0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
iul 21, 2021
16 of 16 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 9.5
Poveste 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muzică 9.5
Valoarea Revizionării 9.0

An amazing kdrama

It was an amazing show! I really enjoyed the plot twists. There were many times I could not predict what was going to happen next so it kept me on the edge on my seat, The first few episodes were really confusing for me though since they kept jumping between the past and the present and sometimes I didn't knew what was actually happening haha. After those time skips become less frequent it gets really good though.
The actors were really great, there was some action, tension, some comedy here and there and some scenes broke my heart. The chemistry between some characters were really good and I wish there was more romance because of that lol but even without it the show was really enjoyable.

I totally recommend this if you're into legal dramas!

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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
iun 10, 2021
16 of 16 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 8.0
Poveste 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Muzică 3.5
Valoarea Revizionării 6.0

Lost Steam Towards the End

Law School game out of the gates like a prize winning horse that nobody could catch. It was fast paced, witty, interesting, and mysterious. In a word.. THRILLING. Then somewhere around episode 12 it started losing it's way and failed to cross the finish line. Set in a prestigious law school and Korean court this drama gives us and the students of Hankuk University Law School some classroom and practical lessons in Korean civic and criminal law.

It just so happens that all the students that have past trauma caused by 1 man (whether they know it or not) are all in the same classes and taught by 2 of the professors who also have trauma. Ok that's farfetched, but you go with it because it's fun. Every thing is fine and dandy until you realize the drama has no intentions on addressing some points they brought out earlier in the show. One student has a major emotional reaction to a visitor to their class in episode 1 or 2. I spent the next 14-15 episodes waiting to find out why. The drama is over. I'm still waiting. I'd like to say the writing was great, but nah. Only one person is credited with writing, but it seems like 2. The writing is stilted and disjointed. The production is very good with great sets and camera work.

The cast is a good one. I think most of their talents were underused. I wonder how they talked Woo Hyun into taking his role, but I'm glad he did. This is my first time seeing Kim Bum since he finished his military service. I feel like his talent was underutilized. The obvious attraction between his Han Joon Hwi and Ryu Hye Yong's Min Sol-A was left smoldering on the ground. I enjoyed the entire cast. They were very good. Moreover, I liked their characters and would have liked to know what paths all the students took at the end.

The theme song was driving me ah crazy. I couldn't stand it. I would have loved it had the singer not sang "it's driving me ah crazy." Honestly, I know where the song writer got it from. It's misappropriation of the African American vernacular. That in and of itself ticked me off. So, yeah, didn't like the theme and I don't recall any other music. I'm not a rewatcher. Very few dramas get me to take a 2nd look. This will not be one of those dramas. Rewatch value is honestly 0.

For me Law School started fantastically. I love it when I get to learn something about another culture and how their law and politics work. I really love it when I don't have to find my entertainment around an utterly unnecessary and pointless romance. High 5 for Law School!! Had it not started to rush leaving questions unanswered, it easily would have gotten a 9-10 from me.

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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
iun 10, 2021
16 of 16 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 8.5
Poveste 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muzică 8.0
Valoarea Revizionării 7.5

"Truth and Justice Only by Law"

What an amazing legal and law drama !! If you enjoy shows like "How to Get Away With Murder," then you will sure love "Law School"

While I enjoyed the drama, the progression of the show lacked here and there. Some episodes were absolutely mind blowing and engaging, while others were too slow and all over the place. However, I really enjoyed how they introduced all the characters/members from the squad and how each had a type of role in the different trials that took place. In addition, I really enjoyed how they also focused on other issues regarding the law and apply it to this show, for many of these cases are events that have potentially happened in real life. The realistic approach it provided about law students and their struggles in law school steps away from the romanization of law school which I really liked, because many shows tend to romanticize difficult years in one's life. The student-teacher relationship was one of my favorites, for Prof. Yang would do anything to not only prove innocence of his students, but help them grow as future law professions. Along with how the students would also go the extra mile to help prove Prof. Yang's innocence when many didn't believe him.

The casting for this drama was absolutely amazing !! They were able to get well known names such as Kim Beom, Lee Jun-eun, Ryu Hye-young, Lee David, and more to be casted. Everyone in this cast were phenomenal and their acting skills really showed and proved the diversity in the acting skills. I have grown a larger love for Ryu Hye-young and I hope to see her in future projects :)

You cannot tell me the intro goes so hard. I think that is one of the most iconic K-drama intros ever. "It's pulling me underrrr. It's driving me crazyyyy"

I would definitely recommend this drama for those who enjoy slow burn dramas with crime and law in it. It gives more of a realistic portrayal on how law schools work and the reality of trials and cases.

