de Soju, noiembrie 20, 2018

Over the course of my drama watching journey, I've come to realize that I love watching Thai period dramas. Maybe it's the music, maybe it's their outfits, or perhaps it's just the idea of how life was back then. It could even be the higher chances of getting a happy ending in a historical Thai Lakorn when compared to the notorious historical Chinese or Korean dramas that are amazing pieces of art, but also leave the heart a wrecked mess in the end. Maybe, it was a combination of all of it. In the end, I've always found myself gravitating towards Thai historical dramas. The tricky bit, though, is finding quality dramas. 

If you're like me, I hope this list will help you find your next best historical drama.  And maybe, if you have watched a great Lakorn that I have not~ recommend some to me in the comments section and maybe I will find my next best historical drama too!

 (Click on the posters to be re-directed)

Year: 2011
Episodes: 15
Duration: 1hr 38mins
Ending: Happy


Rerin (Aff), a textile professor goes on a vacation to Chiang Mai after realizing her fiancé, Thanin (Jason Young), is a horrible man. During her vacation, she meets Suriyawong (Aum), the owner of the Chang Restaurant in Chiang Mai, who is also a descendant of the prince of Chiang Mai. Suriyawong falls in love at first sight with Rerin and feels like she's someone who he has longed for. They crossed lifetimes to meet each other again. But with the enemies of their past life still alive, will their love be fulfilled or will end just as it did the last time? Tragically? 

Good Points:

1. The plot is very interesting, to be honest.
2. There's a scary looking ghost! 
3. There is a natural chemistry between the male and female lead, which is great!
4. The second male lead, Prince Sirriwattana (
Chai), is extremely handsome and not at all obstructive in the second life.
5. The transitions between the current lifetime and the previous lifetime are well done. I liked the sequence of the traditional sewing machine to symbolize the movement from the future life to the past life.  


1. The female lead is as blind as a bat. There was a scene where she first visited a museum in Chiang Mai and in the museum was a part dedicated to the Princess Maneerin (her past self), in that spot, there was a picture of her past self (same face) hanging right in front of her eyes and she didn't see it! 

2. It gets a little boring after episode 11. So don't watch this with ease, binge it. 

3. I didn't research enough and didn't know that there was a ghost in the drama. Needless to say, when I began watching this drama before sleeping... I was spooked out. So much.

4. I remember I did feel like the past life could have been shown in a much more swifter manner. It took a lot of episodes of back and forth before we found out the entire picture of how everything happened in the past. 

5. This point is nothing concerning the actual drama, but the quality of the videos available. Please be warned that you won't find a 1080p video out there for this Lakorn. It's still good enough to watch though!

6.  Don't eat food while watching the ghost scenes. It's disgusting. :/

7. The video quality available is bad if you really particular about that.

Year: 2010
Episodes: 15
Duration: 1hr 30mins
Adapted From A Novel
Ending: Happy


Wanida (Aff) is the daughter of Dao (Montree sir), a loan shark. She is beautiful, lovely, brave, and strong-willed. Mejar Prajuab Mahasak (Tik) comes from a noble family. Mahasak is a kind-hearted man, son, and a family man. He already has a girlfriend (Joy). Lek (Suboon), Prajak’s brother, borrowed some money from Dao. Lek was unable to pay the debt. Dao gave him a condition to marry his daughter to cancel the debt. However, Lek runs away and left Prajak to replace him. Without knowing anything, Wanida agrees to the wedding and their chaotic marriage finally begins.

Good Points:

1. The plot is very interesting, to be honest. Aff and Tik look so good together!

2. I really liked the female lead character.  The fact that she knows how to fight for herself and her dignity every time the mother-in-law or the male lead's ex slapped her or tried to put her down, she handled it flawlessly. Even when the male lead was so indecisive, she handled it well compared to other female leads. 

3. I really liked the good servants, they were so warm and supportive. 
+10 points! 

4. It has Mr. Montree! At this point, he feels like my grandfather or something. I've already seen him in so many shows. T_T


1. Slaps. Slaps, EVERYWHERE! +50 points LOL!!

2. The male lead is just as clear about his feelings as a glass of murky river water. There is a point in the drama where you can clearly see that he's in love with Wanida and not his ex-fiancée anymore. But then, he goes around letting his ex leech off of him and hold his hand while he stares at the female lead with sad, puppy eyes.

