The Filipino series entitled May-Desember-January has the same main story form as this domestic incident series, the vibration and romance are very similar, although they have different directions or maybe we call them different main plots. Other differences occur in the setting and characterization, especially in terms of the age of the characters. I suggest if you like this series, you should also watch that one.

Series filipina yang berjudul May-Desember-Januari mempunyai bentuk cerita utama yang sama dengan series domestic incindent ini, vibrasi dan romansanya sangat mirip, walaupun punya pengarahan atau mungkin kita sebut alur utama yang berbeda. Perbedaan lain terjadi pada latar dan penokohan terutama dari segi umur para karakter. Saya sarankan jika anda menyukai series ini, anda juga harus menonton yang satu itu.
Recomandat de ppkrist
Both "May-December-January" and "Metamorphosis" are outstanding Filipino movies. What they have in common is the brilliant acting of Gold Aceron, who plays an intersex person in the latter, and a gay boy who suffers from a heart disease in the former. In both movies the other actors are very good, too, and both movies tell interesting, unique stories and have a good cinematography.
Recomandat de niso2020
May-December-January (2022) poster



  • Scor: 7.1 (Marcat de 1 utilizator)
  • Clasat: #61208
  • Popularitate: #18192
  • Spectatori: 229

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