de pandalla008, martie 1, 2019

Hi, my drama-watching-family!

My name is Julie and I'm a major C-drama addict. Nice to meet you guys! ❤️ Like many others, I too started out watching K-dramas. However, as my love for the Chinese language and history grew, I quickly got pulled towards C-dramas. Yes, they are known for being extremely long, and your ears need to get familiar with the new language, but in the end,  C-dramas are worth watching because of their inevitable charm. 

The airing C-drama, I Will Never Let You Go, has caught my full attention and is currently my favourite drama. I've watched it since day one! It contains 51 episodes, momentarily with ONLY 35 subtitled episodes released.  If you start watching now, then you won't have to binge watch 51 episodes later on! 

Prior to reading my article, please notice that I will possibly reveal spoilers, but nothing major. This is a drama you just need to enjoy, without too much information about the plot beforehand. I will be cautious, and not reveal too much.

Synopsis (written by me): The story revolves around the girl Hua BuQi, played by Ariel Lin. In her childhood, she lives as a beggar on the streets, together with her uncle and their dog, Ah Huang. Because of her unknown ties with different prominent families, she has to live with a secret identity - no one must see her beautiful face! However, on one occasion she stumbles upon the handsome Lotus Robed Knight, who has a double identity as the prince, Chen Yu.  Bu Qi and Lotus Robed Knight, who's being played by Zhang Bin Bin, quickly get attracted to each other and their love story begins. When the identity of Bu Qi, later on, gets revealed, she then has to go on a long journey fighting for her life, for her family and for her love. 

If you're still unsure whether you should watch it or not after reading the synopsis, please continue reading. I will now list the reasons to watch it.

The Chemistry and Relationship between the Leads

Personally, the chemistry between the main couple is crucial to whether I'd want to continue watching or not. I believe, that the chemistry should be spot on! Fortunately, it definitely is so in I Will Never Let You Go. You would think that the age difference of 10 years would be noticeable in the acting and visuals, but it's nowhere to be seen. The silliness and youthfulness in the characters of Bu Qi and Chen Yu, makes you believe that they are actually the same age. Additionally, it's joyful to watch. The chemistry is noticeable from the very first episode, so you won't spend 5+ episodes to actually be able to see the main characters in a scene. 

The characters stick together (Chen Yu is often her silent protector when she is in danger) and have a tight relationship from the very beginning.

The Overall Pacing of the Drama

It isn't too slow, nor to fast - just perfect pacing! The plot constantly evolves, so you won't get bored. Furthermore, you won't have to wait forever for Bu Qi to discover the real identity of Lotus Robed Knight. In general, secrets get revealed quite fast too. It's a relief because then you won't have to scream at the computer, screaming "WTF why don't they say it!" That has only happened once when they hooked up and he didn't tell her that she is going to be a sacrificial object.   But she will eventually know. It doesn't bother me,  yet, and I've come this far without any regrets!

The Eye Candy

Let's face it! Bin Bin is always handsome! And it certainly helps him makes us fall-in-love with his character. But I would say that other supporting characters such as the two second male leads, if you could call them that, Dong Fang Shi (Austin Lin) and Yun Lang (Kris Sun) also go under that category.

The Humor

Wow, this really is another huge reason as to why I got hooked to this drama. Believe me or not, a 51 episode C-drama can be light! This isn't a drama with highly political discussions, harem fights and seriousness. Of course, there needs to be some involvement of the emperor, and yes, the different families have issues and often somewhat hate each other. It's not, however, something which has a huge impact on the overall plot and steals a lot of scenes. In that way, it's a "light" historical, fantasy drama. I definitely want to praise the writers, in making a script with a lot of humour in between the lines and the actors' great execution of the script.

Bu Qi Is Not a Defenseless Girl!

She is a strong, independent, WOMAN! Ok, maybe not that physically strong, but very strong minded indeed! She is witty and knows how to manipulate her surroundings to gain the things she wants. She is indeed a refreshing character, and that makes her an enjoyable character to watch. Actually, I laugh or become emotional in all of her scenes. She somehow feels like a real person, which you would become best friends with. Ariel is truly amazing at acting! 

True Heartwarming Feelings

Fake tears? Naaaaah! And if they truly have fake teardrops, then they make an incredible job in looking sad! I'm often a cold-hearted b*tch when I watch any drama - I never cry or even look affected. But this one really got me! Ok, I still don't cry, but I do get a teeny tiny bit emotional. And it's not only for the leads, but they've also really gathered a cast which knows how to convey deep feelings to its audience. Big applause!

The Supporting Characters 

For some people this may be a downside, but nonetheless. The main couple isn't always together in the same scenes, I mean when it's overdone in a drama. I know that some viewers get annoyed when the main couple don't have enough screen time, this isn't the actual case. I would say, that they have the right amount. In some places in the dramas, though, I would have enjoyed some extra scenes, but it's not a huge problem for me in the long run. The supporting cast fills the gap and does it excellently. My favourite is unquestionably Dong Fang Shi and his many expressions. Sometimes you are disgusted by him and then suddenly he lights up and looks so in love with the lead actress, then I feel bad for hating him.  

If you are reading this, you have successfully reached the end of my first ever article. I truly hope you would consider or reconsider watching I Will Never Let You Go. If you are still not convinced or actually didn't like the drama, please leave a comment and let me hear your inner thoughts.

Also please leave a comment if you have any further ideas of articles you would like to read, concerning C-dramas or Taiwanese dramas. 

See Ya!

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