Nemureru Mori no Jukujo (2012) poster
Rating-ul tău: 0/10
Evaluări: 7.2/10 de la 287 utilizator
# de Fani: 978
Recenzie: 3 utilizatori
Clasat #8156
Popularitate #9049
Spectatori 287

Editează Traducerea

  • Română
  • Polski
  • Українська
  • English
  • Țară: Japan
  • Tip: Drama
  • Episoade: 9
  • Difuzat: sep 4, 2012 - oct 30, 2012
  • Lansat pe: Marţi
  • Rețea Originală: NHK
  • Durată: 29 min.
  • Scor: 7.2 (scored by 1 utilizator)
  • Clasat: #8156
  • Popularitate: #9049
  • Evaluarea conținutului: Not Yet Rated

Cast și credite


Nemureru Mori no Jukujo (2012) photo
Nemureru Mori no Jukujo (2012) photo
Nemureru Mori no Jukujo (2012) photo
Nemureru Mori no Jukujo (2012) photo
Nemureru Mori no Jukujo (2012) photo
Nemureru Mori no Jukujo (2012) photo


33 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
oct 18, 2013
9 of 9 episoade văzute
Completat 1
Per total 10
Poveste 10
Acting/Cast 10
Muzică 10
Valoarea Revizionării 10
Okay... I admit that i watched this drama because of Seto Koji at first but this drama is so much better than I expected. The story is really well written and the acting is superb. It is very choppy and does not waste any time on things like reminiscing or misunderstandings or missing each other by a second (far out! I HATE cliched rubbish like that... reminiscing and crying is not the only way to portray emotion!). Despite saying that... actually there are some instances where misunderstandings occur, but they are all within reason and the problems are solved before it got TOO annoying (like to the point where u want to throw something at the screen xP). Also, some of the conversations are quite interesting and Koji's double personality is also really well portrayed (I really LOLed xP).

For some people, a romance drama between people nearly 20 years different in age may be slightly off-putting but rest assure, you are not going to see anything dodgy. The relationship between all the characters are very interesting. I have never seen a drama with characters so well composed (well given the age... you would expect that they act adult-like) unlike the mainstream drama with divorce/cheating in it. This drama shows that broken relationships does not always end up with lots of crying, screaming, slapping, revenge etc. Despite the conflicts they faced, all the characters remained rational. They counselled each other, listened to each other and really thought about each other. I think this is much more realistic than those drama that just show characters lashing out at each other and trying to take revenge.

All that said, I think this is a great drama and well worth the time watching it.

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Miss Purple
2 oamenii au considerat această recenzie utilă
iun 7, 2020
9 of 9 episoade văzute
Completat 0
Per total 8.0
Poveste 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Muzică 8.0
Valoarea Revizionării 8.0
Nemureru Mori no Jukujo deu uma aula aos coreanos sobre como um "Noona Romance" deveria ser, com isto quero dizer como um relacionamento de uma mulher mais velha com um homem mais jovem deveria ser retratado - apesar deste drama não ser um romance propriamente dito.

Foi realmente fácil de assistir a este J-drama e a diferença de idade não me incomodou porque fiquei entretida com a história dos dois. A maneira como ela o ajudou a compreender ele mesmo e a forma como ele a ajuda (mesmo que no início não fosse com suas próprias palavras) a passar por um período complicado de sua vida foi bem agradável de ver.

Sem atuações extravagantes e com uma história simples este drama conseguiu me entreter até o final. Super recomendado para quem gosta de J-drama.

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  • Drama: Nemureru Mori no Jukujo
  • Țară: Japonia
  • Episoade: 9
  • Difuzat: sep 4, 2012 - oct 30, 2012
  • Difuzat On: Marţi
  • Rețea Originală: NHK
  • Durată: 29 min.
  • Evaluarea conținutului: Încă Neevaluat


  • Scor: 7.2 (Marcat de 1 utilizator)
  • Clasat: #8156
  • Popularitate: #9049
  • Spectatori: 978

Principalii Contribuabili

7 edita
5 edita
4 editări
4 editări

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