Excellent Skinship

Dramas that have excellent skinship: hugs, kisses, touchy-feely affection, physical intimacy, sensual contact, main couple gets up close and personal, but no nudity or risque scenes that are distasteful.

worthyromance iun 1, 2022
99 Titles Loves
0% Watched
81 Voters Raport
  • Viața Ei Privată

    1. Viața Ei Privată

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes
    3,219 points by 33 voters
    Viața unei femei angajate drept custode de artă se destramă când încearcă să-și ascundă secretul de noul director al galeriei: ea este un fan avid K-pop. (Sursă: Netflix) ~~ Adaptat după webtoonul ...more
  • I Know But

    2. I Know But

    Korean Drama - 2021, 10 episodes
    2,658 points by 27 voters
    Park Jae Eon consideră că întâlnirile sunt o pierdere de timp, dar îi place să flirteze. Chiar dacă este prietenos și vesel cu toți, nu îi urmărește pe ceilalți. Park Jae Eon ...more
  • What's Wrong with Secretary Kim

    3. What's Wrong with Secretary Kim

    Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes
    2,430 points by 25 voters
  • Prietena Surorii Mele

    4. Prietena Surorii Mele

    Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes
    2,233 points by 23 voters
    După ce îl reîntâlnește pe fratele mai mic al unei prietene, întors după o perioadă în străinătate, o femeie de carieră, recent despărțită, îl vede într-o nouă lumină. (Sursă: Netflix)
  • E Nebună, Dar E-a Mea

    5. E Nebună, Dar E-a Mea

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes
    1,854 points by 19 voters
    Moon Gang Tae este asistent social la sectia de psihiatrie. Lui, Soarta i-a oferit totul. Un trup perfect, o minte agera, un suflet empatic, abilitatea de a intelege framantarile celorlalti, rabdarea de ...more
  • Something About 1 Percent

    6. Something About 1 Percent

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes
    1,661 points by 17 voters
  • O Iubire ca-n Afaceri

    7. O Iubire ca-n Afaceri

    Korean Drama - 2022, 12 episodes
    1,545 points by 16 voters
    Deghizată, Ha Ri merge la o întâlnire aranjată ca să-l sperie pe pretendent. Dar situația scapă de sub control când află că acesta e șeful ei și o vrea de soție. (Sursă: ...more
  • Shanai Marijjihani

    8. Shanai Marijjihani

    Japanese Drama - 2020, 7 episodes
    1,341 points by 14 voters
  • Partener suspect

    9. Partener suspect

    Korean Drama - 2017, 40 episodes
    1,332 points by 14 voters
    Viața se schimbă brusc pentru un procuror de succes după ce își cunoaște noua stagiară, care devine suspectă de crimă imediat ce începe munca. (Sursă: Netflix)
  • You Are My Glory

    10. You Are My Glory

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 32 episodes
    1,225 points by 13 voters
    Qiao Jingjing and Yu Tu were high school classmates. Qiao Jingjing confessed to Yu Tu twice, but was rejected both times. Ten years later, Qiao Jingjing becomes a top celebrity. She wants ...more
  • It's Okay, That's Love

    11. It's Okay, That's Love

    Korean Drama - 2014, 16 episodes
    867 points by 9 voters
  • Venus de Altădată

    12. Venus de Altădată

    Korean Drama - 2015, 16 episodes
    856 points by 9 voters
    Părăsită de prietenul ei după 15 ani pentru că s-a îngrășat, o avocată este ajutată de un faimos antrenor personal să intre în formă și să-și schimbe viața. (Sursă: Netflix)
  • Flower of Evil

    13. Flower of Evil

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes
    848 points by 9 voters
    Baek Hee Sung pare a fi sotul ideal. Lucrand ca muncitor artizan, munca lui grea a adus succes studioului sau de lucrat metale. Fiind capabil sa ofere o viata buna sotiei si ...more
  • Marriage, Not Dating

