de Laugarza, aprilie 26, 2013

Episode 10 Recap

After the suspenseful ending to episode 9, we now know that Sun Woo did not die from his brain tumor. While Dr. Han’s operation on Sun Woo ended in his death, the teenage Young Hoon saved his life when he found the pack of pills Sun Woo dropped during a struggle with his teenage self. Young Hoon was able to confirm he would get a brain tumor and so he prevented the death of Sun Woo.

Episode 10 begins in April 1993, three months after the shocking events at the hospital. Sun Woo has just been released from the hospital and has returned home to find that things are very different. His brother is out preparing for marriage and his mother has started to drift into her own world where she is no longer as aware of her surroundings.

The teenage Sun Woo writes all this in his journal as well as the fact that he will be getting a new niece. He also writes about how he discovered that his brother signed over the hospital to Chairman Choi. He thinks his brother is an idiot for doing so and wonders if Choi had anything to do with his father’s death. His biggest questions, however, are why his older self hasn’t come back to see him, whether that future self is reading the journal he is writing and whether he is already dead.

The Sun Woo of 2013 is reading that journal entry while making coffee. He closes the journal and starts to pour the hot liquid into a glass when a sudden head pain makes him jerk his arm. He ends up burning the palm of his hand.

At work, Sun Woo’s boss is annoyed with him for getting burned and tells him he better be good at his job as both their positions depend on it. Sun Woo complains he isn’t getting anything out of the job besides being hated, and comments that his boss should at least button up his shirt for him since he hurt his hand. Sun Woo agrees to behave and salutes his boss before he leaves but his boss turns back and ends up helping Sun Woo with the buttons even though Sun Woo had meant that as a joke. Sun Woo’s pack of medication is noticed by his boss, and he tells him that he should go get checked out in case he has a tumor or something. Sun Woo says it’s not that bad as he knows what a tumor feels like, and his boss wonders how. Sun Woo tells him he has a bad memory.

Sun Woo heads to the news desk and on the way, gets a text from Min Young (still his number 1 fan) to wish him good luck with a surprise. Min Young’s surprise was a picture of herself in a wedding dress. It is not a nice surprise for Sun Woo.

Min Young is texting from a store where she is shopping with Su Joon for a jacket. He tells her to stop texting but she insists she must send text messages to Sun Woo so that he can see her looking like a goddess.

Sun Woo’s co-anchor Lee Joo Hee arrives at the news desk right after him. She notices his bandage and starts gushing over it. She is pretty forward by grabbing him and acting overly concerned.

Min Young texts Sun Woo again to warn him about Lee Joo Hee being a very forward woman (more like a man hungry woman). She has proven right in her warning as Lee Joo Hee very obviously puts the moves on him by leaning over to straighten Sun Woo’s tie. The news crew starts making bets on when they will start dating. Sun Woo’s boss wonders how that will affect ratings. The news starts and from the hospital Jung Woo silently watches his brother on TV.

Sun Woo is waiting outside in the rain after work. Lee Joo Hee drives up in her car and offers him a ride home. He says no thanks as he is waiting for a friend but she doesn’t believe him and says he has been keeping distant from her. She complains about it until Young Hoon pulls up behind her and proves Sun Woo wasn’t lying by calling out for him. Lee Joo Hee continues talking until finally Sun Woo agrees to go out for drinks with her some other time so she can drive off.

Sun Woo and Young Hoon continue their discussion in a restaurant. Sun Woo feels it is possible that he can still have the headaches if he has all the other memories and mementos. He is bummed that he may get stuck with the pain. Another problem is that now he can’t remember what he was thinking in 1993. It is like it's a different person's thoughts now and this is causing him to read his diary on a daily basis so he see what his teenage self was up to. He is still expected in 1993.

Someone knocks on the glass window behind them. It is Min Young and Su Joon who had come from meeting them. Before they get inside Young Hoon mentions he is shocked they are getting married so soon as he had figured they would have broken up by then. He thinks Min Young was probably pushed into it by the impatient Su Joon. Min Young and Su Joon arrive inside and explain they were late because they were getting Young Hoon a gift since he helped set them up. Young Hoon denies he was that big a part in the matchmaking and Sun Woo asks where his gift is. He didn’t get one but Min Young says he should be the one giving them out. Sun Woo then tells them he can’t go to wedding as he has to go to Japan for work. Su Joon says he understands but that Min Young will probably feel terrible about it. Sun Woo says he got them a great gift though to make up for it so they should call it even.

