de DreamingKoreanBallad, august 25, 2015

Stalkers Guide to Lee Sang Woo

                                                             Born Feb 13, 1980


Have you ever watched the American TV series 'Full House' - If yes, do you remember Joey? Yes? Remember that doll he would take out and play with? It's name was "woodchuck" and for some reason, whenever I see this handsome man I am reminded of Joey and "woodchuck" - And since I also relate people to animals - and to me I'd compare him to a cute chipmunk - so I call him "woodchuck" now - it became a habit - I call him that fondly *it's my woodchuck!!! ^-^* I don't know if he'd take an offense to that nickname or not, but I personally like it and hope he would too^^ *just in case you were wondering - yes I know Joey's "woodchuck" isn't actually a chipmunk* lol - it's just the nickname I tagged him with ^_^


This actor has so many charms - he can mesmerize you - I don't think I'm watching an actor when I watch him, I feel like I'm watching a real person in real situations - his "acting" is raw, pure, real, emotional - I fall for him every time, his smile captivates me, and his voice pulls me in, when he cries I can't help but cry too - I mean come on - his eyes and around his eyes and even his nose turn red/pink when the tears are coming! And he's more manly than most actors I like ;) I usually like guys who are tall, lean and handsome - he is definitely handsome but he's also muscular (more so than I usually prefer) but for some reason I really like it on him ^_^ He's like a solid wall of protection that one could feel safe being around - I sound silly saying all this don't I? lol, I'll stop with my admiration now^^



                   One Warm Word (2013)

The very first drama I remember recognizing Lee Sang Woo in as an actor! It's actually my second time seeing him on screen though ;) (first time was 18 vs. 29 and he wasn't the lead). I loved this drama, I love how it portrayed the bad side to an affair and the damage it causes. Lives that were hurt because of it and the reconciliation that can take place once people own up to their actions and repent. My favorite character was Kim Sung Soo (Lee Sang Woo) I could see the hurt, pain and anguish it brought him, the love he still had for his wife and his tender love toward their little daughter. He has past mistakes on his record too, but that in no way approves of what his wife did. Anyways I loved his character and I truly hurt with him. (hey, that's why I became his fan). I also liked Song Mi Kyung (Kim Jee So) a lot of viewers didn't like her and said she was mean - but she wasn't, she was hurt and deeply at that. All she desired was love - that's it. But no matter how hard she tried to earn it, her husband wouldn't give it to her and when she found out about his affair - she got angry. I love how the writer wrote this and how it was directed. and I've been meaning to watch this again when I get time. One song from this drama has stuck with me even now "I Love You" <beautiful song, that was sometimes played when it shouldn't have been lol - Did anyone else become a fan of LSW's through this drama as I did? *I'm not one to watch many "affair" type dramas, but I will if it shows how damaging it can be and this one did just that.



                Glorious Day (2014)

The best "family" drama of 2014 in my book! :D I started it for Lee Sang Woo and I'm glad I did. This drama was amazing from start to finish! What happens when a family moves right next door to another? LOTS! lol This drama had tight family bonds, the relationships that developed were sweet - including the mothers romance. ^^ Lee Sang Woo plays Seo Jae Woo a corporate business man with qualities that can make him seem cold but he is really kindhearted and sweet ^-^ He falls for Jung Da Jung (Park Se Young) his next-door-neighbors daughter. I loved this drama and recommend it to anyone who likes family dramas. ^_^ I fell head-over-heels for Jae Woo in this drama - he was so romantic and sweet - can't get enough of him!



              The Road Home (2009)

I LOVED this "daily" drama!!! I watched the entire drama when my internet went out over spring last year - I was watching this one and By Land and Sky at the same time - switching back and forth between them. I think I watched 10 episodes of each drama everyday lol - I was upset that my internet wasn't working at the time (due to flooding) but I was SO glad I at least had these dramas downloaded to watch! I couldn't find this drama to watch online (I searched everywhere) but I finally found it available for download - It's one of the better "daily" dramas because I didn't skip anyone's scenes - I love it when I find these kinds of "long" dramas that I don't want to skip. To me, that means it's a good drama. I loved the main romance between Lee Sang Woo's character Yoo Hyun Soo and Han Soo In (Jang Shin Young) They play high-school loves that are reunited. He regrets his decision years ago and tries to win her back when he finds out she got a divorce from the guy he sent her to. Hyun Soo is a documentary film maker and Soo In comes to work for him as the writer. The opening themes song was super cute - I loved it and still wish I could find it somewhere! *p.s - the description on the page isn't accurate - it only describes a piece of Hyun Soo's older brother and his wife's (the couple on the left 2nd row) life. I enjoyed all the romances in this drama, Hyun Soo and Suin, Suin's brother's romance & Hyun Soo's sisters romance^^