    14. Marriage, Not Dating

    Korean Drama - 2014, 16 episodes
    842 points by 9 voters
  • Rinko san wa Shite Mitai

    15. Rinko san wa Shite Mitai

    Japanese Drama - 2021, 8 episodes
    747 points by 8 voters
  • Well Intended Love

    16. Well Intended Love

    Chinese Drama - 2019, 20 episodes
    746 points by 8 voters
  • Before We Get Married

    17. Before We Get Married

    Taiwanese Drama - 2019, 13 episodes
    730 points by 8 voters
  • Love is Sweet

    18. Love is Sweet

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 36 episodes
    672 points by 7 voters
  • Another Miss Oh

    19. Another Miss Oh

    Korean Drama - 2016, 18 episodes
    666 points by 7 voters
  • Bu Hui Lian Ai De Wo Men

    20. Bu Hui Lian Ai De Wo Men

    Chinese Drama - 2022, 24 episodes
    619 points by 7 voters
  • The Bride of Habaek

    21. The Bride of Habaek

    Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes
    587 points by 6 voters
  • Iubirea Mea Secretă

    22. Iubirea Mea Secretă

    Korean Drama - 2017, 13 episodes
    583 points by 6 voters
    O nutriționistă intră într-o serie de încurcături cu șeful său, aflat la conducerea unui chaebol, care se dovedește a fi cineva cu care a avut o aventură în trecut. (Sursă: Netflix)
  • Ase to Sekken

    23. Ase to Sekken

    Japanese Drama - 2022, 9 episodes
    583 points by 6 voters
  • Bromance

    24. Bromance

    Taiwanese Drama - 2015, 18 episodes
    558 points by 6 voters
  • Coffee & Vanilla

    25. Coffee & Vanilla

    Japanese Drama - 2019, 10 episodes
    549 points by 6 voters
  • Lupt pentru Calea Mea

    26. Lupt pentru Calea Mea

    Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes
    538 points by 6 voters
    Un fost campion de taekwondo și o funcționară la biroul de informații încearcă să-și îndeplinească visurile într-o lume unde cei mediocri nu sunt priviți cu ochi buni. (Sursă: Netflix)
  • Love O2O

    27. Love O2O

    Chinese Drama - 2016, 30 episodes
    538 points by 6 voters
  • The Smile Has Left Your Eyes

    28. The Smile Has Left Your Eyes

    Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes
    496 points by 5 voters
  • Tale of the Nine-Tailed

    29. Tale of the Nine-Tailed

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes
    384 points by 4 voters
    Povestea aceasta il prezinta pe Lee Yeon, o vulpe cu noua cozi, (gumiho), care tocmai s-a stabilit in oras. Capabil sa ia forma umana, el se ocupa de curatirea spiritelor oamenilor, dar ...more
  • Prințul Cafelei

    30. Prințul Cafelei

    Korean Drama - 2007, 17 episodes
    379 points by 4 voters
    Han Kyul vrea să modernizeze cafeneaua familiei sale, angajând numai bărbați chipeși, dar și o fată mai băiețoasă pe care o confundă cu un bărbat. (Sursă: Netflix) ~~ Adaptat după romanul “Coffee ...more
  • The Legend of the Blue Sea

    31. The Legend of the Blue Sea

    Korean Drama - 2016, 20 episodes
    372 points by 4 voters
  • Happiness

    32. Happiness

    Korean Drama - 2021, 12 episodes
    365 points by 4 voters
  • My Little Happiness

    33. My Little Happiness

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 28 episodes
    358 points by 4 voters
    Cong Rong visează de mult timp să devină avocat, dar mama ei e hotărâtă să o vadă studiind finanțe în străinătate. Sperând că își va vedea fiica stabilindu-se cu succes undeva peste ...more
  • Love Me Like A Child

    34. Love Me Like A Child

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 29 episodes
    353 points by 4 voters
  • Lost Romance

