de juri25, martie 18, 2013

Currently Watching: Saikou no Rikon

It’s been a while since Japan released a hit drama without an original source like a manga to back it up. From the first glance Saikou no Rikon's plot seems overly used and almost mediocre (at least it did for me) but we're about to find out why our prejudiced views need to be overlooked.

Saikou no Rikon's plot tells parallel stories about two 30 year old married couples (Mitsuo and Yuka as well as Ryo and Akari) doing the best they can to hold on to the last remaining thread that holds their marriage together. The first couple: "Mitsuo and Yuka" are on the brink of divorce because they claim that their lack of mutual interests and polar opposite personalities are preventing a successful marriage. One day Mitsuo's grandmother popped the most predictable question heard by mankind: "When will I see my grandchild?" While contemplating his future, Mitsuo unexpectedly encounters his ex-girlfriend Akari whom he had fond memories of and after a few instances he discovers that she's married. Events occur and Mistsuo and Yuka who are now divorced find themselves living under the same roof again. The reason being....

The protagonist "Mitsuo" (brought to life by Eita) is disappointed with where his life has destined him. He keeps on questioning the decisions he made in the past and how if he decided differently he would be walking down the path of happiness. I don't find his character necessarily likable. He has frustrating moments such as when he finds out his wife "Yuka" (Ono Machiko) misplaced his belongings. Yuka is a laid-back woman and is not very efficient when it comes to taking care of the household. Her aspirations in life were put on hold ever since she married Mitsuo and she ended up working in the family's laundry business. Her attempt at poking fun at her husband is not well-received, most of the time resulting in one to question how these two ever agreed to exchanging vows. The secondary leads are "Akari" (Maki Yoko) who is Mitsuo's ex-girlfriend and is married to "Ryo" (Ayano Go).

Why do I find the drama interesting?
To be frank, dramas where married couples barely interact and settle with unresolved arguments are not on my prioritised watch-list. I believe you all know where I'm going with this. This drama is a rare breed in which its storyline is depicted differently. As a damsel who has barely any reliable sources on what makes couples tick, I find that this drama is doing a brilliant job in portraying those scenes. It's not like divorce is put in a positive light but in this alternate reality it's the simplest solution since counselling is not sought out. What makes me love this drama are the characters. All of them are far from molded perfection and you get a better understanding of who they really are as they shed different levels of skin to the people they encounter. Another aspect is the way they weave humour and character into the dialogue so naturally. This goes to show how well-written the scripts are. The Japanese film makers excel in slice-of-life genres. This is evident in the way the drama is filmed. A documentary-style of filming is used in many of its scenes. It occurs to me that the drama is mocking itself especially its characters, since they are clueless to the idea that their lives feel like a reality television show. We as viewers are also put in a confused disposition as if we are getting more than we bargained for. 

Why you should give it a chance?
If you're looking for an unconventional rom-com that qualifies mostly as a home-comedy, do not look any further. The drama is character-driven and the personalities are written in such a way that they draw empathy in all the right moments. This may come off as strange but I love the ending credits. You'll get what I mean once you see it. I sometimes can't believe this is a Japanese drama since they don't seem to shy away from adult content but then again it's a light story that is sure to suit a wide range of tastes.

Episodes of Saikou no Rikon aired so far: 10.  Episodes subbed: 5
