2 Moons: The Ambassador, Ambassador of/for what
First its disturbing that the previous actors don´t participate any longer ... was the story too ... boring or unimportant to be even told / written?
And the previous cast did good not to join in this production, as the story seems silly and for what reason, not only in this show, is there this overboarding super dooper gay clichee, of wet heteros, acting actor? That character is a slap in the face of any LGBTQIAplus ... sorry ... sometime gay should only write gay stories. I know these shows aim in first place at a female audience, but this is under the gurdel and deeper.
The show is produced to cash on the previous one and failed grand ... The show is time theaft.
And the previous cast did good not to join in this production, as the story seems silly and for what reason, not only in this show, is there this overboarding super dooper gay clichee, of wet heteros, acting actor? That character is a slap in the face of any LGBTQIAplus ... sorry ... sometime gay should only write gay stories. I know these shows aim in first place at a female audience, but this is under the gurdel and deeper.
The show is produced to cash on the previous one and failed grand ... The show is time theaft.
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