    35. Lost Romance

    Taiwanese Drama - 2020, 20 episodes
    352 points by 4 voters
  • Ban Yin

    36. Ban Yin

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 16 episodes
    333 points by 4 voters
  • Perfect Crime

    37. Perfect Crime

    Japanese Drama - 2019, 10 episodes
    330 points by 4 voters
  • Kiss Six Sense

    38. Kiss Six Sense

    Korean Drama - 2022, 12 episodes
    291 points by 3 voters
  • Forest

    39. Forest

    Korean Drama - 2020, 32 episodes
    284 points by 3 voters
  • Love Scenery

    40. Love Scenery

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 31 episodes
    280 points by 3 voters
    Liang Chen este o cantareata pasionata de muzica si ghidatain cariera sa de dorinta de a aduce fanilor melodii frumoase si muzica adevarata. In inimile tuturor ea intruchipeaza imaginea unui artist adevarat, ...more
  • Well Intended Love Season 2

    41. Well Intended Love Season 2

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 16 episodes
    279 points by 3 voters
  • When The Darkness Falls

    42. When The Darkness Falls

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 30 episodes
    276 points by 3 voters
  • Autumn's Concerto

    43. Autumn's Concerto

    Taiwanese Drama - 2009, 21 episodes
    265 points by 3 voters
  • Yumi's Cell 2

    44. Yumi's Cell 2

    Korean Drama - 2022, 14 episodes
    200 points by 2 voters
  • Ghiocel

    45. Ghiocel

    Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes
    196 points by 2 voters
    În anul 1987, Im Su Ho și Eun Young Ro sunt studenții unei universități prestigioase din Seul. Im Su Ho, care a crescut în Germania, are un farmec foarte blând însă în ...more
  • Now, We Are Breaking Up

    46. Now, We Are Breaking Up

    Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes
    194 points by 2 voters
    În calitate de șefă de echipă a departamentului de design al uneia dintre cele mai importante companii de modă din țară, Ha Young Eun și-a făcut un nume în industria modei. Frumoasă, ...more
  • Intense Love

    47. Intense Love

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 24 episodes
    189 points by 2 voters
  • Greutățile Vieții

    48. Greutățile Vieții

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes
    185 points by 2 voters
    Bok Joo este o halterofilă care își urmează visul de a câștiga o medalie de aur, dar apoi găsește dragostea pentru prima dată în viață. Ea este o femeie care se antrenează ...more
  • Second Love

    49. Second Love

    Japanese Drama - 2015, 7 episodes
    185 points by 2 voters
  • My Love, Enlighten Me

    50. My Love, Enlighten Me

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 24 episodes
    184 points by 2 voters
  • Love Designer

    51. Love Designer

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 45 episodes
    181 points by 2 voters
  • Watashitachi wa Douka Shiteiru

    52. Watashitachi wa Douka Shiteiru

    Japanese Drama - 2020, 8 episodes
    177 points by 2 voters
    Hanaoka Nao’s mother Yuriko is a single parent and a live-in confectioner at Kogetsuan, a traditional Japanese confectionery shop of long standing. That is how Nao meets Takatsuki Tsubaki, the 6-year-old son ...more
  • Love in Time

    53. Love in Time

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 24 episodes
    177 points by 2 voters
    Un scriitor necunoscut se căsătorește cu un ofițer de rang înalt al unei companii de investiții pentru a rezolva o criză familială. Cei doi se întâmplă să fie „dușmani” în timpul liceului. ...more
  • Melting Me Softly

    54. Melting Me Softly

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes
    176 points by 2 voters
  • Flavour It's Yours

    55. Flavour It's Yours

    Chinese Drama - 2019, 25 episodes
    172 points by 2 voters
  • Once We Get Married

    56. Once We Get Married

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 24 episodes
    168 points by 2 voters
    Fashion buyer Gu Xixi bought Alex's couture wedding dresses for his clients, mixed into a private reception, and got acquainted with Yin Sichen, the black-bellied boss who came to discuss business cooperation ...more
  • The One Day Destruction Entered the Front Door of My House

