Old but Gold: Must Watch Dramas Aired in 2013 and Before
Poll Start Date: 29 March 2022
Did you notice that:
- The MDL Top 20 Dramas are all relatively new dramas in the past few years?
- Only 1 drama is aired before 2015: "1 Litre no Namida (2005)" ranked #16 at 9.0
- Recent and new dramas are generally getting higher average ratings? (Due to word limit, MDL numbers are included in comments)
- MDL Top Ranked Dramas that aired in 2013 and before are rated not more than 8.6 (with the exception of "1 Litre no Namida (2005)" rated 9.0) and a drop of 0.3 points from the MDL Top 1 Drama in 2014?
Also, having watched a few recently aired dramas, have you found that the tropes are quite similar or the plots and plot twists are quite predictable, and you kinda missed older dramas that you have watched a long time ago? Those dramas may not have as much CGI and plot twists, but those dramas are no less meaningful, powerful and emotionally pure than the recent dramas.
What are some older dramas that aired in 2013 and before that you highly recommend and are must watch dramas that new viewers have been missing out on?
Recommend your "Old but Gold" dramas to fellow MDL users, so they don't miss a gem!
- Each user may list up to 5 dramas.
- Please only include dramas that are aired only in 2013 and before.
- Dramas that aired in 2014 and after will be deleted.
- You may also include in the comments why an older drama is a must watch.
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40. Drama Special Series Season 1: White Christmas
Korean Special - 2011, 8 episodes493 points by 5 voters -
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