3.  I have never seen such a shameless, second female lead in the history of my drama watching journey. Never. The fact that she even came to live in their house after the female lead and male lead got married was just crazy. The fact that the mother-in-law supported her was even crazier.

Year: 2016
Episodes: 19
Duration: 1hr
Age GapAdapted From A Novel
Ending: Happy


During his time studying abroad, the rich heir, Monthai (Sean), sends many letters to his fiancée, Viyada (Punwarot), which are not answered by her, but instead by her maid, Bpeeyachat (Esther). Viyada, on the other hand, has quit waiting for her fiancé and is more interested in getting to know other men than corresponding with or waiting for him.
Monthai's mother suddenly gets really sick and asks for Viyada to take care of her. This is the last thing she wants to do, so Bpeeyachat pretends to be Viyada. Monthai comes back from abroad and thinks that Bpeeyachat is pretending to be Viyada for money. He starts to treat her badly, but slowly starts to care about her. Shortly after, Viyada comes to his home and trouble ensues... 

Good Points:

1. Amazing OST! 
+50 points for the masterpiece!

2. The female lead's aloofness in relation to the male lead and the second female lead was impressive. Other female leads would have cried and felt horrible when the second female lead walked back in the male lead was so cozy with her. Bpee was amazingly unattached and respectfully aware of her place and theirs. +20 points

3. The male lead's mother was the MVP! Her support for the female lead was amazing. I was thankful. +100 points!!

4. It wasn't as angsty as I had imagined it to be. Of course, there is also an older version, Ngao Asoke (2008), which some people prefer over this because they like how it is much more intense than this version.


1. The second female lead had no concept of right and wrong in front of her desire to get what she wants. She kills her 'lover/blackmailer' and then she even kills the main male lead's mum! -30 points!

2. The male lead believed whatever the second female lead said during the majority of the drama. He didn't even approach the girl till the final 20 minutes of the show. 

3. However, all the 'cruel' scenes seemed like the male lead was teasing the female lead. If you like hardcore angst... maybe watch the 2008 version. Year: 2017
Episodes: 17
Duration: 1hr 40mins
Older Man/Younger WomanAdapted From A Novel
Ending: Happy


Massaya's father, who is an adopted son, was kicked out (along with his wife and child) of the Rattanamahasarn family for marrying her mother, who's believed to be a "low class" Malay woman. When both of her parents passed away, she was brought up by her maternal grandmother. Years later, Massaya (Mookda) grows up as a free-spirited, boyish, and a little, crude woman. Years later, the head of Rattanamahasarn family (Massaya's grandmother) (Duangta) feels sad and guilty about the past. She orders her grandson, Lak (Mik), to bring back Massaya.
After coming back to the Rattanamahasarn Family, Massaya feels like an outcast with overbearing rules, etiquette, and a family who looks down on her. She can only feel comfortable with Lak while she constantly faces bullying from her cousins and their mother.

Good Points:

1. Amazing OST! 
+20 points.

2. The male lead is hot. The female lead is hot. Everyone is hot.

3. The female lead is such a bad-arse, I loved it!

4. The romance was so good! *thumbs up*

5. THERE IS NO INCEST! (Her father was an adopted child who was later abandoned, so practically no blood relation.) 
+10 points!

6. A good plot.


1. This might be awkward for people who consider the adopted children a part of the lineage and thus might feel like this is incest (which it isn't).

2. The evil side characters are so annoying, it's not even funny. 

3. Their 'relation' does cause a bit of a stir, the grandmother lost it there for a bit. Them being 'related' caused a lot of issues. Sad times.  *glances at the picture on the right*

Year: 2017
Episodes: 21
Duration: 1hr
Ending: Happy


This drama has three lifelines. In the first, the female lead was the princess of Laos, Jao Nang Noy (Vill), and the male lead was a Thai prince, Than Chai Yai (Sonyuke), who had just arrived from Europe after completing his education. Directly upon his arrival, he finds out that he is engaged to the second female lead, Wilaileyka (Bee). However, when he gets home and sees Jao Nang Noy, it's love at first sight. He is resolute in his love and in the end, his mother who doesn't like Jao Nang Noy because she's from Laos, but gives in and allows them to marry. However, on the night of their marriage, the Jao Nang Noy dies of poisoning.  After his wife dies, a heartbroken Than Chai  Yai soon follows after, dying of a broken heart. But his spirit lives on in wait for his wife to reincarnate and return. 

