de Wiam Najjar, ianuarie 16, 2015

Currently Watching

Dr. Frost


-         Who loves Song Chang Eui to bits?

-         Me!

-         Who is ready to give any drama on any cable channel a chance?

-         Me!

-         Who’s stuck on psychology?

-         Absolutely me!

So I obviously started Dr. Frost


Unlike other dramas, I started this with high expectations. The last two OCN dramas were just awesome. Hence, I couldn't help but pin my hopes on this and I’m glad that I did.

Our hero, Dr. Frost (Song Chang Eui), is a genius in psychology. But due to a childhood accident, he has a serious lack of emotion. He takes over counseling in one college, and he’s trapped with an ardent assistant, Yoon Seong Ah (Jung Eun Chae), whose emotions light up her face. With a new case per episode, Dr. Frost runs across new emotions he cannot identify with. Seong Ah simply puts herself across, and by being herself she presents a whole new world to the lonely genius.

Song Chang Eui said that he had to bleach his hair 7 times to get this shade and act the role. It’s not only the hair. I’m amazed at how perfect he is as an austere emotionless genius. I’m 5 episodes in, and the only expressions he has shown are concentration and curiosity. Speaking of curiosity, when he’s really curious, he simply enlarges his pupils. He doesn't even raise his eyebrows, and he makes me feel like I’ve stumbled across a pile of expressions. His unconscious actions based on unidentified emotions are the most adorable thing ever, I can’t even!! Speaking in an old Korean accent is just too irresistible. I don't know how he can suppress his own laughter!


Since I watched Song Chang Eui in Golden Bride years ago at the beginning of my Korean journey, I knew that he was no ordinary actor. I’m totally awed and in love.

Our heroine, Yoon Sung Ah, is a bright, diligent, optimistic, social and kind college student. She works as an assistant to receive a scholarship. She's strong both mentally and physically, and she’s never intimidated by the stuck-up genius.

I only watched this actress in Women in Our House and liked her pretty well. I would really love to see her in many other roles. She’s so good.

But I’m pissed off at something. Is there an equation which states that self-confident, successful and strong women have to be shabby and lack fashion sense?! What’s wrong with writers, for God’s sake???


Now come my two adorable actors: Sung Ji Ru as detective Nam Tae Bong and Lee Yoon Ji as Professor Song Seon.


I believe Sung Ji Ru only parodies himself in dramas. I've watched like 100 works of his, and he has that charming sense of humour that has me hooked every time. He’s never boring, and he never fails to impress.


Same goes for Lee Yoon Ji whom I fell for in We Got Married. Prof. Song is a successful professor with a deep scar. Though a psychiatrist, she cannot hide her emotions. She puts her clients’ interests first and flings herself into her work. Confidently but humanely, she walks towards her goals.


With every new case, new syndromes are discussed and I keep pausing and googling them. Even if you have no psychological background, you can easily understand and follow along. If you find yourself doubting whether you have any of the syndromes, you’ve been brainwashed well. Welcome to the club.

Life is really hard. When we wish for a drama to be extended, it isn’t. When a drama sucks us dry, it’s incredibly long. Well….