Min Young and her mother are talking on the phone about Sun Woo’s excuse that he can’t go to the wedding when Jung Woo gets home. He hears his wife’s side of the conversation but says nothing when his wife asks him what Sun Woo is thinking and whether he is planning to cut ties with them.

Su Joon is setting up the audio system Sun Woo gave them as a wedding gift while Min Young wonders why he is doing it already when they will be moving. When he asks for juice she notices she has none so says she will go and get some. She is grabbing her wallet to leave when Su Joon tells her to call Sun Woo and tell him the system arrived.

Sun Woo had just gotten home when his phone rings. Min Young has called him to ask about Lee Joo Hee and whether she hit on him. She says she doesn’t want him to fall for her. Sun Woo enjoys what sounds like jealously/territorialism and he asks if she wants him to die alone. Min Young says she doesn’t want him to be lonely but just to pick anyone but his co-anchor. He asks if that is why she called and the subject changes to her mother being upset at him not going to the wedding.

Min Young also admits she knows he is making excuses not to go and says he should so he can see her look like a goddess. He says that isn’t possible and he kind of flirt/teases her as she wonders how he would even know what her body looked like especially since she can’t prove him wrong. Sun asks if she is happy to get married and she says she felt a bit rushed. Finally she says she will hang up and if he changes his mind to come to the wedding. Min Young asks him to congratulate her before he hangs up though as they probably won’t see each other until after the honeymoon. All he can say is to be happy.

Su Joon finally finished setting up the audio system. He looks for a record to play and finds The Bodyguard which Min Young apparently took from Sun Woo’s house. When he takes out the record he notices a piece of paper that was with it has something written on it. He is surprised at what it says.

When Min Young returns with the juice, Su Joon is waiting for her. He seems upset and when she asks him what is wrong he asks if Min Young has a pen. Not sure what is going on, she finally agrees to write down what he tells her to in English.  Min Young writes “I will always love you” and Su Joon is not happy. He asks who she will love forever and shows her the paper he found with the record. It says “I will always love you” along with the date December 2012, place (Pokhara) and initials J.M.Y. Min Young is surprised he thinks she was in Nepal with someone else.

Min Young argues she did not write it and that she just took the record from Sun Woo so it is probably being his. Su Joon doesn’t believe this as it matches her handwriting and Min Young claims she should be the mad one as the initials don’t even match completely. She is about to call Sun Woo to prove it to Su Joon but notices the time so doesn’t. Su Joon leaves and Min Young looks at the handwriting again. She starts writing out the message again and again.

As she stares at the written message the memory of writing it the first time in Nepal returns to her. She sees herself writing it and behind her is a bed with someone sleeping in it. It is Sun Woo. She remembers when he told her he made Jo Min Young into Park Min Young and is shocked.

Sun Woo is in his room where he had been staring at a picture of Min Young in her wedding dress when he suddenly sees a message appearing right before his eyes on a guitar in his room. It is a message from his teenage self. Other messages appear around his room.

In 1993 the teenage Sun Woo is determined to make sure that his future self will get his message especially if he isn’t reading the journal he is writing in each day. He figures that since he will still live in the house he will write on things and places that the messages can’t disappear from.

In 2013, Sun Woo follows the messages downstairs. He is staring at the last one and a picture from 1993 when the doorbell rings. He goes out to see who is there and finds Min Young on his doorstep.

He asks her what is going on. She says she is not sure and asks who Jo Min Young is before showing him the written message. He repeatedly denies her question on whether she is Jo Min Young and calls her drunk before telling her to go home. He starts to walk inside but Min Young doesn’t accept his denial as she remembers more of the memory of the day she wrote that note. She follows Sun Woo and grabs his arm. He demands to know what is wrong with her, but she pulls him toward her and kisses him.

More memories of them kissing flood back to her and she knows it is him. She is in tears as she asks how it is possible. He is silent as he remembers his own words that the memory and pain still exist . The effects of the incense sticks are not done yet.

Will Sun Woo tell her the truth after she kissed him? I wonder why they didn’t they notice that love note before? When exactly is Min Young supposed to get married? I can’t believe she agreed to get married so soon. Even in this reality she has a serious case of hero worship for Sun Woo so I don’t think she seems that put off by the memories she is getting.  I also notice that Jung Woo has quite a bit of air time as an adult but he doesn’t talk much. What do you think?

Episodes Recapped: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
