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Hello Mr. Gu chinese drama review
Hello Mr. Gu
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by Myubiii
aug 18, 2022
30 of 30 episoade văzute
Per total 8.0
Poveste 8.0
Acționând / Cast 8.0
Muzică 8.0
Valoarea Revizionării 8.0

Cute and Fluffy!

I am bingeing contract marriages or relationship dramas back to back and this one was the most lighthearted one. I can't believe this is the first drama of FL. For a first timer, she really did justice to her role! You know what I really loved about this drama? FL has a voice and reasoning power, which is something we lack in many dramas. Also, the character development of ML was good IG. Was he a jerk in the beginning? Yes, he was. But he was trying his best in the last episodes!An honorable mention to the mother-in-law! She is a good wingman for her son. Even the evil lady's acting was good. It can be draggy (2nd half mostly). IDK 2nd leads felt awkward. And yes, too much miscommunication with leads was soo horrible lol

P.S And please don't get influenced by the reviews. If you like to watch it, go watch it .
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