Good Points:

1. This drama was so amazing. It was literally a wonderful breath of fresh air. I loved it!

2. The male lead was so dedicated and solid in the aspect of his love for the female lead. He fell in love with her. He told his mother that he loves her. He even told the second female lead. There was absolutely no stopping him. He even said that he would never marry unless it was her. Oh man, it's been a while since I've come across such a male character in a Lakorn. God bless this man. +100 points

3. Even though in the first lifetime the female lead was soft-spoken, she definitely made up for it in the second lifetime.  +50 points

4. There was a third lifetime, which gave the couple a happy ending because in the second lifetime, the main male lead was a ghost. 

5. Even the second male lead (Toomtam) and the female lead had such an easy and natural chemistry between them, I found out later that it's because the second male lead and the female lead have acted twice together as love interests (Ngao Jai & Sud Sai Pan). It explained how easily the second male lead gave the female lead a kiss on her shoulder during such a normal scene.

6. The 'reap what you sow' was also strong in this. +10 points

7. Give this a go! This drama needs more exposure. It's really good *whispers* "Please watch it". 

8. The second male lead's wedding night scene was WILD!!! WILD, I TELL YOU!
+1000 points for the shooketh factor. 

*whispers* "Isn't Sonyuke so handsome?* *swoons*


1. The third lifetime was only 1.5 episodes long. I thought the third arc should have had more episodes. Because even though the female lead remembered her past lives in the third lifetime, the falling in love angle felt a little rushed. Too much time was given to the second lifetime. -10 points.

2. The second female lead (on the right) is a little mental, but she has authority, especially in the second lifetime, which is even scarier for the female lead because she doesn't let her leave her mansion once she's there. 

3. I sometimes got annoyed with the main male lead because he was a little obsessed with asking the second female lead for forgiveness over breaking up the engagement. I actually did yell at the screen a few times about how she was an evil viper and he didn't owe her anything.

Year: 2013
Episodes: 10
Duration: 1hr 50mins
Adapted From A Novel
Ending: Happy


Khunchai Puttipat (James Jirayu) is a brilliant, young neurosurgeon who has very high principles in life. He is the third eldest Juttathep brother. When he meets a commoner (Bella) who holds the title of "Miss Sri Siam", he must forget all the rules he has followed his entire life. He follows his heart in order to rescue the woman he has come to love from becoming the mistress of Thailand's most powerful man's (Montree Sir) concubine. Thus, a fake marriage becomes a real one, while prejudice loses and love wins. 

Good Points:

1. Bella is amazing, James Ji is amazing, everyone is amazing (except the second female lead, the pimp, and her children). Even Mr. Montree was amazing! I just love these two together! This plot was one of the best ones in the series! 
+100 points! 

2. Another male lead who is very direct about what he wants and doesn't want. There was no room for doubt for the second female lead or male lead's family members. He wasn't in love the second female lead, but rather in love with the first female lead. +50 points

3. It didn't drag. I liked that. 10 episodes were just fine. +10 points

4. The second female lead really got what she tried dishing out. This was one of the most intense 'reap what you sow' dramas. 


1. I found that the male lead spoke very evasively about his feelings to the female lead. It was like he expected her to know about it. But for the first good portion of the drama, he did not literally say "I love you" to her. It was like he could blatantly admit it to his brothers and the second female lead... but he beats around the bush with the female lead instead of just telling the poor girl directly. -15 points

2. Spoiler: There is an attempted rape scene in the hospital for the female lead. No matter how many times I think about it, I just cannot ever get over the fact that no one in the hospital even heard the commotion the two were making running around in the hospital! -10 points

3. Spoiler: Acid attack.
 +50 points for the consequences of the action.

(Points borrowed from Soju's 10 Beginner Friendly Thai Lakorns article)

Year: 2011
Episodes: 17
Duration: 1hr 50mins
Adapted From A NovelTime Travel
Ending: Happy


Maneejan (Pancake) has always had dreams of a very familiar voice calling out her name. One day she finds a strange mirror in an antique shop. Upon the arrival of the mirror, strange things begin occurring until Maneejan finds herself being transported back in time to the place of  Khun Luang Akarathep Warakorn (Om), a government official who lived over a hundred years ago and who is also the owner of the voice she has always heard calling to her so lovingly since she was a child.  A love that transcends time, their fate has led them to each other. But belonging to two different worlds, can they really be together? Forever?

