List of dramas or movies with female characters with great personalities. Characters that break the mold from stereotypical casting of women,…
Featuring couples that have the healthiest relationships. They supported one another, trusted one another and resolved conflicts maturely. Only…
Really funny, loving, protective or positively chaotic family dynamics. Family can be too much at times but the fact that they are always there…
Diabolical, villain-esque, anti-hero, clinically insane, somewhat deranged, skirting on psycho/sociopathic male characters that you can't help…
Steamiest sex scenes or very intimate displays of love between the couples. We're talking, longing, lust, passion, tension, desire, hungry gazes,…
The reverse of the strong man x damsel in the distress trope. Here, we have a powerful/badass woman that protects or takes care of her man.