Genius female detective
The story revolves around the cases surrounding Nemesis detective agency, with its talented assistant Anna, the brain behind the detective puppet, Kazama. The key elements of detective drama, like cool protagonist vs. another cool antagonist, handy detective gadgets, scientists, recurring characters as support, and the “best buddies” could be easily found, which made the main mystery predictable but still interesting. The cases on the earlier episodes are also good, if I would to choose, my favorite is the first.
Each characters are also mysterious and it’s fun to predict their real role in the story. I’m expecting that Kazama would be useless as a detective without Anna, but he’s so much more than a comedic character, although he is truly funny haha. Hirose Suzu is also fun to watch, and she’s so cute on curly hair. Her nemesis, which I’m not going to reveal, performed so well. I’ve seen them a lot with similar role, and I have to say they really have niche on being a dark broken character.
When it comes to detective drama, good OST is a must! And yes, Nemesis passed this criteria. The opening theme is stuck on my head even now, and while watching drama the music did a good job on setting the mood to whenever what is happening. Plus, they have an episode involving rap music, so you’ll see Suzu and Sakurai Sho rap! The producers really know how to satisfy their audience, cause I’m so hyped by that single scene. If you understand basic Japanese, you’ll know they made the lyrics so catchy and well rhymed. That legendary scene is something I’d rewatch at 3 am lol.
The thing is with detective drama, it involves crimes which could have a bitter aftertaste so if you’re not used to Japanese detective shows in particular, I’d recommend watching another genre you’re more comfortable with. But if you’re family watch shows together, I’d recommend you to watch Nemesis them. Yes, it’s family-friendly and I’d like to say it’s a great show for father’s month!
My first ever jdrama is a detective show and it’s been a long while since I’ve watched an airing one, and I’m hyped because we have very few female detective like Anna. I think Nemesis met my expectations, but I felt that the characters deserves a second season because 10 episodes is too short for their deep backstory.
Each characters are also mysterious and it’s fun to predict their real role in the story. I’m expecting that Kazama would be useless as a detective without Anna, but he’s so much more than a comedic character, although he is truly funny haha. Hirose Suzu is also fun to watch, and she’s so cute on curly hair. Her nemesis, which I’m not going to reveal, performed so well. I’ve seen them a lot with similar role, and I have to say they really have niche on being a dark broken character.
When it comes to detective drama, good OST is a must! And yes, Nemesis passed this criteria. The opening theme is stuck on my head even now, and while watching drama the music did a good job on setting the mood to whenever what is happening. Plus, they have an episode involving rap music, so you’ll see Suzu and Sakurai Sho rap! The producers really know how to satisfy their audience, cause I’m so hyped by that single scene. If you understand basic Japanese, you’ll know they made the lyrics so catchy and well rhymed. That legendary scene is something I’d rewatch at 3 am lol.
The thing is with detective drama, it involves crimes which could have a bitter aftertaste so if you’re not used to Japanese detective shows in particular, I’d recommend watching another genre you’re more comfortable with. But if you’re family watch shows together, I’d recommend you to watch Nemesis them. Yes, it’s family-friendly and I’d like to say it’s a great show for father’s month!
My first ever jdrama is a detective show and it’s been a long while since I’ve watched an airing one, and I’m hyped because we have very few female detective like Anna. I think Nemesis met my expectations, but I felt that the characters deserves a second season because 10 episodes is too short for their deep backstory.
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