Good Points:

1. The male lead DESPERATELY in love with the female lead. To the point of losing his mind and physically hugging her to himself and not letting go whenever the mirror opened to take her back.  
  +20 points? 

2. The female lead was very cute. I liked her a lot. +10 points. 

3. The male lead's mother was another MVP! +100 points to the amazing woman. 

4. The second female lead was likable. I liked how there was no dirty fighting for the male lead. Everything was resolved in a very dignified manner. They even remained friends until the end when the female lead and male lead got married and the second female lead got married to another guy.  +50 points!

5. There is no second lead syndrome & a nice OST. 


1. The male lead is DESPERATELY in love with the female lead. By the end, I was a little wide-eyed about how crazy he got whenever the idea of her having to go back, came up.

2. This drama is also inclusive of the war that was brewing up during that time. Not a lot, but enough. 

3. Spoiler: I really didn't like the fact that the female lead didn't get to say goodbye to her friends and family (except her mum). I mean, even if they essentially knew where she was, she should have at least had a day or two to be with them and say goodbye but she didn't. 

The male lead was very, very protective of her by then I guess. Love makes people irrational after all. 
-15 points

4. The CGI for the historical scenes were repetitive and bad. 

Year: 2016
Episodes: 14
Duration: 1hr 45mins
ActionHistoricalRomance, Drama
Birth SecretArranged MarriageLove Triangle
Ending: Happy


To show gratitude to her adoptive father, Rin Rapee (Bella) accepts to disguise herself as his real daughter and marry Saran (James Jirayu), to keep the promise their fathers had made in the past. Saran is a cold-hearted guy who suffers from his previous love. Although he knows that Rin's adoptive family has deceived him, he does not wish to return his bride, since he gets to know her beauty and kindness.
Love slowly grows. But soon their love is tested, when Duangsawad (
Mint), his ex-lover, returns to him, while Rin also feels guilty with the secret she is hiding from him.


Good Points:

1.  One of my favourite pairings <3 +10 points

2. Loved the plot. Especially the twist where the male lead, Saran, already knew that he was being tricked~ but he didn't break the engagement or wedding.

3. I loved how some parts were shot. The scenery, the atmosphere, very much my aesthetic. +30 points.

4.  The addition of the "black magic practicing villain bandit" really kept me on my toes. Very new! +5 points

5. Amazing, meaningful OST! +25 points.  

6. This drama has some very nice dialogues that give very deep life lessons. +25 points

7. Supporting characters had their own stories and struggles which was also enjoyable to watch. #NotBoring

8. Showed real issues married couples could face.

For example: SPOILER: 
When Rin found out that she's actually super rich, Saran felt inferior to his wife (which is a common story in households where the women are more successful career or status wise). It also showed how he finally let go of his pride and realized that whether poor or rich, his wife was still his wife. Rin was the same person and that money did not have to change love at all. +25 points


1. The second female lead was shameless. VERY shameless. And the horrible thing? She was married too. -25 points!!!!

2. Jirayu's character here was kinda weak towards the second female lead. Sometimes, I wanted to smack his face, which was often. BUT~ he did redeem himself and became very straightforward with the second lead once he figured his priorities. Give the guy a chance. -5 points though for being so useless until he did realize that his wife is better. 

3. The drama forecast for today is occasional slaps and attempts at seducing someone else's husband. However, from the second half of the drama, strong gusts of karma will begin to appear~ everyone is advised to take shelter.

(Points borrowed from Soju's 10 Beginner Friendly Thai Lakorns article)

Year: 2000
Episodes: 16
Duration: 1hr 30mins
Adapted From A Novel 
Ending: Happy


Prissana takes place in 1938 in Phra Nakhon, Thailand. Prissana (Taya) is the youngest daughter of four girls and was the only one raised in America by their uncle. She is outgoing, cheerful, and pretty, but at the same time, she is also headstrong, intelligent, and opinionated. She returns to Thailand after living in America for 12 years and is once again reunited with her family. Prissana, whose name means “mystery, a puzzle/riddle,” causes quite a stir in Thailand with her open, American behavior and refreshing beauty, especially in the heart of the stunned men, even a prince, Taan Chai Puthpreecha (Tik). 

