You can find the same "old Japan" atmosphere,respect and love for food and the stories that brings within.
Both of them give off a really... *seinen* feeling.
You know, seinenish, that is.
I have no idea how to describe it *sensibly* though.
Both are led by a protagonist who seriously loves food. Accent on the serious. Not to forget that this is pretty much what the respective shows are about. -
18% living a life 10% finding food shops 72% enjoying food vs. 13% humour 37% crime stuff 50% food obsession ...or something like this
they're also both relatively less popular than they should be
and actually really good
the biggest difference is *when* you should watch them
You know, seinenish, that is.
I have no idea how to describe it *sensibly* though.
Both are led by a protagonist who seriously loves food. Accent on the serious. Not to forget that this is pretty much what the respective shows are about. -
18% living a life 10% finding food shops 72% enjoying food vs. 13% humour 37% crime stuff 50% food obsession ...or something like this
they're also both relatively less popular than they should be
and actually really good
the biggest difference is *when* you should watch them
The two protagonists enjoy discovering new eateries, and both of these restaurants adventures were based on manga, and real luncheon-bar. Though unlike the man lead of Kodoku no gourmet, Wakako can't imagine her meals without a liquor, hence the title of the "serie". In fact, while dining outside she only drinks alcoholic beverages all through the dramaxploration.