de heartaem, februarie 20, 2020

There has been no shortage of news on the Bong Joon Ho hit Parasite pretty much since it first released. It won at the 40th Blue Dragon Awards, it is getting an HBO remake and it has made history by winning four Oscars. There has been no lapse of positive news for this film, but recently, some more negative news has come to light. 

The India Times has reported that P.L Thenappan, producer of the Indian film Minsara Kanna * has stated that:

I saw the South Korean film ‘Parasite’ and I feel that they have stolen the film’s crux(**) from ‘Minsara Kanna.’ I’m in talks with international lawyers and contemplating on filing a case against the makers of ‘Parasite’ soon.

Thenappan has not stated which part of Minsara Kanna has reportedly been plagiarized.

TNM News has further reported that Thenappan has said:

They have taken the plot from my film. When they find out that some of our films have been inspired by their films, they file cases. Similarly, it is only fair for us to do the same.

Minsara Kanna is a 1999 romantic-comedy in which a young man falls in love with a wealthy heiress. In order to try and convince her family that he is 'worthy' of being her partner, he becomes a bodyguard at her home. His siblings also find work in the house as the chef and housekeeper.

In Parasite, a poor family that is severely struggling cons their way into gaining employment with a wealthy family.

India Today has stated:

While the plotline is similar [to ‘Minsara Kanna’], the motives of characters in both films are completely different.

TNM News has also reached out to the director of Minsara Kanna, K.S. Ravikumar for a statement; his statement is as follows:

I’m happy that the story has received an Oscar, even if it [‘Minsara Kanna’] served as an inspiration. However, filing a case is up to the producer.

It seems that Ravikumar has completely stepped away and distanced himself from the apparent upcoming lawsuit, and is leaving it down to Thenappan to deal with as he sees fit. 

Yesterday, on February 18th, CJ Entertainment - Parasite's production company - has stated through a representative interview with Maeil Business Newspaper's Star Today that

We have no knowledge about plagiarism claims from an Indian film. We have not received any information regarding this issue.

At the moment, there is no news on if a lawsuit has yet been filed or any response from Bong Joon Ho himself.

Have you seen both films?
What's your opinion?

A follow up will be posted following further news on this issue.

* Links to
** The crux: 
an essential point of a film that requires resolution or an outcome

Edited by: BrightestStar (1st editor), Yuanwei (2nd editor)

