de Eatbreathasiandramas, decembrie 14, 2014

Currently Watching



Pinocchio is a drama series that follows a woman named Choi In Ha played by Park Shin Hye and a young male named Choi Dal Po who is being played by Lee Jon Suk. In Pinocchio, Choi In Ha has a syndrome called "Pinocchio Syndrome" and whenever she lies, she gets a bad case of the hiccups. She wants to work as a news reporter and thinks that if she becomes a news reporter that maybe she can stop her hiccups. 


Why I think you should watch this drama is because, not only does it bring comedy and romance, but it brings action and adventure as well. Park Shin Hye and Lee Jon Suk have, in my opinion, great chemistry and I am excited to see what this drama brings to the table next. 


So what do you think of Pinocchio so far? Are you loving it or hating it? What do you think of the characters? And what do you think of this drama being called Pinocchio? Tell me down below what you think?