I think MDL should change into a Liked based option like (YouTube and Reddit) rather than Newest appears first. This makes people taking the same thing 100 times and wasting the time scrolling through whole page for one comment. I know there is a heart option but that's useless technically as it does not contribute to anything. MDL can redesign the whole heart button as like button or MDL can just show how many hearts the user has got to increase credibility.  Here are my pros and cons of this. 


  • A  like-based comments section would save time by highlighting the most popular comments first.
  • It would promote quality discussions by showcasing the comments that people find the most helpful or interesting.
  • Users may be more likely to engage with well-liked comments, leading to more discussions and connections.


  • People may only see popular opinions and not be exposed to different perspectives.
  • New comments may not get noticed if they don't receive enough likes, making it harder for new users to participate.
 CK Warrior:
New comments may not get noticed if they don't receive enough likes, making it harder for new users to participate.

this could be easily fixed by having the option to either sort comment by the number of hearts or newest to oldest (like on youtube). 

I don't think they would need to change hearts to like, coz it serves the same purpose, just the symbol is different. 

They show the number of heart the comment gets tho, unless you mean overall number of hearts someone got from all comments and posts they made shown on their profile? But that would do nothing to "increase credibility" of the user , because the number of heart someone gets corelates not only with the quality of their comment, but also the number of comments they made. And it would impossible for some new users to keep up. For example, up till now I made almost 40k comments, so my number of overall likes would be really high. Someone who just created an account and writes interesting/funny/engaging comments will not be able to reach my level, and it would have nothing to do with the quality of their comment, but the fact I've been on this webiste since 2012, and they only just now started using it... 

One way to address the issue of new users not being able to keep up with more established users in terms of overall likes is to also show the ratio of likes to comments. This would provide a more accurate representation of the quality of a user's comments rather than just the sheer number of likes they have received. Additionally, the option to sort comments by both number of likes and newest to oldest could be implemented to ensure that new comments are still visible and have the opportunity to be seen and liked by others. By providing multiple sorting options, users can choose the one that works best for them.

 CK Warrior:
show the ratio of likes to comments

this sounds like a way to do that, I'm just scared at some point we will have too many stats shown on the profile. We already have contributor points, and (karma) points, follower and following. Then adding info about hearts and number of comments. 

As for the sorting, I completely agree. Overall I think there should be more sorting options for other features too: feeds from newest to oldest posts from that day, and from the most popular/liked.
Reviews: newest to oldest, most popular (as we right now have), but also highest and lowest rating.