[Wrap-up 2021] Day 22: A Drama That Was Too Short
Saw this "End of the year drama challenge - 2021 edition" created by @anniedelavoye trending under "Feeds" section, and thought it will be good to make voting lists to collate the responses, which will make a nice wrap up of the year for MDL users.
This is the list for Day 22: A Drama That Was Too Short.
Only one response (vote) per MDL user, per the challenge.
Will do a mini wrap-up based on the overall poll results on 7 Jan 2022, 2359H (GMT +8). So do participate in the poll before then.
To see the list for other days, refer to the Forum "End of the Year Drama Challenge - 2021 Edition" for links to lists for other days.
Edit: This Poll has closed as of 7 Jan 2022 , 2359H (GMT +8). A mini wrap-up will be done based on the overall poll results.
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