"Law School" squad = best squad <3

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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
sep 24, 2022
16 of 16 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 10
Poveste 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Muzică 10
Valoarea Revizionării 10
Raramente ho trovato una drama di stampo legale così interessante e ben fatto. Law School è una produzione Netflix, e forse per questo si spiega l’impostazione dell’opera che, ai miei occhi di profana, è parsa di stampo molto occidentale.
So che c’è stato chi si è lamentato della complessità della trama, che alcuni trovano inutilmente intricata. L’unica cosa che posso dire è che non è una serie che si possa guardare col cervello scollegato, perché esige tutta, o almeno la maggior parte della nostra attenzione. Solo allora si potranno apprezzare le sottigliezze della trama, dei colpi di scena, spesso preparati con molto anticipo, e la deliziosa complessità dei rapporti interpersonali. E’ vero, come dice uno dei personaggi, che l’ambiente legale è tutto sommato ristretto, almeno in questo drama. Chissà se è vero che intere famiglie in Corea si dedicano alla professione forense, ma non vedo perché no, visto che esistono dinastie simili anche in Italia. Con queste premesse, è facile che in una università legale si concentrino studenti e professori provenienti dalla stessa cerchia o addirittura dalla stessa famiglia.
Quella che inizia con un omicidio all’università di giurisprudenza si rivela ben presto una vicenda molto più intricata del previsto, con radici molto profonde e lontane nel tempo. La sceneggiatura sapiente ci porta per mano alla scoperta di varie verità, più o meno vere, più o meno false. I professori, ma soprattutto gli studenti della scuola, avranno il loro da fare per scoprire i retroscena di situazioni sempre più difficili e pericolose, tra accuse di omicidio e di crimini vari e assortiti, passando per frequenti minacce alla propria libertà e financo alla propria vita. In questi scenari i rapporti di amicizia e familiari verranno messi a durissima prova.
Le trame sono fitte e a volte chi pareva tirare le fila dei giochi si rivela essere in realtà nient’altro che una pedina. I buoni della situazione dovranno fare squadra per salvare la situazione e la pelle, ma fortunatamente la produzione ha ritenuto di concederci un lieto fine, senza lasciare troppi fili appesi. Soprattutto, il ritmo delle vicende è ben strutturato e se, arrivati alla fine, sembra che manchi qualcosa, è solo perché in questo universo si sta così bene che si sarebbe voluti restarci dentro molto più a lungo e già guardando la sigla finale ci si sente in crisi d’astinenza. Spero proprio che ne facciano una seconda serie, con gli stessi attori. Purtroppo, pur avendo avuto una buona accoglienza, quest’opera non ha ricevuto il massimo dei voti, che meriterebbe molto più di altre simili, ma non allo stesso livello.
Già, gli attori. Sia i principali che i secondari hanno fatto generalmente un buon lavoro, anche se alcuni personaggi, come la madre di Kang Sol (B), il malvivente Lee Man Ho interpretato da Jo Jae Ryong, o il politico Ko Hyeong Soo, interpretato da Jung Won Joong, sono forse un pelino troppo caricati. Specialmente riguardo al collerico politico, ci si domanda come possa essere arrivato così in alto, vista la sua completa mancanza di diplomazia, la tendenza agli scoppi di rabbia e all’esagitazione. Però come malvagio della situazione bisogna riconoscere che ha fatto un buon lavoro: lo si odia veramente.
Ma, soprattutto, l’attore principale Kim Myung Min (professor Yang Jong Hoon), ha saputo ben interpretare un personaggio inizialmente molto respingente, esigente, duro oltre i limiti della maleducazione e, francamente, molto pieno di sé. Ma sarebbe molto riduttivo fermarsi alla prima impressione e, infatti, ben presto il nostro rivela di essere un burbero benefico quasi da manuale. I suoi metodi, per quanto poco accomodanti, hanno lo scopo e l’effetto di costringere gli interlocutori, e specialmente gli studenti, a pensare, cercare soluzioni alternative, linee di pensiero diverse dall’ordinario. E, dallo svolgersi dei fatti, possiamo dire che, almeno ai fini del drama, i suoi metodi non convenzionali funzionano.
La protagonista Kang Sol (A), interpretata dalla bravissima Ryu Hye Young, ci viene presentata inizialmente come una studentessa mediocre, una completa outsider dell’ambiente, provenendo da una famiglia povera. Nonostante le difficoltà e i complessi che comparativamente la sua situazione genera, si riscatterà mettendo in campo acume e impegno, risolvendo più di una situazione. Kim Eun Sook, la sua professoressa di diritto civile interpretata dall’ottima Lee Jung Eun, ci riserverà più di una sorpresa. Sono sempre quelle insospettabili…
Diversi personaggi sono accuratamente approfonditi, ne conosciamo progressivamente i pensieri e i retroscena, e anche di alcuni dei delinquenti più incalliti vengono forniti particolari che li rendono, se non simpatici, almeno temporaneamente meno disprezzabili.
Mentre si dipanano le fila di un [i]whodunit[/i] da manuale, l’opera porta avanti una spietata critica del sistema sociale e giudiziario coreani. Siamo in una scuola di giurisprudenza, le citazioni di leggi e sentenze si sprecano, ma gli autori ci guidano all’interno di questi labirinti portandoci per mano a scoprire le intricatezze legali senza mai annoiare, anzi, lasciandoci la distinta impressione di aver imparato qualcosa.
L’azione è supportata da un comparto musicale veramente azzeccato. I crescendo che sottolineano le sequenze più tese e le musiche che accompagnano ricerche e scoperte sono da manuale, spesso sottilmente inquietanti, e ci sono diversi titoli molto gradevoli, come [i]X[/i] di Safira.K., [i]We are[/i] cantata da Lee Seung Yoon o, ancora, [i]Monitus[/i] e [i]Justitia[/i]. In realtà, tutto il comparto musicale è altamente suggestivo e dovrei citare ogni singolo pezzo musicale, non solo quelli cantati. Vengono utilizzati molti strumenti, come violini o, addirittura, quella che pare essere una spinetta.
Occorre poi citare la magnifica cinematografia che, con l’uso sapiente delle inquadrature, delle transizioni, dei movimenti della macchina da presa, dei colori, ha saputo creare un prodotto non solo intelligente, ma anche molto gradevole agli occhi.
In sunto, un’opera che mi sento di raccomandare a tutti coloro che non disdegnino di impegnare nella visione di un drama qualcosa di più del minimo cervello indispensabile. Se quello che cercate è una serie intelligente, che faccia pensare, gradevole da guardare e da ascoltare, non andate altrove: è qua.

