de shaz22, februarie 11, 2013

Drama Craze

From shaz22pedia, the daydreamer's encyclopedia

Drama Craze (DC) is an infectious disease in men and women caused by the virus of the family dramaaddictionviridae, more commonly known as Asian Drama viruses (ADVs). Although DC is often confused with other addiction-like-illnesses, especially the English drama addiction, DC is a more severe disease in which viruses are contracted through exposure to terra dramatis (Land of Drama a.k.a. Dramaland). DC may produce social awkwardness and withdrawal from reality, particularly in teenage girls.

Figure 1: Eating habit in severe cases

Drama Craze (DC) can occasionally lead to Otaku-ness, the obsessiveness for anything Asian, in the sense of being narrow and anti-social due to attachment to computer technology; similar characteristics of a stalker. The manifestation of Otaku-ness may cause persons to enact direct drama otaku or secondary personal otaku of a certain celeb. In extreme cases, the infected will show signs of both Otaku-ness characteristics. Otaku-ness even applies to persons who are usually much—MUCH—older than celeb on hand.

Figure 2: Pictured on the right is an Otaku

Signs and Symptoms

Approximately 90% of people with Drama Craze (DC) are initially asymptomatic. Symptoms of DC usually take time to manifest. It may take a few weeks, a few months or even a few years, depending on persons' immunity. Many people are so ill that they are confined in front of their PC for several days, with aches and pains throughout their bodies, which are worse in their backs and legs.

Physical Symptoms

     • Insomnia
     • Body aches (especially joints and back)
     • Headache (especially in the morning)
     • Irritated, watering eyes and prominent dark circles

Figure 3

Psychological Symptoms

Developing affection towards everything Asia which includes:
     • Rise in general knowledge about Asia
     • Change of preference in man/woman (preferring Asians)
     • Extreme development in Asian vocabulary (severely diseased might learn one or two Asian languages
        in the process)
     • Change in preference in food (preferring Asian dishes)
Figure 4: Love for Asia, Asia Daisuki Desu/Sarranghaeo Syndrome

Point to note: Russia, the largest country of Asia is surprisingly, NOT a part of this phenomenon as with most of the other Asian countries. This phenomenon is centered mainly around South Korea and Japan.

Cyber Symptoms

     • Startup page containing various online drama streaming sites, tumbler/twitter or Facebook page of
        biases, MDL, Fan Cafes, etc.
     • Extreme shortage in disk space
     • Introduction of Asian drama OST in music drive (in severe cases, Asian music might be the only folder
        in the drive)
Figure 5: Startup page of a self-entitled Drama Crazy who's currently enjoying term break

WARNING!!                WARNING!!                    WARNING!!                     WARNING!!
When a newbie (or presumably a veteran) seems to be recovering from Drama Craze by losing all signs of DC symptoms:
          • Loss of symptoms is NOT a definitive sign of a complete recovery. In fact, ADVs are viruses that
             remain in the body after an initial infection; thus, infection can return later. A sudden relapse will
             cause an increased susceptibility and indefinite contraction of Drama Craze. There is NO hope of
             recover at this point.


Types of Viruses

In virus classification, Asian Drama viruses (ADVs), are hypothetical viruses that make up a few of the unlimited genre of the family dramaaddictionviridae. ADVs of more than one type may be found in the infected:
     • Korean Drama virus
     • Japanese Drama virus
     • Mandarin Drama virus
     • Filipino, Thai Drama viruses can also be found in most severe cases

Korean Drama Virus (KDV)

This genus has one species, Korean Dramas (KD) . God like humans (most of the time surgically altered) are the natural hosts for a large variety of Korean Drama Virus. This virus is currently causing devastating outbreaks around the world, giving rise to human KD pandemics, commonly known as “Hallyu Wave.” The type of KDVs are the most virulent human pathogens among all the ADV types and cause the most severe disease. Almost 60% of the world's diseased persons were initially infected by this virus alone.

 Figure 6

Japanese Drama Virus (JDV)

This genus has one species, Japanese Dramas (JD). JDV almost exclusively infects anime lovers, and is less common than the Korean Drama virus (KDV). The only other persons known to be susceptible to JDV infection are the already infected Kdrama and Tdrama addicts. This type of infection mutates at a rate 2–3 times slower than KDV and consequently is less diverse. However, JDV mutates to the point that a lasting immunity is not possible.  This reduced rate of diversity, combined with its limited host range, ensures that pandemics of Japanese Drama virus do not occur.

Figure 7

Mandarin Drama Virus (MDV)

This genus has two species, Taiwanese dramas (TD) and Chinese dramas (CD). With MDV, it is more common to be infected by both species, as opposed to just one. MDV sometimes causes both severe illness and local epidemics. However, MDV is the rarest genus among ADVs; thus, is less common and usually only causes an increase in addiction to the already infected patients  by other two types.

Figure 8


Except the obvious transmission from infected people around, there are a few general ways of transmission of ADVs:

     • Anime/Manga → → → → → Drama

Figure 9: Example using Yamato Nadeshiko Shichihenge

     • From Kpop/Jpop → → → → → Drama

Figure 10: Example using Hoya of Infinite and as a cast member of Reply 1997

     • Asian Movies → → → → → Drama

Figure 11

     • Bored with English Dramas → → → → → Bring it on Asian Dramas!

Figure 12


This topic is not a subject of discussion on this site; if you are cured you wouldn't be reading this in the first place. If you want to be cured, then look solace somewhere else! ;) As mentioned earlier, once you contract an  ADV, it stays with you forever! Drama Craze ftw!

Figure 13: Error message that should appear if you search for a cure of "Drama Craze" in MDL 

This article is heavily indebted to the “influenza” article on Wikipedia. (You will be surprised by the similarity!) The format is borrowed but the content is different. The data presented here are all collected while day dreaming; believe at your own risk! The author is also a patient of the same disease thereby subjected to zero responsibilities XD!