Lee Sang Woo always plays the kind of guy I would date/marry. ^_^



               Life Is Beautiful (2010)

Unfortunately I didn't watch this one for Lee Sang Woo but rather for Lee Sang Yoon. A lot of viewers watch or have watched this for the homosexual relationship displayed in this drama but I skipped that and well, most everything to be honest except for Lee Sang Yoon & Nam Sang Mi's scenes - I watched a little bit of Nam Gyu Ri's scenes because she was cute. It was too "slice of life" for me - I'm not really into watching those kinds of dramas - I usually avoid them. But I liked LSY's role in this and although LSW was in this I only watched a few scenes with him (sorry LSW) - but I know a lot of viewers like this drama - so don't take my word on it. One positive thing though is I loved the "falling" scenes at the end of every episode! Hilarious! I'd laugh every time! I have absolutely no doubt that LSW pulled this role off - he's an amazing actor and the scenes I watched with his daughter were good and emotional.



Feast of the Gods (2012)

I loved Lee Sang Woo's role in this drama - so mysterious! ^_^ I couldn't enjoy it to the fullest though because of Joo Sang Wook's role -_- the dude irritated me >_< and Sung Yu Ri - even though I liked her I'd get annoyed by her hanging on every word that came from JSW's mouth :/ I loved the steady and calm manner that LSW's character Kim Do Yoon displayed - he loved in a mysterious yet very romantic way ♥ I completely fell for him. The only problem I had is they didn't give him enough screen time! They gave most of the screen time to JSW's character... :/ He also has a deep hurt/scar that came because of something his mother did when he was a child and because of this he and his mother don't have a very good relationship. I was cheering Kim Do Yoon on as soon as I saw him :D The ending was good but not satisfactory. They needed more, much more for me to feel fulfilled.



Don't Hesitate (2009)

Again, I really loved Lee Sang Woo's role in this drama as Han Tae Woo but, they didn't give him enough screen time - when he's the lead guy! They gave most of the limelight to our second lead Kim Young Jae (whom I have respectfully given the title: "Liver boy") (don't worry everyone was calling him that at some point). I will forever remember Liver boy's mom calling him a "dingbat" LOL - it is ingrained in my mind! XD This drama is about a girl who when she is about to donate her liver to her fiance is told a shocking truth by her best friend - enough to shock her into a coma (for I think it was 6 years but I might be mistaken about the time frame...) When she wakes up she doesn't remember her first love and gets a job at a company where she meets and falls in love with her boss - eventually that is. Her first love (now married) works at the same company she got hired at, and she keeps being drawn to him - [even though this totally sexy boss of hers is right by her side and totally diggin' her!] Until she finds things out and wakes up does she start to notice her very handsome and kind boss. And even that is short lived when she gets the notion of revenge. It got so bad I didn't even want her to end up with her boss. However the drama does end nicely - but it could have been made much better! It was worth a one-time watch for me and maybe will be for you too. I just wished they would have shown Lee Sang Woo more than they showed the other guy (that was my main complaint).



All About My Mom (2015) *Now Airing*

I'm excited for this one! I love both Lee Sang Woo & Eugene - so I'm really happy they are working together! :D :D :D I hope it's good! They are going to play a married couple^^ and while Jin Ae experiences difficult times with her mother-in-law she begins to understand her own mom for the first time. *I just checked in on the first episode* *fingers crossed - looks like they have chemistry and looks like things are about to get good* ^_^



Lee Sang Woo has several other dramas, with Main, Supporting and Guest roles like: Goddess of Marriage (I've heard bad things about this one, but there are at least 3 or 4 actors in it that are pulling me towards watching it), Horse Doctor (I plan to watch this soon), A Thousand Days Promise (I might eventually get around to watching this someday), Childless Comfort, First Wives Club (can't find it but I want to see it for LSW), 9 End 2 Outs (I loved this drama but I don't remember seeing him lol), 18 vs. 29 (this was the first drama I saw LSW in but I didn't even know it was him until I watched other dramas of his later (like One Warm Word - the drama that got me addicted to him) He looks so different in 18 vs. 29! Younger and thinner but still an amazing actor!). He was also in High Society this year as Jang Yoon Ha (Uee)'s older brother (He only had a few scenes but I LOVED seeing him there)^^



This is my favorite picture of him ^-^ ♥♥♥            



                        Handsome isn't he? ^_^


                           I love his smile :D

Him singing all bashful ^_^


You can find more information on the actor at Wikipedia


If there is an actor or an actress that is worthy of a Stalker's Guide in your opinion, and you have watched enough dramas of his/her to prove it, please contact KatelynJaynea about it.