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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
aug 5, 2021
16 of 16 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 9.0
Poveste 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muzică 9.0
Valoarea Revizionării 2.5

Sweet, funny, slightly infuriating at times but deffenetly fun to watch

This dramas is pretty interesting combining some important issues with some sweet, sweet corruption, a dash of murder and allot of wonderful friendship, no romance but I think I may have gotten the urge to ship...

I enjoyed the pace, the story, the characters development as well as the pussel. Some characters annoyed me at first but grew on me. I also liked how complex they made some of the villains almost making me forget their really bad deeds (only almost) as well as showing how one bad choice easily can ruin ones life... + leads to another and then another and before you know it you are intangeled in a big ball of yarn/lies.

Another thing I like about this is the importance of motive as well as pushing people to look beyond what is in front of them who had the most to gain in this situation.

Beeing a big fan of twist and turns I'd say this drama scored a 7,5 on twists. Some twists where more predictable than others, while a few turns came as a suprise, some diversons where a bit too obvious resulting in the reduction of half a point from the final score, the other half for annoying character and a bit unsatisfactory ending. While the complexity of issues added quite points to my final score that was rounded up by how it made me feel.

All in all worth a watch, maybe not worth the hype but deffenetly worth the time.

For those of you who have spouses that are not very interested in dramas, I got my husband to watch it with me and he enjoyed it.

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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
iun 25, 2022
16 of 16 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 9.0
Poveste 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muzică 7.0
Valoarea Revizionării 8.0
Această recenzie poate conține spoilere

The beginning was a little slow but if you stick it out, you’ll come to love everyone.

