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Dramas w/Wonderful Wedding Ceremonies From the unexpected bride and groom to the blissfully happy ever after love. Marry me?!
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Blossoms are Blooming So many good genres with the titles of Blossom & Blooms... and they actually made it to my rewatch list
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Move Forward List => 2024 My 20+ Favs -- From Past 2000 to Present 2023Favs in my re-watch list that made it to my 'move forward list' to enjoy again-n-again in 2024.
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Drama Rom & Rom-Com's Current romance dramas and romance- comedies that made my re-watch list. Enjoy.
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DramaQ&K What is a D-Queen without her D-King. These are a mix of a few genres I have added to my re-watch list. Enjoy.