    57. The One Day Destruction Entered the Front Door of My House

    Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes
    167 points by 2 voters
    Tak Dong Kyung lucrează din greu de când i-au murit părinții. Viața ei pare mai stabilă de când lucrează ca editor de nuvele online de 6 ani, dar apoi e diagnositcată cu ...more
  • The Romance of Tiger and Rose

    58. The Romance of Tiger and Rose

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 24 episodes
    164 points by 2 voters
    Chen Xiao Qian (Zhao Lu Si) has dedicated her entire life to making her dream of becoming a well-respected screenwriter come true. Standing on the production set of the sweeping drama she ...more
  • They Kiss Again

    59. They Kiss Again

    Taiwanese Drama - 2007, 20 episodes
    161 points by 2 voters
  • Le Coup de Foudre

    60. Le Coup de Foudre

    Chinese Drama - 2019, 35 episodes
    159 points by 2 voters
  • Viața Secretă a Secretarei Mele

    61. Viața Secretă a Secretarei Mele

    Korean Drama - 2019, 32 episodes
    157 points by 2 voters
    Do Min Ik este un bărbat inteligent, perfecționist, cu o inimă de piatră și șeful echipei 1 la T&T Mobile Media, care se bazează întotdeauna pe secretara sa, Jung Gal Hee. Deși ...more
  • Bow Then Kiss

    62. Bow Then Kiss

    Japanese Movie - 2017
    150 points by 2 voters
  • Love Battle

    63. Love Battle

    Korean Drama - 2023, 10 episodes
    149 points by 2 voters
  • Love in Flames of War

    64. Love in Flames of War

    Chinese Drama - 2022, 43 episodes
    99 points by 1 voters
    During the period of the Republic of China, the cardamom talented girl Lin Hangjing was imprisoned because of her father’s murder. She went to her father’s friend Xiao Dashuai. Although she was ...more
  • Forever Love

    65. Forever Love

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 28 episodes
    98 points by 1 voters
    Povestea a doi tineri, ce-si urmeaza cu curaj dragostea, de pe bancile scolii pana in zilele lor de proaspat angajati. Pentru Xia Lin Xi, ultimul an de liceu este plin de stralucire, ...more
  • Nu Îndrăzni Să Visezi

    66. Nu Îndrăzni Să Visezi

    Korean Drama - 2016, 24 episodes
    98 points by 1 voters
    O fată care prezintă vremea se reîntâlnește cu vechiul ei iubit, reporter arogant la postul ei TV. Dar acum, ea a pus ochii pe altcineva: prietenul lui cel mai bun. (Sursă: Netflix)
  • Always Be My Maybe

    67. Always Be My Maybe

    Filipino Movie - 2016
    97 points by 1 voters
  • Queen Cheorin

    68. Queen Cheorin

    Korean Drama - 2020, 20 episodes
    96 points by 1 voters
    Un chef bucătar s-a ridicat în rang ca să găsească o slujbă și să gătească pentru politicienii de top ai țării, în rezidențele prezidențiale ale Coreei de Sud, la Casa Albastră. El ...more
  • The Eternal Love

    69. The Eternal Love

    Chinese Drama - 2017, 24 episodes
    90 points by 1 voters
    Mo Lian Cheng, the 8th prince of Dongyue, is forced to marry Qu Tan Er, who was already in love with Mo Lian Cheng's elder brother, Mo Yi Huai. Qu Tan Er ...more
  • Sound of the Desert

    70. Sound of the Desert

    Chinese Drama - 2014, 35 episodes
    89 points by 1 voters
  • My Love From The Star

    71. My Love From The Star

    Filipino Drama - 2017, 55 episodes
    84 points by 1 voters
  • My Dear Lady

    72. My Dear Lady

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 16 episodes
    81 points by 1 voters
  • Sleeping Garden