After watching and loving, Reply 1988, I knew that I was going to keep up with everything that the cast members are in. I haven’t gotten around to watching any of their older stuff but the first show that I watched afterward is Ryu Hye Young’s Law School. It’s funny how she plays similar characters in both Reply 1988 and Law School, but she carries both of these characters very differently. In Reply 1988, she was mean. She was smart and she was strong but she was mean to those around her and it annoyed me until she won me over with how loyal and fiercely protective she was of her loved ones. In Law School, she’s smart and she’s driven but she takes care of her friends and she cares about them all. She’s the kind of friend you want in your corner.

I’m so glad that I watched this show all the way through because the beginning took some getting used to but I kept watching because I enjoyed the overall story being told and I needed to know who the hell killed the professor.

Han Joon Hwi was a great character. He’s a smarty pants, know-it-all, who doesn’t live his life for others. He does what he wants, when he wants, and makes no apologies for his choices. He is driven with a snarky personality that will make you question if he’s capable of doing everything that he’s accused of. He’s certainly got the brains to pull it off, but does he really lack the morals of going through with the crimes?

I was Team Joon Hwi from the jump and I never once wanted to jump ship. I loved seeing him crush heavy on Kang Sol A, I loved seeing his friendship with her grow with every single episodes. I loved that he remembered exactly who she was and she didn’t. I loved that he tried to protect the girls in his friends group in a way that made them comfortable. He let the girls decide how to help themselves with his help. There was much to love about him and I really did.

I’ve seen Kim Bum in only a couple of shows and I think of all the shows that I’ve watched him in, his character in Law School is my favorite. I thought he brought Joon Hwi’s character to life beautifully. There were different sides to Joon Hwi and Kim Bum did a great job of showing us all of them. I’ve become a fan of his in this show and I plan on watching and supporting his career more in the future.

Kang Sol A was my kind of character. She was fun, smart, spunky, and such a crackhead. She was so driven to succeed, that she went above and beyond to try to get good grades. She was busy with school but she made time for her family, and for her friends. She didn’t have the perfect life but she didn’t pretend that she was fine when she wasn’t and she didn’t pretend to be someone she wasn’t. She was who she was and you either liked her for that or you didn’t. She didn’t mess around with how other people thought of her. She did what she felt was right at all times and though she wasn’t perfect, she was still a good person who knew her worth.

I hella shipped Kang Sol A with Han Joon Hwi. I thought they were so cute together. Him crushing on her so obviously and her being annoyed that he was bothering her while she was trying to study. I thought they made such a cute couple and though the ending gave hints but no confirm details about their dating life, I’m going to believe that they’re together and living their happily ever after…together.

Ryu Hye Young did such a great job of bringing Kang Sol A to life. I liked her in this show a lot more than I did Reply 1988 but loved her acting in both.

There were some familiar faces in this show and I was glad to see them. I thought the cast of characters, all of the law students especially, were a fun bunch. They were all going through their individual struggles but seeing them study together, grow up together, and cheer each other on made me enjoy this show that much more. I loved that their relationships with each other felt real. There were some that were closer than others, some didn’t even like each other, but at the end of the day, they were a team and they came together to get shit done when it was needed. I loved the way that they all rallied behind Ye-Seul to help her out, even when she didn’t want it. I loved how Joon Hwi made sure that Ji Ho didn’t fight his battle against the prosecutor on his own. I loved getting to know each of them and they definitely made watching this show, week in and week out, an enjoyable experience for me.

So this show follows a bunch of ambitious law students and their professor, Yang Joon Hoon, who is on trial for the murder of another of their professors, Seo Byeong Ju. While Yang Joon hoon is on trial, loads of stuff pop off and the students band together to figure each case out. Each episode packed in some interesting cases and introduced compelling characters. I tuned in each week, excited to learn more.

The show deals with a lot of real life topics and each case brought a little something different to each character and to the show as a whole. I loved working through each case, developing my own thoughts on each case, on each character, and had a lot of fun getting to know everyone. From plagiarism to murder, to domestic abuse, there’s a lot to unpack but these characters did a great job of carrying each story from beginning to end. The ending left some to be desired but I did like that everyone grew up to be the kind of lawyers that I was proud of. I came to love each law student and professor and even the bad guys were great bad guys because I hated them with a passion.

Overall, this was a good way to spend a couple of hours every week catching up with my law school friends and I’m super happy that I watched it through. The beginning took some getting to used to and was a little slow but if you stick it out, I have no doubt that you’ll come to love everyone the same way that I did. I definitely recommend it.

