de Tine, noiembrie 4, 2020

Howdy, friends!

And welcome to the final part of my Why You Should Try article series. :)

Last but not least we‘re talking about KOREAN DRAMAS.

So with that, my folks and I have now officially introduced all currently available countries on MDL to you guys. I hope by now you discovered some nice dramas already. :)

(Better view on light-mode)

► Here are the lovely people who joined me today:

 Neaa:  Hi. I‘m Neaa. I‘m a sucker for happy ending romantic comedies and a full-time fluff enthusiast. I‘ve been watching dramas since 2009 – and it was all thanks to Korean dramas.

 Varric T:  Hey, I‘m Varric, I‘m in my 30‘s with a kid but still squeeze in time for my drama addiction. My journey to dramaland started with the love for Animes, which eventually led me to Jdramas around 5 years ago. In the last year, I‘ve branched out to many other countries too.

 Kaisrexci:   Hello, I am Kais from Asia. I get to watch some dramas from countries here on MDL through local channels. With Kdramas, it started around the early 2000s.

 Lia:  Hi! I‘m Lia, a twenty-year-old uni student living in Europe. I’m currently learning Korean as I am an aspiring translator. I love learning new languages and their linguistic properties. I also love to learn about other cultures; it’s something that’s really fascinating to me. That’s partly why I love MDL so much – there are people from all places in the world reunited in one. :)

 Neaa:  To be honest, I started watching Kdramas was because they were short. Back in the days, I could binge it over the weekend, and wouldn't have to wait for months for the next season. But the reason I got addicted to K-dramas was the fluff and simplicity. Romances had the perfect blend of honest, committed couples, and the stories were mostly warm and not too angsty. On the other hand, Thrillers were nail-biting and did not shy from showing the darkest side of human nature. Today, there are more interesting blends of different genres which give you the cuteness of a romance as well as the excitement of a thriller.

 Varric T:  Kdramas have very character-focused stories, delving into a character's past, their emotional journey and development. They make you feel every moment. The first thing I noticed when I started watching K-dramas was that the production values were no joke. Everything is pristine, and they seem to spare no expense for clothes, cars or sets. Also, the candy: everyone‘s insanely beautiful.

 Kaisrexci:  When Kdramas were introduced at my end, they were such a refreshing change. Aside from shorter episodes, they have great filming spots and captivating OSTs which can hook someone instantly. It is also pleasant to see the lifestyle from ancient norms to modern ones. The thing is that reaching out overseas is their one huge edge, but they have this certain appeal and reliability, making them globally competent.

 Lia:  Well… I find the storytelling really beautiful in Kdramas. It’s compelling – if you’re lucky from beginning to end – and makes us want more. They’re addictive. The format is also perfect for viewers like me, who have the attention span of a goldfish and are too impatient for long dramas. Let’s continue with a strong opinion! I feel like sexism is less present in Korean (recent) dramas than what I’ve seen from other countries. There’s definitely a lot less than there was before, whether it be towards women or men. Aside from that, more sensitive subjects have also been integrated into storylines, to my absolute pleasure.

 Me:    I think Korea is the best in fitting clichés into every genre, lol. There is no big limitation for Kdramas; they provide every genre. And they have lots of ideas for romance dramas. I actually like the fantasy - romances the best because they were always good at adding suspense and twists. But lately, I think they run out of spice if you get what I mean...

This is one of the few dramas that I watched while it was airing. I love its OST! The reason this drama is special is that it shows different sides of love. Like:  falling in love will not always be violins playing in the background. Sometimes, it will be a friend who‘s been by your side all along. Some people stumble along the way before finding the one. Some times you get hurt. And some times, you don‘t fall in love, but you can still be happy.
Prison Playbook
One word - Looney. This drama is packed with brilliant acting, heartwarming bromance and a touching story. The drama focuses on the internal strifes of the prisoners as well as the flaw in the system. It shows the healing effect of human relationships, and the battles that everyone is waging in their everyday lives.  ~Neaa
Hospital Playlist
It has comedy, romance & absolutely beautiful friendships – it‘s got everything. I think what makes this drama so special is the realism of the characters: the acting was so good, they made me feel everything! It also avoided every trope - any time I thought I knew what would happen. I was pleasantly surprised that I was wrong. No extreme villain, no unnecessary angst, just a seriously interesting and realistic plot. I could go on forever; this drama still gives me warm feelings just thinking about it.
Chicago Typewriter
This drama is about 3 people whose connection remains even after reincarnation. A talented author with writer's block;  a fangirl and ex-Olympic level shooter; and a ghostwriter who is a mystery. In their past lives, they all fought as rebels in their own way for liberation against Japanese occupation. They all work to find out what really happened in their past lives to resolve issues they are facing in the present. This drama manages to juggle so many genres: supernatural, comedy, friendship, political, romance & mystery and it really pulls it off.  ~Varric
SKY Castle
It follows the story of four families living in upper-class residences; the husbands build up their status while the wives ensure to maintain it, even going to extremes. What I specifically liked was the camera placement where they focused on eyes or hand gestures, plus the striking lines and phenomenal OSTs. I was also fond of how complex some characters are. Most importantly, it tackles a significant point toward Koreas competitive education system that affects the relationship between parents and children, as well as their mental health.
The ML has the ability to hear others‘ thoughts. He gained it when his father was murdered in front of him. FL happened to be there and stood as a witness to testify against the suspect. Ten years later, she became a lawyer. As they meet again, they team up to find the truth behind the cases. To me, the drama was impressive with its unpredictable plot, well-defined characters, and commendable finale. It was emotionally engaging from start to finish. Each actor was convincing, and the songs played were memorable. ~kaisrexci
Strangers From Hell
The ML moves from a little town to the countryside of Seoul. Due to some financial restraints, he chooses to rent a small room at Eden Goshiwon. From there, he slowly starts to notice the weird behavior of the people around him. It might not sound like it at first, but this drama really is one of a kind. Not only is the story unique itself, but the way it is conveyed is also jaw-dropping. The tension escalating from beginning to end. The unpredictability of the story, the volatile characters. I can’t praise it enough. I fell in love with it.
The Smile Has Left Your Eyes
This drama depicts the complicated, ill-fated relationship between the two main characters. It is an underrated drama, in my opinion. Why is it in my favorites? Partly because of the acting, partly because of the incredible story it contains. Seo In Guk made me cry with just a look, and I’m not even kidding. Be warned though that this drama is as heartbreaking as it is extraordinary. ~Lia
This drama is about the FL, who can see the shadows of death, meeting the grim reaper Black who came to the human world for a mission. They unravel some cases and of course, fall in love. I can't even say more about the plot since it has SO many twists and turns – everything I would say would be a spoiler. And that's what I loved about this drama: many unpredictable twists which will shock you. Every character has a purpose. You will giggle as well as crying wholeheartedly. Until now, this is my absolute favourite Kdrama. :)
Gu Family Book
It's about the love story of the tough FL and the ML, who finds out he is half human - half beast and struggles with it. As they try to find the book that will turn him back to human, they also have to face some evil schemes. It was funny and exciting. Somehow it was effortless to watch – before I knew it, I was already at the last episode. xD I watched it together with my sis, and we both really enjoyed this one. :) ~Tine

