste 5.0
Acționând / Cast 9.0
Muzică 6.0
Valoarea Revizionării 1.0

Bù kěnéng de (Impossible in Mandarin,)

No, just no. Don't get fooled by the promo photo nor trailer, just stop while you're ahead. Wtf is this drama even?! This has to have had been watched during Covid lockdown cause otherwise it doesn't make sense why so many people has viewed this! The highschool portion of this drama was tolerable, college meh and it went down from their. Bravo to the actors for acting in this terribly written drama, they actually left a good impression on me. If I have to hear that nauseating Zou An one more time... Omg (nails on chalkboard)!!!! 😩😩😩 Best line out of this entire drama besides Zou An's pickup lines is "No way. No door. No Window" Yaola
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