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  • Data înscrierii: iunie 28, 2021

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Dramas For Beginners
100 titles 476 voters 48 loves 7

Descending On You

~ Currently Crash Landing on Ri Jeong Hyeok ~

Descending On You

~ Currently Crash Landing on Ri Jeong Hyeok ~

"Type something"

Okay - something. Just kidding!

안녕하세요! | Hello!

Welcome to my profile! I'm Descending On You (a reference from Crash Landing On You). I've been using this site for a while, I just never felt the push to actually make a profile. I considered making a profile to landmark my 100th drama achievement - which was hilariously enough 100 Days My Prince - but once again I ended up just not doing it. But now that it's been a few years, I feel confident enough to start writing articles, commenting on the dramas I watch, and contributing to discussions. Here's a little about my drama journey:


I started watching dramas in 2017 when my (then soon-to-be) best friend introduced them to me on a whim. I was hesitant at first, but I liked the telenovela (Spanish soap opera) we were watching in Spanish class, so I decided to give one a go.

She texted me 3 of them, and here's how that went:
Literally that day she texted me them, I got home from school and realized I didn't have any homework. So, I said "Sure, why not?" and put Noble, My Love on the screen. It's a relatively short web-drama, and I binged it in one sitting. I was in hook, line, and sinker.
The next time I didn't have homework, I started Madame Antoine. It took me a while longer, but I was also hooked on this one. Plus this OST has one song that's really, really catchy. I was humming it all the time.
Third, was Refresh Man. This one held a major spot in my heart for a long time, and when we started our "Drama Club", this was one of the first ones we recommended. I know Female Love Rivals have a bad rep, but this one still remains one of the better ones I remember.

To start, I was just watching whichever dramas she recommended. After Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo though, I started looking for my own.

Love Rain was the first one I found by myself. I LOVED this drama, and have watched it more than once. Even my friends that don't watch dramas know about this one! I'm not even sure if I'd like it nowadays, but Jang Geun Suk was my first Oppa. I did indeed fall in love in 1... 2... 3. So much so, I watched 3 of his dramas in a row!

The years went by, and my tastes refined. Would you believe it if I told you that it was once my mission to not drop dramas? I would trudge my way through them no matter how bad I thought they were. If you'd like to know how that turned out, I'd refer you below. The streak was broken by Lie to Me. I gave it 3 tries and stopped at the exact same point every time. I figured it was time to cut my losses!

Long story short, I'm here now, after a few years and with a lot of dramas floating around in my brain. Here's the summary of my favorites and likes!

Favorite Drama - Crash Landing On You
I know, it's a total surprise. My name and profile picture totally don't- oh wait... This was a given, but it's the only drama I've seen more than 3 times and I literally got the DVD set for Christmas. Any time I'm watching a drama, the first question people ask me is if it's Crash Landing On You (and it's a good guess!). I mean just look at the way he looks at her!
Can we all just take a second because I don't normally care about celebrity gossip, but I cheered when they announced they were dating IRL. I've never wanted an OTP to get married so bad ♥ Their chemistry is crazy!

Favorite Oppa - Ji Chang Wook
This may be a surprise, considering that Hyun Bin and Son Ye Jin (Crash Landing On You co-stars above) are my phone background, but it's true.  I first saw him in Empress Ki where I fell in love with him, and I've tried his other works, but they just aren't for me. I was excited when he said he was moving away from action and to rom-coms because that's what I watch, but after his military service, the projects just haven't been the best. So why is he my Oppa? Great question, but if dramas have taught me anything, it's that love doesn't always make sense!
사랑해 오빠 ♥ | I love you Oppa ♥

(Also, can we get a profile picture change please!)

Favorite Genres & Tropes

(Drama - Bossam: Steal the Fate)

(Drama - Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People)

Sageuks / Historical / Palace

I'm addicted to dramas set in the Joseon period and there's no point denying it. There's two kinds of romance: the passionate, can't-keep-our-hands-off-of-each-other kind and the longing, we-won't-be-kissing-until-the-last-episode-if-at-all kind of romance. I prefer the latter, and sageuks are the best genre for it. Plus, the period dress and scenery are so beautiful, it's crazy. And, I actually like the politics in these dramas. It's not as popular a genre as many others, so give one a try and you may just discover an overlooked gem!

(Oh, hey look! Surprise Ji Chang Wook! How'd he get there? Drama - Empress Ki)

Contract Relationships & Cohabitation

Individually these genres are funny, but together they are la crème de la crème. The mixing of personalities that would otherwise clash is the epitome of "opposites attract". Plus, there's always that moment when one person doesn't want the relationship to be fake anymore and then the awkwardness gets turned up to 11! It's jealousy galore here. Together, this is my favorite trope.

(Drama - Because This Is My First Life)

(Drama - Full House [Thai])

(Drama - Perfume)

That about sums me up! Thanks for checking out my page and happy watching!

사랑으로 ♥ | With love ♥

~ Descending On You


94d 16h 45m
2,307 episodul, 148 serial
11h 46m
6 film

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