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His japanese drama review
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by PistachioMistachio
iul 15, 2023
Per total 8.5
Poveste 9.0
Acționând / Cast 8.0
Muzică 7.0
Valoarea Revizionării 6.5

I didn’t know this was after a series!

Oopsie I hate doing things out of order. But it looks like different actors play the series so that is fine.

I started to not like this when I began it because I was like oh so this guy about to show up cause he don’t wanna work and wants to be a stay at home dad and is getting divorced and I was like wow he selfish. Because sometimes films have this point A B and C in movie and forget all the stuff needed in between or to build to those points or background but they ended up filling that all in I think they just wanted to keep me on the edge of my seat and angry for a minute lol. But then I saw all the things he did and I changed my mind and loved the film.

Especially the ending scene 🎬 and Sora she precious 💕
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