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Black Knight: Cel Care Mă Apără
6 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
iul 19, 2018
20 of 20 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 7.0
Poveste 6.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muzică 10
Valoarea Revizionării 3.5
If you're in love with KRW like I am, watch it, you'll be amazed by his looks, smiles, acting and sweet little romance scenes. If you like good actresses, watch it because you'll see Jang Me-Hee and Seo Ji Hye brilliant acting. These three actors, the little jewel Yang Seung Goo (Kim Seol Jin), the music and outfits will live a strong impresion in your mind but the story and the main female character's acting will live you frustrated and disappointed as well as the bad development of the other characters. The first episodes were good enough to catch me, but then it felt like the scenes were thrown there without much thinking. I liked though some episodes (14, 15, 16) because they gave the wonderful three actors the chance to show their true colors in acting. That drama misses the point, the final lesson, the main idea. The bad point of the ending is that doesn't match with the rest of the story, looking like the writer wanted to punish the main characters for their love, even if they wanted probably to seem like a happy ending. The feeling that remains is that of a waste, a waste of a wonderful cast, music, scenography and of a drama that could have been memorable.

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Partener suspect
1 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
feb 2, 2018
40 of 40 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 7.5
Poveste 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Muzică 5.0
Valoarea Revizionării 5.0
Ok, so this drama wasn't neither very good or bad but it could have been a wonderful drama. I  want that somebody can tell me how did they manage with such amazing cast and a good plot to make a such sometimes boring drama. This drama has all, romance, comedy, action, but I feel that something is missing and I can't tell exactly what it is. Maybe because they are mixing together one after another in some strange combination, very sad scenes, action and fight scenes, thriller scenes, with sweet and funny romantic scenes. After few episodes I wanted to drop it but I continued to watch it due to the three male leads that made this drama one that worth watching. Ji Chang Wook, Choi Tae-Jun and certainly Dong Ha who made one of the greatest villain characters. The romantic scenes are sweet and warm and  the meetings at the office were completely charming. After all, I'm glad that I didn't drop it. I enjoyed it but I'm not missing it.

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The Zombie Detective
3 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
nov 27, 2020
24 of 24 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 10
Poveste 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muzică 10
Valoarea Revizionării 10

Crazy comedy

I've watchig korean dramas for many years. I can tell that this is the best parody I've ever see. I didn't think that a zombie drama will be the best korean comedy. I have no taste for zombie movies but I decided to give it a try because of Choi Jin Hyuk and I really loved it. Is an original drama and even thought the story itself is almost nothing, I give it a 10 only for the total rating to be 10. Needless to say that Choi Jin Hyuk is delightful as ever. Everythink he touches become gold.
I'm sure that a season 2 will come.
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Man to Man
1 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
feb 7, 2018
16 of 16 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 7.0
Poveste 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Muzică 5.0
Valoarea Revizionării 3.5
I usually appreciate a drama based on one fact: for how long a feeling, a thought or a character is lasting in my had, in my heart, after I've  finished a drama. There are dramas that last one week (the most part), a month, some of them even years. But there are dramas too, that last only a few hours and unfortunately this drama is one of them. I met  again the paradox that I've met before, a drama with amazing cast and with a name that suggests a great action/espionage drama and if you're lucky a great love story. The  disappointment is still hanging in my had. However there are  few things that didn't disappointed me and one is Park Hae Jin. Gorgeous as usual and great acting, he made that this drama worth watching. The action scenes are sometimes boring, but sometimes are really great and also the story. Ok, maybe the old story of the "ghost agents" needs much more for making it unforgetable, but after all and with much help from the cast, it was ok. I loved the bromance but not the romance. It was so flat and I don't think that I met before a main female character with less charm than this one. I've seen Kim Min Jung in many dramas and I simply love her, but even her can't do miracles with a character that has nothing to offer. It seems that it was made in a hurry without giving much of a thought and attention. I'm so sorry for her because she deserved a much complex and well written character for being abble to show  her entire talent. The music just didn't  fit. I don't even remember it. When I like a drama I'm watching over and over for a few days some parts of it. Well, now it's not the case. I hope though that are people who love this drama, I really do, because the cast deserve it.

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Lawless Lawyer
0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
nov 26, 2018
16 of 16 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 8.0
Poveste 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Muzică 8.0
Valoarea Revizionării 5.0
Well, I think this drama doesn't want to upset the viewers to much. It has all, good action, good and reliable story, great suspense, sweet romance, good chemistry, excellent cast and acting. But like many other dramas lately, it manages somehow to spoil a little all these good points, making it less memorable than it should be. It's a must for Lee Joong Gi fans cause he is the sweetest he can be, but don't expect to much of a great legal drama because, even the plot strives to be grave and serious, the mood is ruined by the funny moments popped up in the middle of this all seriousness. In conclusion, THE MOOD WON'T LAST. What will last in my mind, like the final note of a taste, is the sweet face of Lee Joong Gi, the wonderful romantic scenes even if they were just a few, and the tremenduous acting of Choi Min Su.

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