de gooheajung, ianuarie 18, 2013

Top 10 Most Annoying Drama Characters

First before I start I want to make it clear that I’m not talking about any characters from dramas with more than 30 episodes, because as far as I can see everyone in dramas of 100+ episodes is annoying at some paint. Secondly I can only talk about characters from dramas I have seen (obviously). When watching a drama, however good it may be, there is nearly always at least one character that gets on my nerves, pushes my buttons, irritates me, makes me cringe, makes me embarrassed and/or yes annoys me, whether it’s an angry step mother, ex-girlfriend, random person seeking revenge for some misunderstanding, or even the main character. You will probably see that there are not so many guys in this list and to tell the truth I don’t know why. It seems like all the characters I could think of seemed to be girls… am I sexist? no… are dramas sexist…? I don’t think so, it just happened to be that way.

10. Oh Mok Dan (Bridal Mask)

I’m branding her as least annoying of the characters on this list because there is only really one thing that got me cringing and that, ladies and gentleman is/was when Oh Mok Dan breaths in and out, or more appropriately out and in. For some reason it really annoyed me.

9. Baek Seung Jo (Playful Kiss)

This is probably the actor’s problem but throughout the whole 16 + 7 special episodes, he never has any emotions! At first you think he’s just like that with her because he doesn't know her and he feels superior, (SPOILER ALERT) but No! Even after they get married he still doesn't show any emotions whatsoever to her or to anyone else, not even his own mother! I mean, no one’s that cold!!

8. Yang Eun Bi (Flower Boy Ramyun Shop)

Acts like a complete 6 year old (no offence to 6 year olds) yet insists on being senior to a guy who’s 10 times more mature.  Does that make any sense?! Super gullible and pretty stupid. (I hate stupid characters!!)

7. Park Pyo Joo (Shut Up: Flower Boy Band)

For once the stuck up rich guy isn't the main character! Wahoo!
The first time I watched Shut Up Flower Boy Band, I didn't actually find him so annoying, but the second time (probably because I knew what was going to happen) I just felt like punching the screen! (Don’t tell me you haven’t ever felt that before.) He’s not like one of those characters that are just pure evil. He’s evil yet innocent and you find yourself hating him, but at the same time… you can’t hate him, and my brain just can’t cope with it!

6. Dong Wook & Hee Jin (Full House)

Now I know there are two characters here but I find that they work as a unit, and in a way they’re more one character than two.

First they sell their best friend’s house and everything in it. (And wait if they sold the house and everything in it, how come they’re still so poor?! What did they do with the money?!) Then they have the nerve to pretend they’re still friends and after that they even break into the house?!! And the most annoying thing is even after she’s told them to piss off and stuff, they even blackmail her and say “We’re not friends anymore!” (Well you sold her house. Of course you're not friends anymore.)

5. Gil Dong Goo (Panda & Hedgehog)

This guy is pretty stupid too… but that’s not the point!
He never stops doing stupid childish things like destroying cakes, putting cockroaches in the kitchen, stealing cars, and all for what? I don’t understand at all… Just get another job instead of wasting your time destroying beautiful cakes (it doesn't even get you the job back…or does it).

4. Yoo He Yi (You’re Beautiful)

This character is a real bitch, if I may say so; she’s a liar, a thief, and a mind corrupter. She’s always telling Mi Nam what to do, and being so mean!! 씨발 so annoying!!! 

3. Yoon Dae Hyung (The Moon That Embraces the Sun)

How can a guy get away with murder and not be annoying?  Not to mention how he always gets in the way of our two main characters who love each other dearly. And he’s always so calm!!!

2. Kang Hee Soo (Boys Before Flowers)

What can I say? Most of you must have seen this drama. It’s one of the most famous (not that famous makes it better than others) and if you've seen it you’ll know how the mother of our dear Goo Jun Pyo is the stereotype of a rich, over protective yet uncaring mother as seen in many Korean dramas.

1. Moon Boon Hong (Secret Garden)

Are you happy to be the number one most annoying character on this list? 

No. 1 is another stereotypical rich Korean mother; she spends millions on plastic surgery and clothes, and has so much pride a blue whale couldn't flatten it. But the most annoying thing about this character (SPOILER ALERT) is unlike the other characters on this list; she never gives up I MEAN NEVER! Even in the last minutes of the drama she still completely ignores them!

Do you agree with me? Who annoyed you the most? Is there another character I haven’t got in here that got you punching your computer screen?