 Neaa:  ... non-angsty short dramas with a storyline that sticks strongly to its genre. When it comes to good old fashioned romance, Kdramas are always my first choice. Also, if you have strong guts and like to watch gruesome murder mysteries, Kdramas won‘t disappoint you. It highly depends on the genre. 

 Varric T:  For me – as a romance junky – Kdramas are the best when I want a fluffy or intense romance mixed with an intriguing plot.

 Kaisrexci:   ... any genre, but since their industry is one of the most sought-after, you may want to check out their dramas related to media, business, or even politics. Personally, I think it's interesting how they depict those themes in fiction.  

 Lia:  ... every mood. Lighthearted dramas are always great for unwinding after a stressful day. Deeper ones can be a perfect distraction when you feel like the real world is too much for you. They also have some great detective dramas. Horror Kdramas are definitely to check out if you’re into the genre! Another really satisfying thing: they recently started to explore a bit more and stray away from the typical plots and obvious plot twists. It took some time, and there’s definitely a trend followed each year, but it’s still progress.

 Me:  ... no matter what mood, there is probably always a matching Kdrama out there waiting for you.^^

Since Korean Dramas are currently the most popular overall:

 Neaa:   Every country has its own strong points. While Kdramas offer you a fairytale love story that you‘d dream of, Jdramas offer you more realistic and emotional stories. As for Chinese dramas, they have two extremes for me: The modern Chinese dramas are the most stress-free, and though they‘re full of cliches, they‘re oddly addictive. On the other hand, Chinese costume dramas are heavy on the stories and amazing cinematography. Thai series and Lakorns are my guilty pleasures. Lakorns have the best intense plots like revenge. If you need a break from fluff, Lakorns are perfect. Also, when it comes to BLs, it clearly becomes a top choice. Taiwanese dramas are more simple and often focus a lot on family relations.

 Varric T:   Having only recently branched out from Jdramas, I‘ve found that other countries all have their own value. It‘s great to get different perspectives, and it's interesting comparing the cultural differences between them too.

 Kaisrexci:   Well, if you want to take a break from their overly used tropes or simply interested in further cultures and trends, for sure you can find stories anywhere that will suit to your liking.

 Lia:   Think of it as a carrot cake. How do you know you won’t like it if you don’t try it? If it’s not your thing, then you at least know what to avoid! I’m not that familiar yet with Chinese dramas, but what appeals to me is the sweetness you can find in the lighthearted ones. But the appeal that everyone talks about is, of course, the astonishingly gorgeous costumes in Wuxia. You might want to give it a try just for the beauty of it. Japanese dramas can be tricky. Some stories will break your heart and leave you sobbing. Dramas you’ll want to forget because of how raw and hurtful it was. But there are also some stories so crazy and wacky it’ll leave you wondering what the heck you just spent ten hours watching. They are not afraid to denounce the flaws of society. I haven’t really been disappointed with Taiwanese dramas yet. Especially BLs. Because I felt like I was watching a story of two characters falling in love, not a drama full of fan-service. 

 Me:    In general I think people shouldn't cling to only one country's dramas when there are so many countries here. You don't even have to choose - you can just have it all, lol. Just try out the other countries and then you'll figure out yourself if it's your cup of tea or not. Or else you'll never know and maybe will miss out on some great dramas. :)

Big Thanks to my dear friends:

 Neaa  Varric T  Kaisrexci  Lia 

The previous parts:

Last Words:

Since it's the final article part, I‘ll make use of my power as the author and hijack the Last Words - section. ^^
I wanna use this chance to thank all the participants of all article parts again! :) This was not my first article but my very first series and also the first time interviewing the people here on MDL. :) I had so much fun, met so many nice and lovely people and gathered lots of experiences for writing articles etc. Also big thanks to the editors, who are always there if I have questions. And of course thank you all, who read my articles: I know some of you followed and read all article parts – yeah, I recognize you.^^ That's it! I'll be back! ;D

...The End...

I don't own any pictures. They are taken from the MDL sites and Google. Credits to the respective owners. Some might be resized for better fitting. The headers are done by me.

Edited by: YW (1st editor)
