de Mirichan, aprilie 5, 2013

A Stalker's Guide to Miura Haruma

Hello everyone! Once again, I am here :) Actually I've wanted to write this article since the first appearance of "Stalker's Guide Articles" in MDL. I didn't have to think long to decide whom I want to present to all of you:
Miura Haruma has been my favorite actor for about 1-2 years now. It´s hilarious when I think about the reasons I became his fan. The Japanese movie Koizora was my first J-Movie and I still remember how I was overwhelmed with emotions after watching it. I just didn't pay enough attention to him while watching it. Even then, it took me over 3 years to realize it was him at that time.

I found this collage on Tumblr. I don´t know who created it, but it shows about every great picture existing of the movie (:

I have been looking for someone fitting as my avatar on MDL for quite a while now and I found he was the best choice. One reason is his easy name :D I am bad at remembering Asian names but his is simple enough for even me to remember. I also really liked him in the live-action movie Kimi Ni Todoke; he looked just awesome so I decided on him. At the beginning, I didn't know much about him but others began to ask questions, assuming I was his fan. I wanted to answer these questions and thus informed myself about him. In the end, I wholeheartedly became a huge fan of Miura Haruma. Well who could resist his smile? ;) It´s just one of the many reasons he is my absolute favorite actor but it made me get interested in him in the beginning.

I am not sure if any of you have noticed the great changes he has done in these last two years:

From the sweet and refreshing image with an innoccent smile.... the SHORT-HAIRED Haruma with a mature
character, I began to fall for.... soon after as well ^_____^

I didn't like the fact he cut his hair in the beginning... but I got used to it and I must say it fits his mature side, which he has been showing a lot lately. In my opinion, his haircut was the turning-point in his new direction of career. He has been starring in more serious dramas. In a short while, I will present you to a few of them as well. The dramas I have watched of him until now...I loved them all because of his superb acting. After all "looks" aren't the most important thing but it's a BIG BONUS. Especially with a cutie-pie like him   (*___*)

Now I want to present to all of you a few Dramas/Movies in which Miura Haruma played the leading characters. You can see that he has tried out many different genres in which he was always displaying his great acting.


the Cool Miura Haruma

This was my very first drama of him. Actually there are people who call me a "Drama-Freak" but this drama made me pull off the first all-nighter I have ever done before. I watched Season 1 & 2 in ONE night! You could say I was in a craze. The drama is a really intense one, filled up with many hidden emotions and betrayal etc...but it´s the right mix of everything.
Not too much and not too little of everything. Even though the romance was lacking a lot, the emotions 
weren't. It was the first time a actor impressed me as much as Miura Haruma did in this one. 
I was speechless and always cried along when he had to.
They were best friends in Bloody Monday and they are in real-life as well! Miura Haruma and Sato Takeru

It's one of the dramas everyone should watch at least once^^
I can assure will be impressed! (even when you aren't a fan of Mystery like I am).


the Serious/Mature Haruma

I think that the picture says about everything already. This drama shows the mature side of Miura Haruma. Yet another type of drama I usually don't like. But through this drama I got accustomed to his new hair-style and his serious manner in acting as a police-officer-trainee. I realized that he was unexpectedly good in acting like that as well. Even so I thought that the first episodes were kind of slow, maybe because the only reason I watched it was, that I wanted to see him in another drama again.

Yet again he is showing the strong bonds of friendship... but the Romance was missing. The romance which I was craving for after watching Season 2 of Bloody Monday (I don´t want to spoil better just watch it and see for yourself). In the end I liked the drama and his acting, but sadly I just began to really like it a lot when it was ending already. 9 episodes can be the average for a J-Drama but for me it was not enough ;/
Yet again I couldn't resist his smile. He was just adorable with his grinning-face >_<
Anyone who agrees? :D


the Realistic, Sweet and Mature Miura Haruma
Instead of realistic I could simply say "human-like". He plays a really believable role. Throughout the drama he makes mistakes like everyone would. Some resulting in serious consequences and some forgiven by others. Even though the story is unreasonable in itself at the beginning, I was able to see how he changed along the plot as well. Although I am not entirely sure how to explain it but I really love his role as a responsible teacher. On the one side he is responsible and then again he is really careless to the degree where I wasn´t even sure if he cares about his profession or about what he is doing. But I liked the fact that you could see how he was growing in his confidence as a whole person. To that point he was just doing what he was supposed to do. He never made his own decisions. And what to do when everything is crashing down in one second? Because of a mistake YOU have done? And what to do when you are hurting people and you can´t avoid it? 

I really thought about it...the most interesting fact about the drama are the way how reactions and feelings are expressed. You can see why Miura chose the role. The ending may give some answers about life but it´s still left to the viewers to decide for themselves.

Really, REALLY I can assure you that you will be touched by the story. By the story and by the acting, shown in the drama :)


the Cool and Funny Miura Haruma

You want to watch something really hilarious and funny of Miura Haruma? WATCH THIS DRAMA! :D
I think I laughed the whole time while watching it, it isn´t like I adored him but I simply enjoyed watching it the whole time. Funny how he managed to play both roles, that of a stoic Samurai and that of a unmanly, average high-school student who doesn´t manage to achieve what he really wants to. The whole drama in itself was a little bit exeggerated but who cares... as long as you get entertained by it :)

Quick preview of the drama, I hope it will encourage you to watch it :)


Sweet & Caring Miura Haruma

If you want to know anything about this movie, please read my review to it. 
I just want to point out that it is your typical love-story. At least that's what I thought at the beginning while watching the Anime. In the end it became my favorite Anime....that´s why watched the live-action as well. That was right after watching Bloody Monday. I fell completely for Miura Haruma after I finished it *sigh* (>_<)

Actually he is so sweet and adorable in the movie that I know there can´t be anyone out there like that :p
But seriously....who cares? *_____*

I noticed that so far the chemistry between him and the female-main-actor was always great. In this movie too. It´s really cute and innocent-like, it makes a huge difference to many otherroles he has been playing in lately. I can guarantee you though, that even when you don´t like school-movies will find it cute and enjoyable. So far I have never heard of anyone who didn´t like it. So when you are in the mood for a lighthearted and caring, a little childish Miura, watch this! :)


Delinquent & Funny Miura

Probably everyone who has ever watched a drama knows Gokusen. It´s a well-known classic. Even so there aren't that many people who know that Miura Haruma played ONE of the main-roles in Season 3.

Actually I didn't notice him myself. He was one among all those pretty boys and I couldn't care less about him. That was until I became his fan. Gokusen is one of the dramas I have re-watched so many times that I can't count anymore. I don't think he stands out in the drama but he is really funny. It's fitting with the other actors. I personally really liked his "delinquent-look" ....does anyone of all of YOU think the same? :D

I really like his eyes a lot! They fit his cool "deinquent-image" (:

Slowly my article is finally coming to an end *_______*
I decided to put one of my favorite pictures of him at the end, to show everyone:

I own two dogs myself and I can't say who is more adorable: The dog... or Miura hugging it!  >____<

For those who have wondered what Miura Haruma has been doing lately....
He seems to be modeling a lot, as well as doing adverts.
Like this one:

Btw, if there is an actor or an actress that is worthy of a Stalker's Guide in your opinion, and you have watched enough dramas of his/hers to prove it, please contact Elisabetta about it.

For now.......

I am not sure how many of you know that it´s Miura Haruma´s BIRTHDAY today! 

Let´s congratulate him everyone! :D