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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
aug 9, 2021
16 of 16 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 9.0
Poveste 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muzică 5.0
Valoarea Revizionării 9.5

Excellent Show

I liked everything about this show - I thought the plot was well developed, the acting was first rate, and the music didn't annoy me. Passes the Bechdel test with flying colors - also a positive.

I enjoyed the gentlemanly tension between the ML and a secondary male of similar position and age. I thought the students did a good job of showing stress and how they coped with it, and there was a good balance between the main story line and the secondary (and tertiary) story lines - it was well blended.

I would rewatch this with no hesitation.
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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
iul 14, 2024
16 of 16 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 9.0
Poveste 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Muzică 8.0
Valoarea Revizionării 8.0

This shit made me smarter by the end of it

For all the 'the drama is so confusing ill give it a one star' reviews. GET OUT.
The execution of the crime, the cinematography behind it, the little crumbs they leave out for us to solve by ourself, the little 'eureka' moments they have every episode, the build up to the main perpetrator's arrest was just EVERYTHING. I adore this drama. I loved how every single person in the study group was smart in their own way. They all contributed to the case and they all had their main character moments.
The way they showed us them just being newbie law students was just so cute. Them having breakdowns, the cup noodles 24/7, the sleeping in the couches outside, the individual and group studies, trading in notes before the exam. Sol A was a very relatable character. Anyone who is shitting on her and saying 'oooh shes embarassing' NO STFU YOURE EMBARASSING. Shes so fcking real. Shes how majority students are. Yall are just so spoiled with badass female leads. Dont say a word about my Sol A

For all the 'where is the romance and the kisses' reviews. SHUT UP.
Have yall even read the tags and tropes before you started this drama? If not, go delete that trashy review of yours. There was NO romance promised since the start. For fs, Joon hwi's uncle just got murdered and hes the main suspect and yall want him to smooch tf out sol A? Go see some rom coms and leave our crime thrillers alone. The directors never planned on showing any love interests but as the shooting was done, theyve seen chemistry between Kim Bum and Ryu Hye Young. So they gave us tiny weeny bread crumbs. The stares and the acts of services are ENOUGH. Dont whine for more. Sorry, its just annoying.

For all the 'why are they focusing on so many characters' reviews WATCH WITH YOUR EYES AND EARS OPEN.
Yall are so brainwashed over the whole 'mmc and fmc taking down the entire organisation alone' plot, that youve lost your touch with reality. They are 1st year law students lmfao. And every single one of them are connected to the case in DIFFERENT ways. So we NEED them to solve it from their own ends to get the final picture. I thought it was obvious but whatever.

The reviews are just straight up dissapointing here. Half of these low rating reviews are just Kim Bum fans who wanted to see him make out with a girl. Get out. If youre offended then youre one of them. If not, ily.

My stars
story- 9/10 because its just not perfect yk. No drama is a absolute 10 for me. There will always be tiny details lacking. 9/10 is my personal 10/10

cast- 9/10 because except for kim bum and a couple of senior actors, all of them are not mainstream actors. So its obvious they fall bland or exaggerate a little sometimes. But its nothing unbearable, most people wont even recognize it.

music-8/10 because 'we are' is the only ost of theirs which made my eyes roll back lol. Rest of them were great too, there were no bad songs but yeah 'we are' just slapped.

rewatch- 8/10. I mean its a crime thriller. You cant rewatch a crime thriller. The whole plot is based on the suspense and the plot twists. Youll have to get severe brain damage while watching it to hit the spot. I questioned my sanity sometimes. But you could go back and see those 'eureka' moments or like joonsol crumbs. I sure af do.

My fingers hurt, thank you vm

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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
iul 6, 2021
16 of 16 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 9.5
Poveste 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muzică 10
Valoarea Revizionării 10
Această recenzie poate conține spoilere

anger, sadness, and happiness eh?

