de HappySqueak, noiembrie 11, 2017

OCN has done it again, with another crisply written drama which is both thrilling and mysterious with a subtle pinch of comedic lines that are perfectly delivered - Black

With a certain systematic order to be kept in the taking and passage of souls, reapers are all incredibly unique. 'Number 444' (Black) who in this drama also doubles as Moo Gang played by the talented Song Seung Heon (in the Reaper realm, Black is portrayed by actor Kim Tae Woo) is a cold,  calculating, and meticulous Reaper. 

When his partner fails to fulfil his reaping duty and return, it is up to 444 to go and drag him back. 

However, he needs to possess a human body first to do this.

WARNING: major spoilers below!

Moo Gang
Black (444) - His true Reaper identity which is in possession of Moo Gang's body.

Now tasked with going to the human world, he is accompanied by a weak hip-hop artist: Grim Reaper No. 416, and one who looks like he came straight out of the Joseon era: Grim Reaper No. 007. Together they lay low as 444 begins his mission. 

This brings us to the female lead, Kang Ha Ram played by Go Ah Ra. With her unique ability that seems like both a curse and gift, she can see the shadow of death clinging to people who are about to die, and also the vision of how they will die.

She utilizes it to warn those who are in danger, although some do not always heed her warning and unfortunately die. 

This drama might, in a more thrilling manner, lightly reflect the Masters Sun vibe (a girl who can see the dead and a cold CEO who uses her for her ability.) Did anyone else feel that vibe? :)

As 444 realizes that Kang Ha Ram can see the 'shadow' of death (a Reaper) inside humans, he decides to 'use her eyes' while under the guise of being her deceased friend. Moo Gang was a soft-spoken detective, and even his co-workers notice the extreme personality change all after he is possessed by 444 who has merged into an intensely cold and jaded individual with no essence of who Moo Gang was before. They chalk it up to his injury and let it slide. 444 does not depict any sense of empathy or consideration toward the humans around him. His verbally aggressive request for Ha Ram to stay glued to his side doesn't end well on the first try. They do eventually begin to team up as she needs to save someone and needs his help.

Side note here: How can she see the death shadows that possess bodies and that linger around people but not see the true essence of 444? Well, thank the fashion Gods for that, in this drama, if a reaper possessing a human wears all black, they are concealed from being seen by her keen eyes. Ha Ram also wears sunglasses often so as not to see the scary death shadows that have plagued her since childhood.

With his immaculate styling all in black, 444 hides his identity from Ha Ram. 444's freezing inflection is so on point that in each scene he really makes you wonder why she hasn't been curious about him calling other people 'humans' when he speaks. She only sees him as her childhood Oppa. This female lead, despite her strange ability, is actually very likeable! You feel for her struggle carrying this burden but also wonder if things between Reaper 444 and her may transition into something more than just a duo of death shadow hunters, so to speak.

We also have a cute CEO who makes a deal with Ha Ram because he believes that she really can see those who are marked by death with a shadow lingering. He wants to use this to his advantage and source out which clients will soon die. 

He hires her for his own ambitions. There is a little bantering friction between them, maybe just enough to want to call this a potential for a love triangle but then also maybe not. 

With this being an OCN Drama, if there will be any romance, it might be very downplayed and moments that could be considered 'cute - funny - aw' are due to the fine work and well-timed delivery of the script thanks to the actors and writer. However, the intensity and chemistry between the leads are very strong even on just a 'work level' and you can really see the dynamic of 444 adjusting to his own human-like condition while possessing the body of Moo Gang.

This drama has a lot going on and a lot to take in! Every character showcased seems to have a hidden agenda that is slowly being revealed and thus divulging into deeper subplots and connections between the characters. It could almost come across as a little confusing at first, maybe even make viewers replay some scenes to understand the context of what is occurring between the characters.

OCN's other 2017 drama, Save Me, also channelled thrilling and dark plot twists that impressed viewers with cliffhanger endings in every episode. Black seems to be living up to those expectations as well, and maybe even surpassing them. I feel like there is a little something for everyone in this drama, the dark and gritty, friendships and loyalty, the off-beat comedy that will make you smile in curiosity about the depth of these characters and what the outcome will be. 

Are you watching or planning to watch Black? Let us know what you think.