    73. Sleeping Garden

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 16 episodes
    80 points by 1 voters
  • Begin Again

    74. Begin Again

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 35 episodes
    63 points by 1 voters
    Begin Again este povestea unei femei, aroganta si puternica, si a unui doctor cu suflet cald care, din anumite motive, vor ajunge sa se casatoreasca. Lu Fangning conduce Luning Group, un important ...more
  • Delicious Love

    75. Delicious Love

    Chinese Drama - 2022, 23 episodes
    56 points by 1 voters
  • Chi Dao

    76. Chi Dao

    Chinese Drama - 2022, 26 episodes
    55 points by 1 voters
  • She Who is Dangerous to Me

    77. She Who is Dangerous to Me

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 24 episodes
    54 points by 1 voters
  • My Dear Destiny

    78. My Dear Destiny

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 24 episodes
    53 points by 1 voters
  • Love Me in Three Days

    79. Love Me in Three Days

    Chinese Drama - 2022, 24 episodes
    52 points by 1 voters
  • Lovely Sister

    80. Lovely Sister

    Chinese Drama - 2022, 20 episodes
    51 points by 1 voters
  • You Are So Sweet

    81. You Are So Sweet

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 24 episodes
    50 points by 1 voters
  • Heartbeat

    82. Heartbeat

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 20 episodes
    48 points by 1 voters
  • San Fen Ye

    83. San Fen Ye

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 32 episodes
    47 points by 1 voters
  • 25 Hours of Love

    84. 25 Hours of Love

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 24 episodes
    46 points by 1 voters
  • Irresistible Love

    85. Irresistible Love

    Korean Drama - 2023, 16 episodes
    45 points by 1 voters
  • First 33 Kisses

    86. First 33 Kisses

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 18 episodes
    44 points by 1 voters
  • Perfect Marriage Revenge

    87. Perfect Marriage Revenge

    Korean Drama - 2023, 12 episodes
    43 points by 1 voters
  • Night of Love With You

    88. Night of Love With You

    Chinese Drama - 2022, 24 episodes
    42 points by 1 voters
  • I May Love You

    89. I May Love You

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 24 episodes
    41 points by 1 voters
  • Demonul Șarmant

    90. Demonul Șarmant

    Korean Drama - 2023, 16 episodes
    40 points by 1 voters
    Do Do Do Hee este succesorul Grupului Viitorului. Nu are încredere în nimeni și este cinică în ceea ce privește dragostea. Do Do Do Hee se implică cu un demon pe nume ...more
  • We Look for What We Miss

    91. We Look for What We Miss

    Chinese Drama - 2022, 22 episodes
    39 points by 1 voters
  • Dusk Love

    92. Dusk Love

    Chinese Drama - 2024, 24 episodes
    38 points by 1 voters
  • Suo Ai San Seng

    93. Suo Ai San Seng

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 24 episodes
    37 points by 1 voters
  • My Man Is Cupid

    94. My Man Is Cupid

    Korean Drama - 2023, 16 episodes
    36 points by 1 voters
  • During the Snowstorm

    95. During the Snowstorm

    Chinese Drama - 2024, 30 episodes
    35 points by 1 voters
  • Please! Please Don't Be Friend with Me

    96. Please! Please Don't Be Friend with Me

    Chinese Drama - 2024, 24 episodes
    34 points by 1 voters
  • Bu Bu Qing Xin

    97. Bu Bu Qing Xin

    Chinese Drama - 2024, 28 episodes
    33 points by 1 voters
  • Goodbye Is The White Moonlight

    98. Goodbye Is The White Moonlight

    Chinese Drama - 2024, 21 episodes
    32 points by 1 voters
  • Uri wo Waru

    99. Uri wo Waru

    Japanese Drama - 2024, 9 episodes
    31 points by 1 voters


Siblings in Dramas Siblings in Dramas

Welcome to the sibling world of Dramas, where you can be relatable or not, where you can see smile or laugh, fight or cry. Just NOT…