God, watching this show there was one show running around in my to get away with murder... the dirty politicians, innocent lives being taken, the student with the poor family background...
They're very different but also alike in a way. I was so mad watching most of this, I won't lie. is definitely not something always guaranteed. This show has covered so many important topics that made me give it such a good review. Kang Sol A...she's fucking amazing. The others are also pretty cool but her. I reacted to her the most, the college student who is trying their very best but still aren't doing so well...god.
Each episode had its own twist which made me keep watching more and more. I'll come back and revise it later...I am sleepy lmaoo

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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
aug 18, 2022
16 of 16 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 8.5
Poveste 10
Acting/Cast 8.0
Muzică 8.0
Valoarea Revizionării 10


"The law is imperfect justice. But when you teach law, the law must be perfect. And when you study law, it must be synonymous with justice. Because unjust law is the most cruel violence."
-Law School

I can hear the theme song playing now!
Wow this show was amazing! It is currently seating as one of my top three favorite shows.

Law school is about a prestigious school in Korea. In the first episode while being in the middle of a mock trial one of the professors is murdered. We follow two law professors and their students as they solve the case.

In Law School you can find....

+Relatable characters
+Supportive Friendships
+Inspiration Fight for justice
+Best Ending
+Great soundtrack
+Amazing Chemistry ???

There is no romance in this drama the writers could have easily added it but decided against it. Hope that's not considered a spoiler.

This show also touches on heavy topics like domestic violence and suicide.
In my personal opinion the actors and writes did great job being respectful when the subjects came up.
Sadly dramas, books and other forms of media STILL romanticizes abuse. Which is disturbing and disrespectful. Law School is not one of them, the opposite actually.
I really appreciated this and I know I'm not alone.

If you like shows about justice and law I would highly recommend giving this one a try. Law School /2021/Netflix (PG13) TV14

⚠️Trigger Warnings ⚠️
+Some Language
+Domestic violence
+Mention of sexual assult
(law case)

rewatch? YES!!!

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0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
iul 15, 2021
16 of 16 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 8.5
Poveste 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Muzică 10
Valoarea Revizionării 8.0
Această recenzie poate conține spoilere

Everyone grows on you and are understandable if not relatable.

I LOVED Kang Sol A and Joon Hwi and their professor, I loved all the other main charecters as well, but mostly them. Kang Sol A is such a relatable students, other than the fact that she cares too much about everyone else. Joon Hwi is the kind of student every law student aspires to be, coming from a person studying law. This was the first drama I've watched where I can actually relate to the characters especially when it comes to studying unlike high school dramas because the Korean education system is completely different to that in England.

Every law student we see at this school has their own case to bring, an important and big case. Not only are they students learning the law, they're also practicing it through their own cases, biggest case being the murder of one of their professors, where at some point, just about everyone seems suspicious. They all got an internship with their rival, the people they are litterally fighting against in court which was ironically funny.

I LOVED how all the characters were their for each other and stood by each others side through all the ordeals they went through. Everyone had their own problems, but they made time and sacrificed their opportunities to stand up for the friends and professor, not just out of loyalty, but out of a sense of justice.

I have never been this frustrated because of the ending of a drama. So many hints, so much CHEMISTRY and so much time and yet they DON'T end up together. They had 2 time jumps going several tears into the future and we still don't seen Kang Sol A and Joon Hwi get together. I was hoping for an ending like Vincenzo where the leads end up together, as a couple at the last minute, but we got NOTHING.

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Considerați utilă această recenzie?
0 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
iun 21, 2021
16 of 16 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 9.0
Poveste 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muzică 8.0
Valoarea Revizionării 6.5


i watched this drama because i wanted to watch something without romance, AND I WAS NOT DISAPPOINTED AT ALL.

the story is amazing, at first i thought it was gonna be kinda like criminal minds, a different case every episode or something, but NOPE it's so good and everything somehow ties together PERFECTLY.

each actor portrayed their character super well!!
(i'm ngl, even tho i watched this drama because i was tired of watching romance dramas, i kind of wanted a little bit of romance to happen between them.. iykyk)

the music was very intense, which fit the drama very well. i don't really pay attention to music unless it's a wuxia c drama so i'm just not gonna give my opinion on this one lol

rewatch value:
i'm not sure because i literally just finished it, but all i gotta say was that it is an amazing show.

i loved it! i learned a lot of things about court, the defendant, prosecutor, and i learned a bunch of hangug-eo! everything ties up together very well, and the ending wasn't irritiating (unlike some other dramas that leave us on cliffhangers). now i'm gonna look for more k dramas haha

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Facultatea de Drept (2021) poster



  • Scor: 8.6 (Marcat de 1 utilizator)
  • Clasat: #392
  • Popularitate: #213
  • Spectatori: 52,952

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