 Good Points:

1.  Almost everything! Trust me!

2. The plot is very sweet and historical romance novel material. 

3. I liked how sweet and simple it was. The female and male lead did not have any external factors disrupting their relationship. Whatever issues they had were between themselves and they also solved them by themselves. I liked that. 4. This drama taught me a lot of things. Things I may never use in life, but I still deeply resonated with most. Like when Prissana's older sister's fiance got caught being drunk around town one night with his friends (which was a big no-no), I remember her mother told her that it was a good thing that her fiancé had shown her his bad side before marriage. She said that most people show only their good points while dating and then show their bad sides after marriage... which leads to both the people being disappointed in the end. I agree. 

5. The OST was great!


1. The OST was great! But I can't find it anywhere. 

2. The video quality is bad. I'll admit. But the drama is amazing regardless if you can overlook that fault. 

3. The episodes were so hard to find! Thank you to the kindred spirit who lent me her episodes! <3 

4. There isn't only one second male lead, but a few many. A lot of men like Prissana. Even her uncle was into her until he found out that she was his niece. Which was hilarious! And kinda weird. 

5. I experienced withdrawal. The sudden realization that I may never find anything that makes me feel this certain way, and has such a vintage romantic vibe made me sad. It still makes me sad. You have been warned. 

4. Please give this a go :)

Year: 2018
Episodes: 15
Duration: 1hr 50mins
Adapted From A NovelReincarnation
Ending: Happy


Kadesurang (Bella) is a 25-year-old chubby archaeologist. One day she suffers an accident after meeting Karakade's (Also Bella) ghost and goes back in time to the Ayutthaya era around 300 years ago. She wakes up in Karakade's dead body right after she died.
Karakade was a very mean and selfish person. Everyone hated her, especially her betrothed Date (
Pope), who liked another girl (Prang) but his dad and Karakade's dad were best friends and they promised that their kids would marry each other.
After Kadesurang wakes up in Karakade's body, everyone around her is confused now that she's acting like a completely different person. But her optimistic and playful personality slowly wins over everyone, including Date, who falls in love with the new Karakade.

 Good Points:




4. Humour is top-notch!

5. I really learned a lot about Thai history through this drama. I appreciated how whenever a new character was introduced (who also is mentioned in history). We were given an introduction towards who they are or what the situation is through a very creative way (the classroom scenes for Kade's archaeology class).

6. The tangent between Kade and her maids often made me cry. Such a good and genuine support is always welcome. I love nice maids <3 

7. The scenes showing Kade's life with her grandmother and her mother were so heartwarming. To see three generations of females living together and enjoying sweet things in each other's company was so incredibly beautiful. 

8. The male lead was EVERYTHING. Admittedly, although he did not like Kade in the beginning, when he fell in love with her... he was everything! He took punishments for her (got hit in place of her), and even announced that he will join the monkhood if he did not have her/not be with another woman for the rest of his life. That's a big commitment man! +1M points!

9. There was no crazy second lead females or first lead females. I appreciate that always. 

10.  Pope's abs (even though they were shaded) was everything! Everything! 


1. I'll be honest, at first, I was really scared to begin this drama. That's because I didn't want to see Bella in a villainous role. Still, somehow I found myself just jumping in one night. Big mistake. The first 50 something minutes of the drama were SCARY! 

My advice, please push through the first 53 or something minutes until Kade dies and reincarnates as Karrakade. Everything turns better afterwards. 


3. I felt bad for Constantine (Louis), despite what actions he took in his life. I didn't exactly want him to die! 

4. I wished most of the time that for Bella to just tell everyone where she is from and what she knows. Then again, I also understood her reasoning behind hit all and the phenomenon of the butterfly effect. It turned out okay. 

5. There was this one part (or two parts) where the first male lead said to Kade how women are like cattle merely a property of the men who can sell them if they wish or even *cough* make them do the tango with a horse! *cough* The inner 21st-century Soju in me roared in scandalized outrage! The rational Soju, however, reasoned that the times were different then and that he loved her too much to do any of those. Also that Kade would probably kick his ass before he even tried any of those. *sigh*

I hope you all enjoyed reading the article. If you have a historical drama on your favourite list and I have not mentioned it here, please feel free to recommend it to me in the comments section below. I love recommendations!

Happy drama watching!

romance historical thailand larkon
